Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 214: Shooting in the Fire

The female zombie bit off a few small metal parts from the mechanical parts of the Rubik's Cube while the pipeline was buzzing and short-circuited. She opened and closed her mouth and swallowed it habitually. It wasn't until she swallowed it that the female zombie felt that this thing didn't seem to work. eat……

"Warning! Warning! The body is damaged!" the system issued an alarm.

"Get away!" Two robot hands grabbed the shoulders of the female zombie and pushed the female zombie out hard. At the same time, they raised their legs and kicked the female zombie in the middle. The female zombie flew straight back with a huge kick. Lying down in the snow, the machine gun on the shoulder was quickly aimed and fired. I didn't want to kill it, just slow it down.

The female zombies did not stand up, but lay directly on the ground. Four of them rushed towards the Rubik's Cube like wild beasts, which greatly reduced the probability of bullets hitting them.

"What the hell is this..."

One of Rubik's Cube's mechanical legs took a step back, and at the same time, the mechanical hand made a fist and hit the head that was charging hard!

Just when the mechanical fist was about to hit, the female zombie suddenly accelerated her limbs hard. After dodging the fist, she crashed into the Rubik's Cube again. Although the beauty looked beautiful in her arms, it was not a good thing now. The violent impact hit her hard. The Rubik's Cube slid back, and its two mechanical feet scratched about ten meters in the snow before stopping. The crazy female zombie ignored the defense and scratched her claws from the Rubik's Cube's shoulders to her waist, and her armor once again increased as sparks flew everywhere. Five long scratches were left on it, and the Rubik's Cube detection equipment observed the attack trajectory of the female zombie's other arm. Naihe Jian's mechanical arm was hit by the impact and could not react for a moment. He could only watch the claws quickly enlarge in his eyes...

Snapped! In slow motion, the face armor and defensive glass were destroyed, the mouth armor fell to the ground and fell into the snow, the defensive glass was directly smashed, and the body's head defense in the computer graphics immediately turned dangerous red!

At the critical moment, the Rubik's Cube quickly released the electric shock without caring about the energy consumption. Before the first electric shock ended, he continued to consume energy and gave the second electric shock. The bayonet in his right hand popped out, and then pierced the belly button of the female zombie with all his strength!

puff! The bayonet penetrated almost halfway into the abdominal cavity.

At the same time, he pushed hard, intending to push the irritable female zombie away from him, but an accident happened! The female zombie reacted to the pain, grabbed the armor, lifted the Rubik's Cube with force, and threw it towards the burning fire. The crazy female zombie's combat power increased, and the Rubik's Cube was hit unexpectedly and depressingly...

The fierce fire engulfed the Rubik's Cube. Maybe the female zombie saw her spouse being thrown into the fire by the Rubik's Cube, so she finally threw the Rubik's Cube into the fire.

The crackling fire illuminated several streets. Under the firelight, the face of the third-level evolved female zombie was particularly gloomy. Watching the target being engulfed in the fire, the female zombie tried hard to calm down the accelerated breathing caused by the intense exercise. The ordinary zombies gathered around it. There were more and more, but out of fear of high-level zombies, they didn't dare to get too close. The female zombie, who had gotten her revenge, didn't know what she was thinking and kept staring at the fire in a daze.

"Huh?" The female zombie looked curiously at the three red dots that suddenly appeared in her palm. Red rays shot out from the violent burning flames. The triangular red dots moved up quickly. The female zombie wanted to catch it but was confused. In a daze, I felt like three red dots were on my head...

With a bang, the female zombie's head exploded like a rotten watermelon!

Bang... The headless corpse fell to the ground. There was a strange and poignant feeling in the firelight. Black blood spread quickly in the snow. The smell of blood from high-level zombies stimulated the surrounding ordinary zombies who were ready to move but did not dare to step forward for a moment.

Bang... Bang... Bang...

There was the sound of mechanical heavy objects walking in the flames, and charcoal was scattered. The flames parted. A sci-fi mobile cannon with four crab-like mechanical legs stepped out of the ashes. The ferocious barrel was lowered and aimed at the female zombie corpse. It was the corpse that fell into The Rubik's Cube in the fire. After confirming the death of the female zombie, the Rubik's Cube clicked several times and transformed back into the robot form.

"Heavy firepower is still cost-effective. A machine gun shell can blow its little head to pieces. It seems that machine guns are only suitable for dealing with low-level zombies. This is really a waste of resources."

Walk to the headless corpse, grab the corpse and throw it into the blazing fire. After the zombie dies, the virus will gradually die. Without the protection provided by the virus, the body will soon be burned to ashes. If it is eaten by an ordinary zombie, it will turn into ashes. The gain outweighs the loss if you become a high-level zombie. After fighting for a long time, the Rubik's Cube will not do anything to gain a zombie.

"It's time to go back. It's been a long night and repairs have to be done. Alas..."

Rubik's Cube sighed, turned around and walked towards the hotel.


Early the next morning, the morning sun shone through the floor-to-ceiling glass into the large conference room.

Zhang Xiaowen, Brother Bao and others woke up one after another. Since there was no water to waste, they did not wash their faces and were busy packing their things, which were nothing more than some food, photos and other souvenirs. Suddenly, a scream caught everyone's attention.

"Ah!! Sister Zhang! What happened to your robot!" A girl pointed at the Rubik's Cube and screamed loudly.

Uh-huh! All eyes fell on the Rubik's Cube in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. Zhang Xiaowen's eyelids jumped when she saw the current appearance of the Rubik's Cube. There were many missing parts and scratches on her head. The five scratches on her chest were the longest, diagonally scratched directly from her shoulders. The waist and chest armor are full of bite marks. Sparks are constantly flying inside the armor. The original cool spray paint pattern is also out of shape. The two wheels on the back are a little crooked. There is an extra piece of charcoal in the knee armor...

"Rubik's Cube, what did you do last night? Also, did you do that building with black smoke over there?"

Everyone looked out the window and saw a building in the side shrouded in billowing black smoke and flickering with fire. The black smoke almost rose to the height of the clouds. From time to time, something would explode in the building, releasing some glass shards and debris.

Tantanshou said it didn't matter, but several wounds on the mechanical arm short-circuited and a series of sparks fell.

"I had a sincere exchange with a zombie couple last night. They are very strong. If they were together, I might have been scrapped long ago. Level 3 zombies appeared, so be careful in the future." After Rubik's Cube finished speaking, he projected some key videos from last night. Let everyone more intuitively observe how powerful the third-level evolved zombies are. Sometimes the hype is not as effective as the live broadcast.

Zhang Xiaowen's eyelids twitched when she saw the battle scene. Each one of them could make the Rubik's Cube look like this. Maybe she really couldn't handle it. It seemed that it was necessary to speed up the improvement of physical fitness. The world was becoming more and more dangerous. Human beings should do it in the future. Where to go...

"I calculate that it will not be easy for such high-level goods to appear. At least they need to kill and eat a lot of their own kind before they can evolve. So we still have time to improve ourselves. After we go back, I will upgrade the weapon system and defense system again. Recently, I need Absorb more metal and strive to improve as soon as possible." The Rubik's Cube put away the projection and continued to stand by the window to absorb energy.

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