Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 204: Blizzard

I returned to the camp relatively early today and caught up with a hot lunch. The aroma of rice wafted from the houses of the survivors who were rescued. Most people can use rice cookers, induction cookers, clean mountain spring water, free electricity, and what else Being able to be happier than these, Zhang Nan strongly requested that electric wires be pulled to their valley camp. Anyway, the electric wires were all ready-made and they just needed to be modified. Rubik's Cube agreed without thinking.

The factory has no large-scale projects recently and produces small parts almost every day. Besides, the power of a hydropower station is enough for so many people. If it is not used, it is a waste. They also enthusiastically provided Zhang Nan with a transmission line diagram in the Jiangcheng area.

It's impossible to help transform the Rubik's Cube. You can do your own things by yourself. You can't let the Rubik's Cube feed the whole earth. You have to do the work you should do. Anyway, after you turn on the electricity, you can enjoy a comfortable modern life. Don't you? Who would do it? In the end, Rubik's Cube only agreed to help inspect the power lines after they were modified. This kind of trivial matter was still no problem.

After eating and doing some research, Rubik's Cube decided that he and Zhang Xiaowen would continue the rescue operation. The guard team was responsible for responding to some emergencies. Zhang Nan went back to the valley camp to organize people to modify the transmission lines. Although it was snowing and windy, it would be possible as long as the power was connected. In the last warm and comfortable winter, start early and live a good life one day earlier. The current order of the newly arrived survivors in Longshan Camp is pretty good. Ever since I learned that the guard robots can really shoot and kill people, their consciousness has improved a lot. From the moment they accepted the survivors to now, two people have been shot and killed. There are many capable and thoughtful veterans. To be honest, the happiest people are the old, weak, women and children, who never dreamed that one day they would live such a safe life again.

The weather is still cold, and the national flag of the snow-covered Longshan camp is flying. The four evil cats have become increasingly lazy to go out and sleep on the heater every day. Rubik's Cube looks at the four evil cats and wonders when to let these four guys find a partner to breed with. The offspring can both guard the camp and take care of the children...

The afternoon and evening were spent doing nothing.

In the morning, the heavy snow that started last night has not stopped. The Rubik's Cube who opened the door was stunned when he looked at the half-meter-deep snow outside the door. Because the snow was so heavy, the mining truck with average technology had to lie next to the factory and stop working. The snow was too heavy. Well, if Sheriff Black Cat hadn't meowed and complained that the cold air was too cold, the Rubik's Cube could have stayed there for a while.

"It's so evil. In previous years, Jiangcheng continued to melt at most ten centimeters faster. After the apocalypse, it snowed only half a meter. Depending on the weather conditions, it is expected to be close to one meter deep. Well, this is a snow for ordinary zombies. Good news, at least you can stay here without wandering around." Rubik's Cube stood at the door and babbled, thinking about whether to hurry up and make a satellite antenna to grab a weather satellite.

"Rubik's Cube~Did you see where my facial cleanser is~" Zhang Xiaowen shouted loudly in the bathroom.

"Xiao Jing took her to wash her face! Next to the small washbasin on your left!" Rubik's Cube said angrily. The woman is really weird. She just moved from her original position to 1.36 meters away and can't be found. Can't she? Look for it in advance. You have to get water stains all over your face before you think of looking for facial cleanser.

Rumble... A snow pusher converted from a tractor drove over, with the red warning light on the roof flashing as it pushed the snow.

The snow pusher was something that the Rubik's Cube recently thought of making. Anyway, it can be modified with a few steel plates. It is simple, practical and effective. We can't let the children run in half a meter of snow. Well, we have to find time to build a primary school. As time goes by, Rubik's Cube feels that things seem to be increasing. Looking at a snowmobile can remind him of children's learning problems.

The snowmobile passed by and the main road in the camp was pushed out into a spacious road that could be walked on early. Most of the people around started to get up and wash up.

Squeak~ The door opened, and Zhang Xiaowen, who had finished washing, walked out with Xiao Jing who was like a ball of cotton in her arms. Jiajia beat Haqie and followed behind. Naturally, the four evil cats couldn't miss breakfast and gathered tightly around Zhang Xiaowen and Jiajia. Walking closely, in the distance, Feng Xiaoer was already rolling happily in the snow and barking.

"Bit! It's seven o'clock sharp, Beijing time. It's snowing heavily. The temperature is minus ten degrees to seventeen degrees. The air quality is excellent." The camp loudspeaker chimed in on time.

"What's for breakfast this morning?" Zhang Xiaowen straightened up and hugged Xiao Jing a little higher. She suddenly remembered the question of what to have for breakfast. When she heard the important topic of what to have for breakfast, Jiajia and the four evil cats immediately raised their ears. Get up and stare at the Rubik's Cube closely. It is estimated that the four evil cats completely understand the meaning of the words "what to eat" and "breakfast".

"Small porridge, pickled and salted radish cubes, spicy cabbage, soybean oil and scallion pancakes, and the cats continue to eat the leftover wild boar meat from the hunt the day before yesterday, stewed in sauce."

Hearing this, the four evil cats nodded with satisfaction. They felt that the cafeteria staff really had a good eye on them. After the meat was eaten, they would go out next time to catch some mutated chickens and big white geese to improve things. The four guys looked at each other. it is more than words……


After breakfast, Rubik's Cube and Zhang Xiaowen set off again with weapons.

Although there were fewer people, the safety was greatly improved. She turned into a snowmobile and drove all the way to the place where she rescued people yesterday. When she stopped the car, Zhang Xiaowen saw that the zombies were blocked in the community and could not get out. There were many lickers and evolved zombies on the snow. The surroundings were quiet except for the sound of wind, and occasionally crows could be heard coming from the building.


The Rubik's Cube transforms into a robot form, and the left manipulator transforms into a machine gun that is loaded and aimed in a certain direction.

"What happened? Did you find anything?"

"There is a mutated animal. It is very big. The heavy snow has no effect on it. Let's go upstairs and have a look. Remember not to provoke it. I suspect it may be a beast like a tiger." The Rubik's Cube mechanical face said with a serious expression.

"Okay, that hotel is quite high, let's go up."

The Rubik's Cube nodded, turned into a mecha and pierced Zhang Xiaowen's body. Zhang Xiaowen controlled it and ran, then jumped up and grabbed the hotel exterior wall to climb. The robotic hands and mechanical feet easily grasped the smooth cement exterior wall with the cement slag that kept falling. Climb up, and your flexibility is no less than that of a licker zombie. Zhang Xiaowen felt very excited about this wall-climbing behavior, and she always felt like Spider-Man in the movie.

It took about a minute to finally climb to the roof of the hotel, which was not too high. The Rubik's Cube turned back into a robot and carefully swept away the snow and walked to the edge of the roof.

"Where is that mutated animal? I want to see what it is."

"Found it, look at the entrance of a fruit shop two streets away." Rubik's Cube quickly marked the location of the mutated animal on Zhang Xiaowen's goggles and zoomed in on the screen.

"Cheetahs? Or two? The one they are eating seems to be a licker zombie." Zhang Xiaowen shouted in surprise. They were two cheetahs covered in spots. They were much larger than ordinary cheetahs and looked like a male. A mother, I have long heard that rich people who don’t keep cats and dogs buy some rare animals such as cheetahs and keep them at home. I don’t know if that person is still there. What’s even weirder is that these two big guys have grown down to keep out the cold. Perfect for climate change.

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