Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 356: Why the shot

In the center of the camp, torches were dancing and swaying, emitting faint illumination. A man in a black combat uniform walked out of the corner and headed straight for a large, brightly lit house.

As the Rubik's Cube approached, I heard cheers and screams of excitement from men and women in the house. There was even loud music playing from the speakers. The whole atmosphere was similar to that of a nightclub. The two guards at the door, with their guns slung across their backs, chatted boringly and occasionally looked at them with envy. Looking at the big house, Rubik's Cube curled his lips and then walked towards the two guards in the dark.


When the two guards heard the noise behind them, they habitually turned around to check. Suddenly, they twitched and lay down along the fence. Before closing their eyes, they saw a blue arc flashing in the palms of a man in black...

"Is this a carnival before death? I'm so heartbroken."

After looking at the indulgent scene in the living room on the first floor of the house, Rubik's Cube shook his head and walked to the house and looked at the bedroom with an open window on the second floor. That was the residence of the leader of the camp rebels. There were two people inside, who looked to be in their forties. A man in his twenties and a woman in her twenties scanned the second-story building with their mechanical eyes and walked towards the wall under the second-floor window.

The computer calculated the height of the window and figured out how much effort it would take to jump. With a slight jump, just when the strength was exhausted and he was about to fall, he easily stepped on the window frame and nimbly got into the room.


Uh-huh! The lights were turned on, but they were still partying downstairs and didn't hear the shout from upstairs. On the bed, a bare-shouldered man in his forties hugged a young girl and looked at the Rubik's Cube in surprise, as if wondering if there was such a number in his camp. people.

Rubik's Cube curled his lips, he was just a second-level power mutant, and walked over to the bed.

"court death!"

A man in his forties grabbed a steel rod from the bedside and smashed it at the Rubik's Cube!

when! The man suddenly found that the steel rod was grabbed by the opponent's hand. How could this be possible? Even a second-level mutant wouldn't dare to take an attack from a mutant of the same level with his hands, right?

Just when he was so surprised, the man suddenly realized that his entire arm and shoulder were numb in an instant, and the hand holding the steel rod involuntarily spasmed and held on to the steel rod, no! This is an electric shock! The numbness was still spreading, and the man felt that his facial muscles were twitching and shaking. He wanted to let go of his hand, but he couldn't because of muscle spasm in his hand...

boom! A gunshot rang out in the room, and Rubik's chest shook and he had to let go of the steel rod, ending the electric shock to the man.

The man quickly threw away the steel rod and huddled in the corner of the room wearing his underwear and slumped on the ground, sweating profusely and still numbing the pain. On the bed, the young girl pointed a pistol at the Rubik's Cube with her bare shoulders. The pistol was too heavy. The girl's hands were shaking all the time, and maybe she was still scared of shooting someone for the first time.

Rubik's Cube lowered his head and saw a small shallow hole on his right chest. Electric arcs were crackling and sparks were flashing around the wound. This scene frightened the two people in the room...


"Why did you shoot me?"

Rubik's Cube looked at the girl strangely. Logically speaking, this is impossible? How could she shoot someone trying to get rid of a villain? What on earth was she thinking?

"You... you are not human... you... want to kill me... my husband..." the girl said tremblingly, and then wanted to pull the trigger. Suddenly her hand was empty, and the pistol flew straight towards the mysterious man in front of her. In the robot's hand, it seemed like there was a magnet attracting it to the opposite side.

"Boss! Open the door quickly! What's going on inside!"

"Boss, are you okay?"

Rubik's Cube raised the pistol with a silencer in his hand and pointed it at the wooden door. He quickly pulled the trigger and shot at the humanoid object on the X-ray screen outside before the people outside hit the door. The wooden room Numerous holes were made in the door as wood debris kept falling out. The twitching boss and the girl in the room listened to the continuous screams outside and even lost the strength to escape.

After emptying two magazines in a row, the demon stopped. At the door, a pool of bright red blood slowly flowed in.

"Are you supporting the rebels to oppress the survivors? I thought you were also a victim. You just attacked the mechanical army that assisted the Dragon Kingdom army in regaining the camp. You may die."

He raised his pistol and aimed it first at the recovering man, preparing to shoot him.

Suddenly, the naked girl on the bed rushed over and hugged the Rubik's Cube's legs...

"Husband, run! Run! Leave me alone..."

Seeing this, the man gritted his teeth and insisted on standing up. When the Rubik's Cube was caught and his aim was unstable, he pushed open the window and was about to jump out. As soon as he opened the window, a mechanical face with red eyes suddenly appeared in front of him, and then his cheek suffered a severe blow. He was hit, and the whole person fell backwards in the room. On the window, a combat robot got in and quickly released high-voltage electricity again at the second-level power mutant man.

In the sky outside the window, two huge transport planes with flashing lights were landing. Under the bright lights, human soldiers were quickly taking over the entire camp.


The girl looked at the twitching man lying on the ground and screamed. Rubik's Cube shook his head, picked up the sheet and draped it over the girl.

Before the end of the world, Rubik's Cube found many strange things while browsing the human Internet. Among them, if someone cruelly tortures another person, the tortured person may end up treating the person who tortured him with all his heart. This is a very strange phenomenon. , this seems to be the case for girls at the moment. Of course, it is also possible that because the material life here is better and you don’t have to starve, freeze and be bullied every day, over time, you will develop a strange post-apocalyptic feeling.

"Kill him and hand this girl over to the human army."

"Command confirmed."


Puff! The man who was still twitching saw the tip of a bayonet appear on his chest, his expression was horrified and his whole body twitched uncontrollably until he died...

"I'm going to kill you! You machine monster! You won't die well..."

The girl screamed and cursed, and was wrapped in a sheet by the combat robot and escaped from the room. The shrill screams were heard far away in the dark night. Many people got goose bumps after hearing it. The voice was like a miserable female ghost who died unjustly. The magic cube automatically ignored these useless curses. No matter what reason she liked the man in his forties, it could not be a reason to pardon the man. The evil rebel must be executed!

Stepping over a pile of corpses at the door, the magic cube went downstairs and walked outside, just in time to see Liu Wenhai walking towards him.

"Ha! Brother Mofang's method is really powerful! When these guys were pulled out of their beds, they didn't even know that this place had been recaptured by the country. At this rate, we can soon go back to Longshan to take a shower and sleep."

"It would be even better if you could get rid of those idiots. Don't you think there are too many idiots among you humans?"

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