Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 388: Partnership

"These days... all the birds have become spirits..."

The Rubik's Cube circled in the sky and transformed into a machine cannon. Without saying a word, it fired at the giant bamboo leaf green. High-temperature armor-piercing bombs, high-explosive bombs, and various artillery shells were continuously fired. One shell shell after another was thrown from the bottom of the machine gun while firing. Bian slowly circled in mid-air, always aiming at the mutated bamboo leaf green.

Compared with the Mutated Bamboo Leaf Green and the Peacock Rubik's Cube, I prefer to keep a peacock that is not too harmful to humans. The harm of a highly toxic thing like the Mutated Bamboo Leaf Green to humans cannot be measured by ordinary standards.


The peacock shouted excitedly and was very satisfied with the Rubik's Cube. It flapped its wings and flew up to follow the Rubik's Cube, hovering above the mutant bamboo leaf green's head. It wasn't that it didn't want to attack but that the Rubik's Cube's cannon fired indiscriminately. It couldn't avoid it at all, so it simply waited for the opportunity in the sky.

The mutated Bamboo Leaf Green in the bamboo forest couldn't run or hide. Explosions kept ringing on and around him. When the thick snake-scale machine gun hit it, it just bounced out sparks and couldn't cause damage. The armor-piercing bullets of the machine gun were different. Each one was different. The cannonballs can shatter the scales and blast out a small blood hole. Although it is a little weak, the cumulative damage is considerable.

The bullet casings continued to fall, and the Rubik's Cube fired while circling sideways.

Mutated Bamboo Leaf Green's huge body has no way to deal with the Rubik's Cube flying in the air. Apart from roaring, he can only twist his body to avoid the cannonballs. From time to time, there will be sudden sonic attacks. The pain makes Mutated Bamboo Yeqing want to pry open his own head!

Two more rockets, this time the two rockets accurately hit the hole made by the high-temperature armor-piercing projectile. After the dull explosion, they caused huge damage to the mutated bamboo leaf green, and even the bones in the flesh and blood can be seen...


The mutant Bamboo Leaf Green turned around and ran away wildly, swimming forward like a mountain. Rubik's Cube glanced forward and realized that this guy wanted to escape into a huge lake in the distance. The lake was deep enough to protect the mutant Bamboo Leaf Green hidden under the water.

"Big Bird! It's your turn to help!"

Cube turned around and shouted at the mutant peacock.


The mutant peacock looked excitedly at the mutant bamboo leaf green swimming on the ground, lowered its head and folded its wings to swoop down. The Rubik's Cube ceased fire and began to prepare the noose. Just when the noose was ready, the mutant peacock was already having sex with the mutant bamboo leaf green. The huge battle scene was better than those fairy tales with fifty-cent special effects. The movie is even more intense and exciting. The bamboo forest was destroyed by rice seedlings. The mutated peacock's huge wings kept fanning wildly and pecked with its sharp beak. Two eagle-like claws kept pulling out pieces of snake from the wounds made by the Rubik's Cube. Meat!

This mutated peacock has been an old enemy of the mutated big snake Zhu Yeqing for a long time. This time, when the mutated big snake Zhu Yeqing was injured, he attacked hard based on the principle that if you don't take advantage of it, you are not a good bird. The bright red snake blood stained the emerald green bamboo forest...

"It's time for me to go up and take action."

The Rubik's Cube dived towards the battle group, and when it was only ten meters away from the ground, it quickly folded, combined and extended to transform. After landing, it rolled around in the bamboo forest, drew out its machete, jumped high and slashed at the big snake!

Click~! The machete chopped off a row of snake scales on the mutated Bamboo Leaf Green's body and then made a wound. Unfortunately, the scales and muscles on the big snake's body were too strong and only caused minor damage, which was not as good as the holes made by armor-piercing bullets. The computer quickly figured out how to use the knife When cutting, the area of ​​​​force is too large, which reduces the damage. If it is changed to stabbing, the effect will be better. Before the Rubik's Cube can lift up and stab, the painful snake's tail whips out.

With a bang, the huge tail hit the shoulder armor of the Rubik's Cube and the Rubik's Cube flew away. Several parts and screws were scattered, and it rolled several times in the bamboo forest before leaning on a boulder.

The right shoulder position on the computer screen showing the machine's condition turned red. Rubik's Cube lowered his head and saw a high-density and hard mutated bamboo penetrating the shoulder machine...

"How lucky you are to be impaled by a piece of bamboo..."

The robot hand grabbed the bamboo and pulled out the mutated hard bamboo while jumping with sparks. Not far away, the peacock and the mutated Bamboo Leaf Qing were having a good fight. The mutated Bamboo Leaf Qing, who was seriously injured and was fighting to the death, showed fierce fighting power and was even on par with the mutant peacock. Time feathers are flying and blood is flying, and the fighting power of the overlord-level beast is evident.

"It's embarrassing."

Picking up the propeller chopper that fell aside, the Rubik's Cube began to rush forward again. The difference from before was that the tip of the knife was pointed forward when rushing forward!

Mutated Bamboo Leaf Green couldn't care less about the Rubik's Cube and devoted himself wholeheartedly to the battle with the mutant peacock. The Rubik's Cube rushed through the scene and quickly analyzed various data. Finally, it found several blown wounds and weak points marked with red circles. What to do now The only thing is to put the tip of the knife into those wounds.

The giant snake's tail swept past, and Rubik's Cube suddenly jumped up high and turned on the propeller on its back to propel itself into a short-distance glide. As it passed over the back half of Mutated Bamboo Leaf Green's body, the Rubik's Cube fastened the noose to the handle of the machete and swung out the machete!


The machete shot out in a circle, and with precise calculation, the tip of the knife pierced through the blood hole made by the armor-piercing bullet with a pop!

"Hiss..." The mutated Bamboo Leaf Green roared in pain, twisting its body and forcing the mutated peacock back. It quickly turned around and rushed towards the Rubik's Cube that had just landed. It opened its mouth and vowed to give the Rubik's Cube a good look. If it was bitten, it would be regarded as a snake. The bite force is not as strong as that of a crocodile, but it is definitely not a good thing to take a bite from such a huge size.

"Just in time!"

Bang! The result was unexpected. The Rubik's Cube mechanical fist hit the corner of Mutated Bamboo Leaf Green's mouth and hit the snake's head to the side into the scattered bamboo bushes. The winch was yanked, and the machete inserted into Mutated Bamboo Leaf Green's body bounced back. He caught the machete before Mutant Bamboo Leaf Green recovered. At the beginning of the attack, he stabbed an obvious weak point on the snake's body with all his strength. Maybe that location was the seven inches that humans often refer to.

The idea was good but difficult to implement. Before the Rubik's Cube could hit it, it was bounced away by the snake's tail, and the battle gradually fell into a stalemate...

The three behemoths in the originally picturesque bamboo forest were fighting with great force. The longer the time went by, the more wounds the mutated bamboo leaf Qingqing had on her body. Some were blasted by armor-piercing bullets and high-explosive bombs, and some were pecked and scratched by the mutated peacock. Yes, there were only a few wounds stabbed by the Rubik's Cube machete, but they were very deep and caused the greatest damage to the snake.

The mutated peacock has also been decorated several times, and many of its feathers have fallen off its wings. Its fairy-like appearance has also disappeared. It is no different from those fighting cocks in the Colosseum. The Rubik's Cube has numerous armor damage all over its body, and several pieces are scattered on the ground. of parts.

While playing with the Rubik's Cube, I had an idea and quickly made a noose with the steel cable on the winch.

Find the right opportunity and throw it out, put it around the neck of Mutated Bamboo Leaf Qing, pull it hard, and immediately strangle the mutant Bamboo Leaf Qing's snake head, and without saying a word, pull the rope and run away!

Boom! The steel rope was stretched straight, and the snake that wanted to make a dodge move to avoid the mutant peacock's claws was slapped on the head, but it was immediately scratched by the claws and its head was bloody and almost scratched its eyeballs. The mutant peacock screamed excitedly and continued to attack. The mutant Zhuyeqing had no choice but to He retreated, and what made the mutant Zhuye Qing crazy was that when he retreated, the strange thing also retreated. He didn't give him any slack, and due to an oversight, his head was pecked hard by the mutant peacock!

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