Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 375: Wild Civet Cat

The fact that five fighter jets dared to attack fourteen enemy spaceships without hesitation proves the real combat strength of the Rubik's Cube fleet. This is also the strength of computers in combat. They don't have this or that concern and idea like humans do, or they don't do it. If you want to do it, do it well. Five to fourteen does not mean you will lose.

The sandstorm was huge, and the strange thing was that the spacecraft refused to leave this area even though they knew they were locked, and tried their best to find ways to circle and delay in this area.

Not long after, one of the spaceships of this race was hit by a missile and crashed, and another was hit by a fighter cannon and crashed again. The remaining ones still refused to escape. This phenomenon is very strange...

The Martian dust storm came and went quickly. It began to dissipate before the melee in the sky ended. It seemed that there were a lot of weapons deployed on the ground. If there were reconnaissance planes here, they would definitely call for fighter jets to retreat, because a large number of weapons were deployed on the ground. The energy cannon was pointed at the sky, it was obvious that this was a trap.

After a while, the dust dispersed.

"Didi! Alert! There are a lot of anti-air weapons on the ground! Didi! Alert! There are a lot of anti-air weapons on the ground!"

All five fighter jets sounded their sirens, and the computer system made the decision to retreat. Immediately, the five fighter jets increased their engine thrust and accelerated towards the sky. Unfortunately, it was too late to realize that they should escape. A dense group of energy cannons on the ground opened fire. The barrage almost covered the sky. Two fighter jets were smashed into pieces on the spot, and one engine of a fighter jet caught fire and slowed down.

Another salvo fired, and the damaged fighter was hit again. The engine lost power and began to slowly slow down and fall towards the ground. At this time, the fighter that lost power suddenly launched all the remaining twenty missiles towards the ground, and the other two A fighter jet launched a missile at the fallen fighter jet according to procedure...

In order to prevent the leakage of technology and intelligence, the Rubik's Cube has formulated a procedure, which is to destroy all valuable own units that may fall into the enemy's hands. It is cruel, but helpless. This is war.

The fighter jets that lost power exploded into pieces in the air, and the ground exploded one after another. Many alien creatures operating on the ground were killed by the explosions and weapons, or things like space suits were blown to pieces and were not repaired in time and suffocated to death. Silently. The first battle on the surface of Mars also indicates that the solar system will no longer be peaceful.

The two fighter jets could only retreat. On the surface of Mars, the seemingly victorious alien brutal race was actually miserable. The losses greatly exceeded the three fighter jets in the Rubik's Cube. They did not bother to clean up the mess and hurriedly loaded the useful things that could still be taken away onto the spacecraft and took them away. , the surface of Mars has returned to calm again. The only difference is that there are more debris on the desolate land covered with sand and gravel. Before long, these debris will be buried by flying sand like the Mars probe...

after an hour.

More than 30 fighter jets entered Mars like meteors. After searching everywhere, they found nothing except a few corpses. However, the computer system updated the combat data, and it would be impossible to use this method to ambush in the future.

The space battle is still going on, and the advance teams of both sides are constantly fighting and testing in order to obtain information from the other side. Perhaps, the earth will soon be affected by the cosmic war...


White Mountain.

The Rubik's Cube is standing at the door of a simple wooden house. It turns out that there is a young woman and baby here, who are the young man's family, and the old man is the young man's grandfather. The four of them live in this relatively peaceful small mountain village.

Through exchanges with the Rubik's Cube, he learned that there was more than one overlord here, the giant tiger. The old man had also seen bears, eagles, and wild civet cats. Fortunately, these things were generally not of much interest to humans. After analysis, the Rubik's Cube computer roughly understood the future direction of the world. First, mutation There will be more and more animals and the areas occupied by humans will gradually be taken back. This is normal. After all, humans occupied the land from animals in the first place. Another reason is that the number of humans has decreased sharply and they are no longer able to control large areas of land. Naturally normal.

The zombies that are now showing off their power on the earth are gradually going downhill. They either evolve to level four and become advanced beings and continue to live, or they are gradually cannibalized by nature and slowly disappear, which verifies the Rubik's Cube's original calculation of the virus.

The Rubik's Cube also learned another important thing from the old man's mouth, that is, those overlord mutant animals have very high IQs.

There used to be someone else living here, an old lady who was alone. Last year, the old lady rescued a seriously injured wild civet cat on the mountain. She cured the wild civet cat with broth and herbs, and she usually held it as a house cat. Holding her in his arms, the wild civet cat regarded the old lady as a family member. After recovering from the injury, the old lady never stopped eating game. Every now and then, the wild civet cat would bring back a pheasant or something.

After the apocalypse broke out, the wild civet cat didn't show up for a while, and the old lady was very worried. It wasn't until it appeared again that she felt that the civet cat was much bigger, and there was always a light of wisdom in its eyes.

Soon, the old lady passed away, and the mutated wild civet cat lay in front of the old lady's grave for a day and a night. The old man felt that the old lady had a relative to help her die. Sometimes animals may not be ungrateful.

"Oh, by the way, if you want to see it, you can do it tomorrow. It will sit in front of the old lady's grave for a while every month. Just don't scare it." The old man thought for a moment and said suddenly.

"The feelings are really deep..."

Rubik's Cube was very interested in this situation. After studying it, he understood that it might be able to provide some help for human survival, so he decided to go and have a look tomorrow.

Noon the next day.

Following the tips from the old man and his family, Rubik's Cube found an isolated grave on the hillside. There was no tombstone or wreaths. The grave was covered with grass, but it was not messy. There were many messy footprints beside the grave. After scanning and analysis, it was confirmed that it was a large wild civet cat. , looked around, but didn’t see the mutated civet cat, so he had to walk to a boulder in the distance and stand quietly waiting...

Not long after, a red dot appeared on the map screen near the computer and slowly approached.

"It's really here. The old lady must be very happy to see it like this."

A wild civet cat walked out of the dense forest, which was larger than a cheetah. Compared with the four evil cats, it was much slender and had pointier ears. It looked more threatening. The civet cat sniffed and quickly discovered the civet cat standing in the distance. After looking at the Rubik's Cube vigilantly for nearly ten minutes, I found that the Rubik's Cube was just standing in the distance and not close, so I came to the grave and lay down to rest. Occasionally, I would open my eyes and look at the Rubik's Cube.

Bask in the sun, stretch out, take a nap, and stay with the lonely grave like a house cat.

When the wild civet cat opened its eyes again, it found that the weird guy was no longer there. Without thinking about the reason, it closed its eyes and continued to sleep in the sun.

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