Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 341: Someone coming from Dragon City

Next, the Rubik's Cube exited the conference room. The specific discussion is decided by humans. All they need to do is put away the nanorobot generator that has been transported before. No one dares to steal this equipment, which is almost extremely destructive to cellular organisms. , still very confident about this. Before the Rubik's Cube could take off and fly back to the airport, Liu Wenhai suddenly ran over in a hurry.

"Mr. Rubik's Cube, there is news from the headquarters for me to tell you." The panting Liu Wenhai stood next to the helicopter holding his knees and said.

"What could it be? Shouldn't they ask me to be their bodyguard?"

"Haha, they probably don't dare to do this. As for business, it's because there is a group of people who want to come over to see you. They are expected to arrive in the afternoon. The communication equipment is not working well and I only got the news. But don't worry, The people who come are all people who are not scheming in science and technology, including old scientists and astronauts who have been to space.”


Rubik's Cube suddenly became interested. He had never seen the Dragon Kingdom scientists here since he came to Earth. When it comes to dealing with people like Rubik's Cube, he prefers to talk to old scientists and astronauts. After all, old scientists are older and have many things to do. It is clear that greed gradually disappears with age. As for the astronaut Rubik's Cube, he is interested in it because he is currently one of the few people from the Dragon Kingdom to go into space. Although it cannot compare with the almost peak technology of Dragon Star, it is still A milestone.

"I will wait for them here and hope there will be a pleasant exchange."

"Thank you~ I'll go and inform them right away that you agreed to meet!"

After Liu Wenhai finished speaking, he ran to the military combat command room. Since he did not let the communications troops come but instead informed the Rubik's Cube himself, he had to give this face.

Anyway, the time was not long and there was nothing to do, so we simply stopped in the open space to rest. During this period, the four bored big cats recognized the Rubik's Cube at a glance. The Rubik's Cube felt that these four guys must have their own identification method, so they opened the cabin. The door allowed the four guys to have a good time playing inside and out. The four guys especially liked to climb on the propeller blades and stand on the front end of the propeller blades to play tremblingly. Many survivors who saw this scene were in disbelief. These four guys had no idea at all. Treat that terrifying giant robot as an outsider...

Rubik's Cube recalled meeting these four little guys, curious cats and followers, on the rooftop of a small town when he was still young.

In less than a year, he grew like a cheetah due to mutation. Fortunately, he still maintained his clingy nature and was not hostile to humans. During this period, he patrolled and protected the agricultural teams working outside, dealt with various dangerous targets, and even when there was an invasion from outside. They saved the camp personnel and made great contributions to the safety of Longshan Camp. In fact, Rubik's Cube felt that these four guys did it because they thought it was fun to kill those high-risk targets...

Under the noon sun, the police sergeant lay on his back at the door of the cabin, sleeping outside with his head drooped. He missed lunch. Of course, no one dared to disagree with making up for the meal.



A business jet flew through the airport and landed slowly towards Jiangcheng Airport.

"Old monkey! Look down!" Mr. Jiang shouted excitedly while lying on the porthole.

The elderly Dean Hou disagreed with this nickname. He rubbed his tired forehead and sat up and looked down from the porthole. When he saw some of the equipment on the airport shells, he was stunned and then became excited! There were actually five or six large transport aircraft parked on the tarmac! What is different from the current transport aircraft on Earth is that the transport aircraft is like a rectangular flat box, equipped with four ducted fan engines, and there are countless small robots on the ground busy going back and forth. This is really an alien!

"Business jet No. 337 will park at apron No. 8 after landing, and business jet No. 337 will park at apron No. 8 after landing."

The prompt from the airport dispatch robot sounded in the communication device.

The business jet pulled a group of surprised people and touched the runway amidst the roar. A cloud of white smoke emitted from the landing gear and began to slow down and taxi. After the speed dropped, it turned and headed towards the No. 8 apron.

Stopping at the No. 8 apron, a passenger elevator drove over and docked at the hatch precisely. Except for the two combat robots responsible for reception, no one was there to pick up the plane, and there were many civet helicopters and high-altitude drones busy around. The missiles took off, and various ammunition transport vehicles and logistics robots on the ground were busy. It was very busy, but not chaotic. The people who opened the hatch and walked out saw a busy scene.


Dean Hou and Mr. Jiang looked in shock at a scene that could only be seen in movies. They even wondered if they were acting in a movie. Next to the business jet was a large transport aircraft, and on the other side was a dual-ducted fan engine helicopter. , many gray and black robots stood on both sides of the helicopter with machine guns on their backs, and then the helicopter took off. The two old men did not think that these guys were just flying for fun. Those weapons and ammunition were not fake...

"Your jet will be temporarily handed over to us for maintenance. Everyone, please board the transport plane and head to Longshan Camp now. There are troops there who can answer your questions. Now, please get on the plane."

A combat robot was programmed to say that Mr. Jiang even suspected that if he did not get on the plane, these robots would be carried up by him and others...

Of course everyone would be happy to board a large sci-fi aircraft like that, especially a few scientists who couldn't wait to run up. At this moment, Dean Hou pulled the sleeves of Jiang Lao's sleeves and looked at the business jet coming from behind. Nodding his lips, Mr. Jiang turned around and was immediately shocked...

"This...this is the most advanced scanning inspection..."

On the business jet, there are many walnut-sized reconnaissance devices scattered up and down, using red fan-shaped scanning beams to inspect various parts. A few nearby robots that you can tell are in charge of logistics are using various equipment to inspect some parts. The business jets that were not properly repaired due to the scarcity of talent in the end of the world are being repaired by robots. You know, the aviation industry attaches great importance to ground maintenance.

The robots had already started repairing hidden dangers on the plane. The two old men followed the crowd onto the transport plane. The door was closed, and the four engines produced huge thrust with extremely low noise. They took off and flew to Longshan Camp carrying a group of people from Longcheng. go.

"Old monkey... I have no regrets about seeing these today. Nothing can make me happier than seeing high technology."

"I am a doctor and don't know much about these things, but I am happy to see the magical scene today. We are all old and no longer young. In fact, these future technologies are our true belief. When we were young... we all wrong……"

The two old men were deeply touched, and the other two astronauts who came with them in military uniforms were also amazed.

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