Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 226: Spring

"Thank you."

"Huh? Oh, you're welcome."

"Thank you for saving all of us, otherwise we would all have died, thank you so much."


Rubik's Cube said nothing. Judging from her mental fluctuations, Zhang Xiaowen was a little sad now. She probably missed her family in Province H. Rubik's Cube couldn't find any suitable words to comfort her and could only remain silent.

"It's so annoying...the wind on the mountain is so strong that it makes me squint..."

Zhang Xiaowen kept wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes with her hands, pretending as if nothing had happened, and her eye circles were red.

"rubik's cube……"

"Yeah, I'm here."

Suddenly, Rubik's Cube felt something in his arms. When he lowered his head, he saw that Zhang Xiaowen was hugging him tightly.


After thinking about it, Rubik's Cube still reached out to hug Zhang Xiaowen and turned on the metal heating, gradually using weak energy to calm Zhang Xiaowen's sad mood.


Xiao Jing, who was standing behind, took a camera and took this beautiful photo. The four evil cats were naturally not there, and the four guys who had already noticed that the situation was not good sneaked away. There were only Rubik's Cube and Zhang Xiaowen in the ancient style picture, and time seemed to have passed. This moment freezes.


New Year's Eve.

Compared to the survivors all over the world, the New Year's Eve at Longshan Camp was considered rich and comfortable. At least there were no zombies wandering outside the door, and no mutated animals always trying to snatch you away. All you needed to do was eat rare snacks and dumplings. There was no Firecrackers, only colorful non-explosive fireworks can be seen. The whole world is dark and only Longshan Camp lights up the lights to watch the New Year.

There are five high-altitude drones on duty in the sky at all times of the day and night, and ground combat robots patrol back and forth, so everyone can sleep safely and boldly...

On the first day of the new year, the Rubik's Cube generously gave Xiao Jing a gold fish shaped by his own hands. Jiajia was a golden rabbit. Zhang Xiaowen got a gold coffee table. Anyway, this thing was kept in the vault and no one touched it. The order of the apocalypse collapsed and gold and silver became It's a waste, but it's a good thing to use for psychological comfort. Tsk tsk~ It's a tender and big piece of gold, which makes you feel comfortable looking at it.

From the Chinese New Year to the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, I had nothing to do and played with Xiao Jing all day long with the Rubik's Cube.

The second day after the Lantern Festival.

The entire Longshan camp was quiet. Most of the people stayed up late last night and were still sleeping soundly in the early morning. Xiao Jing lay on Zhang Xiaowen's belly and drooled. Zhang Xiaowen didn't feel anything at all and was unconscious. Jiajia slept alone on the small bed. , Zhang Xiaowen once held the stuffed rabbit in her arms, and the stuffed rabbit was shiny.

Rubik's Cube opened the door gently, fearing that he would make any noise and wake up the group of people.

He tiptoed outside the door, and four big cats gathered around him, rubbing themselves against the Rubik's Cube and meowing. The Rubik's Cube had to squat down and rub their heads and scratch their chins. Maybe the four big cats saw that the Rubik's Cube was going out. For a while, I was a bit reluctant to leave. The big cat who came to Longshan Camp with the Rubik's Cube made great contributions to the camp. Most of the mutated carnivores around it were driven away. There is a saying in the camp: As long as the four evil people are here, you will temporarily Can't die.

"Take good care of the house and the children. It will take some time for me to come back. Don't cause any trouble."

The four big cats decisively filtered out the last sentence. It was simply a distrust of cats, which was quite boring.

Kaka! The wheel propellers were prepared, and the blades began to rotate rapidly. The thrust caused the snowflakes to fly and the sight was unclear. The Rubik's Cube adjusted its attitude and increased the thrust to fly high. After flying high enough in the air, it lowered its head and flew towards the city. On the ground, Four cat heads emerged from the snow, looked at the black spots in the sky that were getting smaller, and walked into the forest with their tails wagging...

Since the role of the wheel propeller is very small, the Rubik's Cube does not fly very fast, and the time it takes is about the same as driving.

This time when I entered the city's Rubik's Cube, I planned to do my best to absorb metal and strive for an early upgrade. Anyway, there are basically no living people in Jiangcheng's current situation. I will absorb more metal while there is nothing to do before the heavy snow melts. Bypassing the city, the Rubik's Cube went straight to the southern industrial park, where there was a large amount of metal to absorb. No one in the factory wanted it anyway, and the boss had long since turned into a zombie. Why keep it if he didn't absorb it? The worst he could do was shout a few words before absorbing it.

After flying to the industrial park, I found a factory with a lot of steel, and landed on the steel...

Longshan Camp.

Zhang Xiaowen didn't wake up until after nine o'clock. After seeing the Rubik's Cube message, she cursed a few times, picked up Xiao Jing and went to wash and brush her teeth.

The days passed day by day, and there was nothing to do except training every day. The robots were responsible for the main work. Only changing the magazine of the guard robot could be done in a while. I couldn't do anything before the snow melted. I had nothing to do. Then they simply set up a Longshan School, where children or students who wanted to study could come. Zhang Xiaowen, an engineering robot with no job, was recruited to be a teacher. High school students said that this guy knew all the questions and was standard.

The weather is getting warmer, and everyone can feel the warm sunshine.

The ice and snow began to melt, the mountain springs and icefalls melted, and the water in the streams increased. The three puppies who were about to grow up were running around and having fun. People were often washing winter quilts and cotton clothes by the stream, and put them away after drying for use next winter. .

Zhang Xiaowen looked at the calendar in a daze all day long. Since the Rubik's Cube left for more than two months, no information has been sent back. If the drone hadn't often gone to the industrial park for a few rounds and found that the Rubik's Cube was in a stable state, Zhang Xiaowen would have really doubted whether it was a crash or even a sinister one. I think Rubik's Cube must be secretly planning to build a spaceship to fly back to the alien planet and never come back.

Through the real-time footage of high-altitude drones, we can clearly see the great changes in the industrial park. The originally neat workshop sheds are all lying on the ground, and the steel frames and machines are missing. In Wang Nan’s words, all the metal here has run away by itself, and all the remaining They are all made of synthetic materials such as plastic. The industrial park that Jiangcheng officials spent several years building has since become an alien disaster site park.

In a certain pile of steel, a light blue energy halo flickered slightly, and the steel was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

time flies.

Another month has passed. The snow has turned into snow water to moisturize the earth. Many plants have sprouted. The warm air has begun to move northward on a large scale. Strong winds are blowing every day. Fires often occur in the urban area of ​​Jiangcheng City due to various reasons. There is no natural gas. Happy to join the burning procession. The pictures returned by drones every day are either black smoke or fire. The wind helps the fire, and many buildings have turned into crooked and dilapidated buildings.

No one was cleaning up the edges of national highways and highways. Many big trees and grass sprouted and damaged the edges of the asphalt roads. Various animals began to invade the edges of Jiangcheng, and fierce battles broke out with zombies.

In the industrial park, the Rubik's Cube that had been dormant for three months finally stopped absorbing. At the center of the machine on the chest, a small group of light blue flames swayed slightly in a round blue transparent sphere. This was a super optical brain computer composed of energy and metal. , or rather... Fire, from the time it fell to the earth until today it finally reached the level of Transformers!

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