Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 199: Say hello to me

"Let's start the work. Control the drone to go up and investigate the situation. Yuan Fei is responsible for cleaning up the surrounding suspicious threats. The others will set up positions in place." Zhang Xiaowen gave the order according to the Rubik's Cube plan.


Everyone was clearly divided into different tasks. Zhang Xiaowen, who was wearing a Rubik's Cube mecha, moved down the big box and took a bundle of steel cables and five special hooks according to the Rubik's Cube's instructions. After inspecting the car and confirming that everything was correct, the Rubik's Cube opened its back and shoulders. The wheels turned into propellers. Amidst the roar of the propeller engines, Zhang Xiaowen, wearing a Rubik's Cube mecha, slowly rose up, adjusted her direction slightly and flew towards the third building...

"It can actually fly! It's so unbelievable!" Zhang Nan was stunned. He didn't expect that the robot could turn into a heavy mecha and fly with people. How advanced is this! If I had such a robot... forget it, thinking too much is not good for your health.

Yuan Fei climbed onto the roof of the car, opened the aiming line with a sniper rifle and searched in the distance. The other team members pointed their guns at the buildings on both sides of the street to prevent zombies from the building from taking the wrong medicine and jumping down, even if they couldn't kill anyone. It's bad luck to hit someone on the head, even the antidote is saved.

In the sky, Zhang Xiaowen and the Rubik's Cube have flown outside the building and are preparing to break open the window and enter the building.

Zhang Xiaowen raised her left hand, and the upper part of her left forearm deformed to form a machine gun, aiming at the floor-to-ceiling glass of a certain house. This was the fifteenth floor, the planned height of the Rubik's Cube.

Tu tu tu tu…! Wow…

More than a dozen bullets hit the floor glass and shattered it. Large and small glass fragments fell freely downstairs. There happened to be a group of zombies downstairs who were hit by the broken glass. Rubik's Cube was too lazy to pay attention to the specific death situation. , the propeller twisted and strengthened and slowly flew into the living room of this house and threw the sofa out of the window.

Click...the Rubik's Cube separated from Zhang Xiaowen's body and turned into a robot form.

"What is your plan? You can't fly down with others like this." Zhang Xiaowen didn't want others to have this kind of treatment, and subconsciously classified the Rubik's Cube as her own.

"Definitely not. I made steel cables and pulley hooks. Let them slide down. No matter they are afraid of heights or for any other reason, they have to let me go down." After saying that, the Rubik's Cube mechanical eye shot out a fan-shaped scanning beam to scan the room and quickly scanned the room. After going out to several places, the robot punched two large holes in the ceiling above the head, leading to the upstairs. Then the security door was removed and a hole was dug out in the wall on the side of the stairs.

"Give me the blue hook end of the thick steel cable."

Zhang Xiaowen picked up the steel cable coiled on the ground and handed it to Rubik's Cube. Rubik's Cube firmly fixed the steel cable on the main pillar of the building on the side of the stairs. After checking to confirm that the fixation was reliable, she returned to the living room and used a short steel rope to drag it. The long steel cable on the ground is looped up and fixed on the top of the living room for easy use while standing.

Standing in front of the broken floor-to-ceiling glass, the strong wind blew the curtains in the living room swaying wildly. He pulled the curtains off and threw them aside. The Rubik's Cube bent down and transformed into a machine gun. After adjusting the angle a few times, he pointed the muzzle of the gun towards the ground for rescue. On the side street in the direction of the team, the computer quickly simulated lines one by one according to the wind direction and speed, and finally chose a better plan.

"Put that little red javelin into the barrel, with the arrow pointing outward."

"Oh, okay." Zhang Xiaowen picked up the small red javelin connected to the steel cable and loaded it into the barrel from the front according to the Rubik's Cube instructions. After loading it, she quickly moved away. No need to guess what happened next, she knew that the cannon was going to be fired!

"Everyone on the ground is looking for cover to hide temporarily. I'm going to fire on you. I'll fire in ten seconds."


A group of people on the ground were stunned. Without saying a word, they immediately found a truck or a wall to hide. It didn’t matter whether he opened fire or not and hid first. What if he really went crazy and threw a shell at him...

Inside the building, the Rubik's Cube was still detecting changes in airflow. Finally, all the data was calculated, and there was a sudden shock!

boom! The small red javelin was launched, and all the remaining broken glass from the floor-to-ceiling windows fell cleanly with the sound of the cannon.

Swish, swish, swish... The steel cable coiled in the middle of the living room quickly became smaller and smaller in circles at an extremely fast speed. Outside the building, there was an arc-shaped steel cable in the air. The other end went straight to the predetermined street and fell down. The Rubik's Cube fired. After that, he left the window with four crab-like mechanical legs. In the sight screen, a box marked with a small red javelin was quickly flying to the designated location, thanks to the advanced detection equipment and computer simulation.

The small red javelin flying downward dragged the steel cable straight towards the street, and with a final pop, half of it plunged into the asphalt pavement. A circle of spider web cracks surrounded the small javelin, and the snow was shaken out in a circle. The force was evident.

"Zhang Nan, take someone to fix the end of the steel cable to the pillar in the bank hall behind you and tie it tightly. We are going to use this to save people." Rubik's Cube contacted Zhang Nan through the communicator.

"Got it. I'm glad you threw it over there. If you threw it here and stabbed anyone, it would be absolutely heartbreaking. Huh? This little javelin didn't have a broken blade?" Zhang Nan, who received the notice to pull out the little javelin, looked at it. The intact little javelin was dumbfounded. What material is it made of? There's nothing wrong with being so powerful! Well, just wait until the rescue is over and sneak away. It's just a tool anyway.

Zhang Nan led people to drag the steel rope to smash all the glass of the bank's glass door and drag it into the lobby. Unexpectedly, the job of smashing the bank's glass won everyone's looting. Smashing the bank was something that I didn't even dare to think about before the end of the world. I will have no regrets in this life if I smash this piece of glass.

Fasten the steel cables to the hall pillars and tighten them, and everything is ready.

Inside the building.

Rubik's Cube and Zhang Xiaowen went to the rooms with survivors one by one to inform them to evacuate. For those who were afraid of being cheated and dared not leave, Rubik's Cube broke down the door and took them away by force. For those who encountered too much pretentiousness, they just welded the door shut and didn't even think about getting out for three to five days. They gathered more than ten people. He was taken directly to the room where the cold wind was howling. Suddenly, Zhang Nan could hear howling and screaming on the street two streets away.

"Don't kill me... I really haven't done anything bad or offended you... Wuwu... little girl, why are you destroying mankind with these Terminators..." In the middle of the living room, an old man burst into tears. With tears in his nose, the Rubik's Cube turned a blind eye. He picked up a mechanical device with pulleys and installed it on the steel cable. Then he neatly tied a parachute-style safety belt on the old man's body and hung the safety belt hook on the mechanical device.

"Wife...I'm going to see you...wuwu..."

Rubik's Cube patted the shoulder of the crying man, scaring him into shutting up.

"Say hello to your wife for me, and let's go~"

With a push forward, the old man disappeared from the living room.

"Ah..." A brutal howl resounded throughout the community, rapidly moving away from high pitch to low pitch, and the living room became much quieter.

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