Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 334: Fighting with Seafood

The shadow passed by, and the hull of the ship less than ten meters away from the Rubik's Cube suddenly smashed into a deep groove. The glass shattered and the steel twisted. Three people were injured by the flying glass shards. The thing that smashed the hull was a tentacle covered with suction cups. ! The giant octopus tentacle monster that humans have envisioned countless times in movies finally appears!

Rubik's Cube quickly grabbed the hull and climbed to the top. Now he needed to transform back into his giant Transformer form!

On the shoal next to the cruise ship, a giant octopus with a height of seven or eight stories was waving its tentacles and tearing apart the cruise ship like a toy. Under its violent destruction, the ordinary building materials of the cruise ship were torn apart and thrown away. Many survivors desperately tried to reach the cruise ship. Hide on the other side...


After the rapid transformation, the Rubik's Cube returned to its giant figure. With a swish, he opened the propeller cloak on his back and tried to fly away, but his movements suddenly stopped.

On the top deck, many survivors hugged each other and watched the octopus and Rubik's Cube sobbing and crying. Everyone knew that this was the sea with no way to escape. Even if they jumped into the sea, they would be eaten by unknown monsters. Now they depend on it to survive. The cruise ship is about to be demolished, and the only thing waiting for you is death...

Crying in despair, there are also those men who shot at the octopus in a frenzy. Although these people have different skin colors, they also face the same tragic fate...

Rubik's Cube narrowed his mechanical eyes and took a deep breath, and the opened propellers merged again.

"I knew I couldn't stand it!"


On the top deck, many people watched in surprise as this terrifying robot opened fire on the even more terrifying octopus.

Whoosh~ The two rockets flew irregularly towards the octopus's two huge and terrifying eyes. It seems that this large seafood has only one weakness. When a few people shot at it just now, the bullets only bounced off its skin and did not cause any damage. Damage, Rubik's Cube didn't believe that those two big eye bubbles could be so strong. After dragging the tail flames out of a semicircle, the rocket went straight to the big eyes!

Boom boom! ! The rockets exploded, and one of them hit a large eye socket. The violent explosion exploded into a pool of disgusting yellow-green viscous liquid. The other rocket was blocked by a tentacle covered with suction cups, and only shattered a large piece of flesh and blood. Has a certain impact on tentacle movements.

The Rubik's Cube didn't know if this thing could make a sound. Anyway, if it could make a sound, it would be very angry right now.

A soft tentacle smashed towards the Rubik's Cube.

The mechanical leg rolled sideways hard and fired two rockets at the last eye again! The left robotic arm quickly folded and combined to extend the barrel deformation weapon system. After rolling around and standing up, the energy in the barrel had been stored. The orange-red high temperature even caused the airflow to distort.

One hit missed, and the big octopus quickly covered its eyes with two tentacles, and the two rockets only exploded a lot of rotten meat.

Energy weapons fire...

This time is different from the attack on the airport. The energy weapon is launched in the form of energy bombs. A bright beam with a little bit of blue visible to the naked eye hits the huge body of the octopus. The energy bomb explodes inside the tough skin of the octopus, and only the big head of the octopus is visible. Suddenly a big lump bulged up on his chest, which vibrated twice and then deflated again.

Slowly, the tentacles that were waving wildly with fangs and claws just now slid down to the sea surface, and the huge head, which was seven or eight stories high, tilted to one side and fell into the sea water, causing huge waves.

Rubik's Cube breathed a sigh of relief, and the left robotic arm turned back into a robotic hand. Fortunately, this thing looks very powerful, but it's still a one-shot thing. What can I say? By the way, there is nothing in the world that cannot be solved with one shot. If there is, then it is two shots. This thing is too easy to solve, right? Why doesn't it feel right?

"Yeah~! Long live the Transformers!"


"I knew those monsters were definitely no match for Transformers! It saved us, it must be an Autobot robot!"

The survivors on the deck cheered and cheered. Everyone, both men and women, old and young, were so excited that they wanted to get the Rubik's Cube for autographs. Perhaps these people grew up watching various movies full of heroes. When they grew up, they also liked all kinds of superheroes. When they saw the Transformers in front of them, After Rubik's Cube saved himself, he felt even more incredible. After all, it was a very exciting thing to have his childhood dreams and idols appear in front of him. Seeing these people giving face to him, Rubik's Cube made a yes gesture with his robotic hand, which caused a stir. applause.

"It seems like being a hero feels good."

When Rubik's Cube was about to put on a cool look and become a movie star, one of the mechanical legs suddenly tightened, and then he saw many survivors who had just malfunctioned looking at the Rubik's Cube's legs with wide eyes and horror.


Looking down, I saw a thick mechanical leg with a tentacle covered with suction cups wrapped around it. It seemed that the thing was not dead. It was indeed very powerful. The tentacles exerted great force!

Bang! The huge mechanical body of the Rubik's Cube suddenly fell onto the deck. Before he could think of a way out, he was pulled to the side of the ship by a huge force. The sunshades, lounge chairs, and guardrails blocking the way by the outdoor swimming pool were all smashed to pieces, and finally he was knocked to pieces. When it was dragged to the edge and was about to be pulled down, the Rubik's Cube robot hand grabbed the edge metal frame.

"I wish I could say something dirty..."

In the blink of an eye, the frame was torn, and the Rubik's Cube disappeared in front of many survivors. The survivors hurried to the edge and looked down.

"Oh, My God!" A brown-haired woman said, covering her mouth.

On the shoal, the Rubik's Cube was struggling. Several large tentacles of the octopus rolled up the Rubik's Cube. The dense suckers on the tentacles kept squirming and sucked hard on the surface of the armor. For the first time, the Rubik's Cube discovered that some characteristics of cellular organisms are really difficult to deal with, such as These damn suckers! It is difficult to break free after being sucked, and the tightly wrapped tentacles keep squeezing the body!

The Rubik's Cube is not much shorter than the giant octopus, but the octopus has many and long tentacles. If I had known, it would be better to fly and fight...


A piece of armor on the abdomen made a violent twisting sound and was twisted out of shape!

Various red colors kept appearing on the computer screen, and many yellow warning colors and red crisis colors were marked all over the body. At the critical moment, the Rubik's Cube released high-voltage electricity. In an instant, a violent current burst out. The giant octopus was indeed afraid of electric shock, but this large size After the seafood was electrocuted, instead of loosening its tentacles, it trembled and tightened...

"Beep! Alert! The body's energy is rapidly decreasing!"

In order to maintain the hardness of the metal, the fire type continuously outputs a large amount of energy to resist extrusion. The energy bar dropped at a speed visible to the naked eye, and has dropped to 70%.

"What should I do with the damn seafood...seafood? Seafood must be cooked before it can be eaten. This thing obviously can't boil water. What should I do!"

The giant octopus squeezed the Rubik's Cube with all its strength. It's not that it didn't think of launching rockets, but under the current situation, launching rockets would definitely blow it up. On the ship, many survivors also began to think of ways. While they were busy, some A white boy found a bottle of gasoline somewhere, lit it on fire and threw it at the octopus without saying a word.

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