Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 21: The war of the past


The Rubik's Cube gently pushed open the well-sealed wooden door. At the same time, the smell of human flesh and blood carried by Zhang Xiaowen also floated into the door. A zombie's nose and mouth felt the smell of flesh and blood and instantly woke up from its original semi-dormant state, which is equivalent to a computer. Turn on the machine in seconds and enter the attack state from a consumption-saving state.


The hoarse and broken zombie let out a strange roar, turned around and stumbled, waving its arms, and rushed towards Zhang Xiaowen, but the Rubik's Cube just raised its gun and did not kill. In the end of the world, you have to enjoy the possibility of being attacked at any time. If there are even two If you can't deal with the zombies, you won't be able to survive for more than a few days.

Zhang Xiaowen did not scream, but avoided the dirty zombie's claws and stabbed the dagger directly into the zombie's mouth...

puff! A sword blade was drilled out from the central nervous system behind the zombie's head, and then Zhang Xiaowen kicked the zombie out. She also found a piece of clothing to wipe the dagger. At this time, Zhang Xiaowen was wearing a combat uniform, a tactical helmet, and a tactical vest to protect her. He was fully equipped with elbow and knee pads, and he also wore tactical gloves on his hands. He looked indescribably heroic as he played with a dagger.

"Great." The Rubik's Cube spread its hands, turned its wheels and drove toward the innermost part of the office. It drove past the floor covered with office paper and came to the wooden door, kicking a printer away.

Opening a wooden door, what appeared in front of you was a large safe. There was a warning sign on the cabinet, and the contents inside were self-evident. Fortunately, the apocalypse happened too quickly and there was no time to open it.

Rubik's Cube sniffed vigorously with his mouth, showing an intoxicated look.

"I smelled a strong smell of gun oil, and gunpowder... Hey, little beauty, bring that table over, yes, that's the one."

Zhang Xiaowen pouted, hadn't she always been called a stupid woman before, but she became a little beauty when she needed it. Forget it, if you don't get angry with a robot, yes, it is a robot.

"Da da la hum... hum hum la la..." The Rubik's Cube stood on the table and hummed a song with unknown lyrics, while pressing his ears against the safe to listen carefully to the faint sound of the mechanical combination lock turning. The Rubik's Cube I think it is a special pleasure to crack this ancient combination lock. Look, how simple the design is. If you use violence to destroy it, you don't trust your own ability.

"Are you humming your popular song by Long Xing?" Zhang Xiaowen asked curiously.

"Of course not. The development of Longxing Entertainment is very poor, almost equivalent to a stagnant state. Even the music, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, songs, etc. are from ancient times. Celebrities and pop songs almost do not exist. Everyone begins to study technology when they are born. Well, only technology in the world has infinite charm, because technology has no limits.”

"Oh, does that mean that people there don't have time to enjoy entertainment and develop entertainment culture? It's so boring. Look at our earth, the spirit of entertainment can be found everywhere. Fortunately, I was born on earth."

"Yes, so now we are on the verge of extinction. What my computer system doesn't understand is that even if you are interested in those works, that is to say, music or movies, etc., why are you so interested in those stars, such as the stars' families? Regarding the private lives of celebrities, many celebrities do nothing throughout the year and do not publish any works. They only need to show off their private lives and only have their bodies and faces. Even if they do something wrong, some people will praise them. "

What the Rubik's Cube says is also something that computers can't figure out.

"Tch, the virus was an accident, okay? We usually live a very comfortable life and can enjoy entertainment."

"Accident? That's because people on earth don't know how terrifying and barbaric this universe is. The infinite universe has countless races. There is only one way of communication between all races, and that is war. Do you know that Dragon Star once encountered The Zerg attack, the Zerg, that dangerous race in your Star Wars movie, destroyed planet after planet. The war came so suddenly. Fortunately, the Dragon Stars have not stopped developing science and technology. With their super strength and A war broke out among the Zerg tribe that destroyed countless civilizations, and more than 40 million armed soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom were killed in that battle. "

A war image suddenly appeared in Zhang Xiaowen's goggles. There were densely packed Dragon Star battleships and weird Zerg starships in the dark space. There were explosions everywhere. Zerg corpses and human soldier corpses were scattered everywhere. Countless destroyed Dragon Star battleships and Zerg weird starships. The wreckage of the ship floated slowly, and many Dragon Star soldiers who looked like they were wearing mechas wielded their weapons to kill the Zerg. The entire battlefield was like a meat grinder...

"Those soldiers were not ordinary soldiers, but super soldiers wearing combat armor. Dozens of warships slightly smaller than my body were destroyed, and other small warships were countless, and unmanned fighter jets were lost. It’s incalculable. Do you know how many years the war lasted?”

Listening to these data and looking at the war images, Zhang Xiaowen was stunned. She had no doubt that if the Zerg came to the earth, it would be an even more apocalyptic outcome for mankind. The earth can only send some simple satellites to low-Earth orbit. Even the spaceships of the legendary Eagle Empire are just hovering cautiously near low-Earth orbit, let alone space battleships.

"How many years...twenty or thirty years? Is the Second World War on Earth as long..."

"More than two hundred years." After saying that, Rubik's Cube calmed down and continued to crack the password lock. The information stored in the computer made Rubik's Cube feel very depressed.

More than two hundred years... Zhang Xiaowen was shocked by this number. Combining the image data just now, if an apocalyptic biohazard broke out on Dragon Star, it would take more than an hour to control and clean up all the zombies. It would be like a flu. Easy to solve.

At this moment, the safe made a mechanical click, and the combination lock was successfully cracked.

"Haha~ I like weapons~" Rubik's Cube opened the safe door.

Zhang Xiaowen came closer and stared at the safe curiously. This was the first time she had seen a weapon safe in her life. She couldn't stop being curious and urged her to get closer and closer. She felt like a cat kept scratching her heart. itch.

Although it is a branch, the weaponry is still good. Type 92 pistols are lined up in a row, with two calibers. There is plenty of ammunition. There are also some tear gas, shock bombs and flash bombs. This thing is definitely a good thing to deal with criminals. Similarly, it is also very useful to deal with those crazy and twisted dangerous survivors. Think about it, if you meet the gang that abuses women in the building opposite and throw a shock bomb into that room, it will definitely kill all the nearby zombies. Attracted in, the perfect weapon for sneak attacks by Yin people.

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