Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 217: High Altitude Drone

In the factory, the Rubik's Cube robotic arm is assembling high-altitude drones at super fast speeds. It is almost connected without any mistakes. A mechanical object on the assembly table is getting bigger and bigger...

After the last component is assembled, a large high-altitude drone is completed. Powered by a tail propeller, it has four pylons. Each pylon can carry an average of three missiles or bombs. The first offline drone had to conduct various tests to collect data, and flying became the first thing. Rubik's Cube was depressingly aware that it was necessary to build an airstrip during the winter, or at least a temporary airport for aircraft to take off and land. .

After hurriedly surveying the Longshan campground, I decided to use a straight asphalt road in the golf course as a temporary runway, and wait until next spring for large-scale construction to get a new one.

Ever since, everyone in the camp saw Rubik's Cube driving a cleaning truck to clear the snow, marking out various signs, and installing runway lights. No one really thought that Rubik's Cube would go to build something as tall as an airport, and they thought it was a big deal. A square dance space.

After a hard pass, all the work is ready.


early morning.

The red light of the factory door flashed and opened on both sides, and then there was a slight sound of an engine. A high-altitude drone with a thin body and ultra-long wings slowly slid out from the factory building. The spherical reconnaissance equipment under the nose rotated back and forth to scan. Automatically finding the best route to the temporary runway, Zhang Xiaowen curiously ran forward and raised the drone, and found that such a big guy was so light!

"Please stop interfering! Please stop interfering!" the drone shouted through the sound device.

Zhang Xiaowen stuck out her tongue and quickly let go of the wings. She smiled sheepishly at the drone and got out of the way and ran to the Rubik's Cube.

The drone's intelligent program hurriedly corrected the deviation caused by Zhang Xiaowen's trouble and continued to slide towards the runway as if no one was watching.

Rubik's Cube followed behind, observing the situation of the drone and connecting the data of the drone to the monitoring center through the wireless network. At the same time, he pouted at Zhang Xiaowen's curiosity and said he was too rustic.

"Rubik's Cube, when will you build a plane that can seat people? I didn't have much money to buy a plane ticket before."

"How many tickets do you want, I will print them for you for free."

"Get lost and get down to business."

"Well...it's not necessary at the moment. Building an airplane requires a lot of materials and is not of much use to the camp. Helicopters are still of some use, probably around next spring. It will be more convenient if there are helicopters for rescue operations." Rubik's Cube thought for a while and said seriously, In fact, the most important issue in building an aircraft is the power issue. This kind of drone is better. If you want to seat people, the aircraft engine is very demanding and has a long endurance. The current fuel shortage naturally does not need to be considered, and electric energy has become the first choice.

As he spoke, the high-altitude drone had already taxied to the runway, adjusted its position and stopped.

"Cruise-1 high-altitude UAV No. 001 is ready and can take off at any time." The mechanical sound of No. 001 high-altitude UAV sounded in the monitoring center and Zhang Xiaowen's communicator.

"take off."

"Command confirmed, take off immediately." After the drone confirmed that the command came from the Rubik's Cube, the engine quickly increased thrust, and a vast white mist was blown up from the snow behind the aircraft. Amidst the roar, No. 001 began to taxi and the speed became faster and faster. The wheel's shock-absorbing device reduces vibrations caused by irregularities in the temporary runway.

"Oh~oh~the big gray plane is taking off~"

Beside Rubik's Cube and Zhang Xiaowen, Xiaojing was wearing cotton gloves and a stuffed bunny hat, watching the planes jumping in the snow, while Jiajia was staring at the drone that was slowly rising to take off, as if she was very moved. interest.

"Let's go back and see what No. 001 did." Zhang Xiaowen picked up Xiaojing and walked to the monitoring center with Jiajia and the Rubik's Cube.

The ultra-long wings of the high-altitude drone increase the lift. After taking off, the angle is adjusted to rise quickly. The thin wings will tremble slightly when passing through the turbulence. Facing the sun, the high-altitude drone belonging to the Longshan Camp is moving Fly high into the sky. On the ground, the survivors who were watching knewly admired the high performance and high technology of this drone, and were also shocked by the four unique hangers. Before the end of the world, they usually did not pay attention to the military at all and only paid attention to the private lives of celebrities. But people don’t understand why they built this thing. It can’t be used in people’s daily lives. When I want to say a few words about wasting the Dragon Kingdom’s property, I feel it’s a little inappropriate...

In the monitoring center, the large screen has been replaced with a picture of a high-altitude drone, which is flying through the clouds at this time. In addition to displaying various data on the status of the drone, the screen is white and blue, with cotton-like white clouds. Keep passing through the screen.

The height value displayed in the corner of the screen has been increasing rapidly, and the height can be accurate to 1 meter.

2000 meters...

3000 meters...

5000 meters...

At this time, the sky was already a light blue. The drone adjusted and corrected the picture and continued to rise.

When the drone crossed an altitude of 8,000 meters and was still rising, several people who had some knowledge of military affairs before the end of the world were already surprised. What they didn't expect was that the high-altitude drone finally flew to 13,000 meters. After stopping, the surprised people breathed a sigh of relief. If they continue flying, they will enter low-Earth orbit. Even eight thousand meters will not be used in the end of the world, okay?

"The high-altitude test is completed, let's proceed with the agility test." The mechanical voice No. 001 came from the communicator, and then the large screen image turned and began to dive downwards.

Seen from high altitude, the ground is spherical, as if the earth is very small. Everyone sitting in the control room feels as if they are sitting in a plane when they watch the rapid dive. It is a bit like a roller coaster. Xiao Jing stares at the screen with big eyes. , Jiajia didn’t even know that her saliva came out.

The height value decreases rapidly, and the ground scenery becomes clearer and clearer...

"That's Jiangcheng!" Having lived in Jiangcheng since childhood, I naturally recognized the aerial view of Jiangcheng at a glance.

On the screen, various buildings, regions, and zombies are all marked. All the red ones are zombies. This is the first time for everyone to observe the zombie branch situation in Jiangcheng from a high altitude. There is only one feeling, that is, there are too many. , almost the entire Jiangcheng was covered in red, especially the streets turned into red rivers.

After a while, the Jiangcheng screen was obscured by white clouds. Computer 001 was running to change the investigation mode, and the screen was restored again.

Continuously penetrating white clouds, the high-altitude drone was very close to the ground, and everyone's hearts were twitching...

When the airflow is chaotic at low altitude, the drone will inevitably turbulence. When it approaches the height of the building roof, the drone's wings and tail quickly change angles, and the large screen screen begins to gradually change angles, and it is about to fall into the zombies on the street. At that time, No. 001 passed by the heads of many zombies and rose up to the sky again like a dragonfly. The messy hair of many female zombies became even messier again.

Applause erupted from the monitoring center.

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