Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 365: Survivors trapped in a small town

after an hour.

A white train was driving fast on the railway track, and the sky was full of flying formations. Its destination was not Jiangcheng but a camp within Jiangcheng's jurisdiction, Fengshan Camp.

Soon, the train stopped closest to the camp.

While Liu Wenhai was leading the soldiers down to communicate with the camp manager, the radar robot installed on the top of Longshan Mountain received a mysterious communication. The transmission location of the communication was locked in the east-north direction. There was a person trembling in the voice file saying something. Monster dinosaur, human screams can still be heard in the microphone. When the word "dinosaur" is said, the communication stops suddenly. Obviously, this person is sending a communication to an organization. As a result, due to time constraints, he cannot use the password to transmit and has to use voice. , even so, I didn’t end up saying it all.

The radar robot, sensing something fishy, ​​sent this piece of information to the Rubik's Cube.

After calculating the location of the voice and communication transmission, Rubik's Cube believes that the voice came from near the Baishan Tianchi on the border. Although there are usually legends on the earth that there are monsters there, Rubik's Cube does not think so. However, in the case of a large number of mutations of creatures in the end of the world, there is still a possibility that some kind of voice will appear. Monster, analyzing the frequency based on signal characteristics is very similar to the products used by engine companies. Professional teams like them can also say the words "monster" and "dinosaur" much more accurately than those amateurs.

The Rubik's Cube has a principle that all things involving the engine company must be destroyed. Since the engine company sent people to Tianchi, it means that something there has attracted their attention. It seems that it is necessary to find time to destroy the engine company base entrenched in the south of the Dragon Kingdom. .

After instructing the Furious and Death Scorpions to look after Ruoyan, and appeasing the dissatisfied Zhang Xiaowen, the Rubik's Cube quickly transformed into a Pavement Helicopter and flew towards the north-east direction...


A small county near the border of Province J.

On the roof of the small shopping mall, four ordinary survivors were desperately using machetes to kill the zombies that climbed up to the edge of the roof of the shopping mall. Fortunately, they did not encounter high-level zombies, just ordinary zombies. Even so, the four people were still helpless in the face of the dense zombies in front of them. I feel like, if this continues, the four of us will be eaten by zombies sooner or later, and not even the dregs will be left.

"Sister Na... think of a way quickly..."

"That's nonsense! Aren't you going to find a solution? If you hadn't insisted on coming to the mall to change some clothes, how could we have reached this point!"

On the top of the building, a woman in her twenties and twenties cut off her head with a knife, then turned around and roared at another boy who was fifteen or sixteen years old.

The four people have been trapped here for a long time, killing each other. The edges of the roof are all covered in black blood, which looks particularly oozing. The bad thing is that the zombie blood scatters in the wind and attracts more zombies. The situation becomes increasingly unfavorable for the four people. . Among the four people, two were men and two were women. Except for Sister Na, who was in her mid-twenties, the other three were all students.

"There is a car on the street behind us! There are keys in the car!" a girl shouted, holding up a telescope.

"The problem is how do we get down? It's more than ten meters high here. If we jump down, our legs will definitely be broken or even paralyzed. That way the zombies won't have to work hard to catch up."

"Damn it! Aren't those people in the building opposite going to help us?"

"Okay! Don't think about those useless things. We wouldn't risk our lives to save them. Find a way quickly!" Sister Na stopped the other three children from continuing to talk about useless things, and her eyes kept flicking to the top of the building. Looking for a way to go downstairs, suddenly those huge billboards caught my attention, and a plan formed in my head.

"You three block it! I'm going to get a slide to go down!" After saying that, he took the machete and exchanged it for the ax in the other boy's hand and ran towards the billboard.

He ran to the rusty iron billboard, neatly tied his long hair into a ponytail, gritted his teeth, picked up the ax and smashed the rusted fixing bolts. Unexpectedly, one of the bolts could be broken with just one axe. This result was shocking. Sister Na was very excited and started to break the fixing bolts one after another.

"They say poor quality fakes are bad, but I think they are pretty good. At least now we can break them with an ax. If we replace them with real ones, we will be dead!" As the inferior bolts broke, the huge billboard fell to the ground. When it tipped over, Sister Na did not break all of it but left a part on it, so that one end could slide down and the other end could be fixed on top to form an escape route similar to a slide. Now, what needs to be worried about is whether the car can still start. It stands to reason that the vehicles parked in the middle of the corpse road are basically undamaged. I hope they still have some batteries and gas tanks.


The iron frame made a grinding sound, and finally the other end hit the ground with a clang, and the slide was completed.

"Smash them down with bricks! Quick!"

The four people quickly picked up the bricks and smashed them down, trampling the zombies piled up on the ground into a ladder. Sister Na waved her hand and led the three people to run to the other end. They rushed to the billboard without saying a word and killed the girl who dared not jump. I pushed it down. Fortunately, after more than a year, the advertising painting was still strong. When the boy passed by the beauty advertisement, he still had time to look at the bust of the beautiful woman in the advertisement...

"Ah..." screamed, and the girl twisted her feet on the ground in a wrong posture when she landed.

"I'm going to pick her up! You two start the car quickly! If it can't start, change the car quickly!" Sister Na ran to the girl who twisted her legs and couldn't stand up and bent down to pick her up. When she stood upright, she glanced at the roof of the building. , and surprisingly found that the zombies had climbed up and fell downstairs!

"Damn zombies! When you were alive before the end of the world, I never saw you working so hard for food!"

In the car, the boy was igniting the ignition. The car was always about to start but never started. Behind him, zombies were falling to the ground. There were already zombies falling on the zombies who fell first. They were not injured and struggled to get up. Howling and rushing towards the car...

Finally, the engine roared and the car started.

"Sister Na, get in the car quickly!"

A boy opened the back door and got into the passenger seat. Sister Na ran over and roughly threw the girl into the back compartment. She also got in. Just when she was about to close the door, an accident happened...

"Ouch!" Suddenly a zombie head came out from under the car, opened its mouth and bit on Sister Na's ankle. In an instant, Sister Na fell to the bottom and hurriedly kicked the head away and closed the car door. Her head was so heavy that she couldn't even hear the voices of the other three people. , but I can hear my own heartbeat and breathing. The two rows of tooth marks on my ankles above the worn sneakers are particularly obvious. Are I going to die...

The girl looked at Sister Na's ankle and screamed. The boy in the passenger seat turned around and shouted. Sister Na seemed to be unable to hear anything. She was sitting in the back seat in despair, staring blankly at the zombies that were being knocked away from the car window.

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