Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 421: Fierce battle

Several lickers rushed forward and pulled hard, tearing the combat robot into pieces in a burst of electric sparks. However, before dying, the combat robot used its two mechanical hands to scratch the heads of two lickers, and it also pulled two zombies before it died. With their backs on their backs, I don’t know if those corpse monsters discovered or guessed the weakness of mechanical life or something else. The two level 2 lickers focused all their attacks on the chest of the combat robot, and forcefully pried open the armor machine to reveal the light blue inside. Burning fire.

The combat robot sent a final signal before being extinguished in the fire.

"For the sake of machinery..."

The fire was extinguished by the attack, and the soul belonging to this ordinary combat robot disappeared...

"Damn rotten meat!"

The remaining three combat robots stabbed their bayonets faster and faster. Gradually, there were more and more corpses in the room, and there were also more and more zombies. Then, the second combat robot was also pulled into the zombies and torn apart. After shouting out, he sacrificed his mechanical life for the sake of the machine.

"This can't continue like this! I still have a grenade! Protect them both!"

One of the two remaining combat robots stabbed the licker zombie that had just killed its own kind with a bayonet. He took out a grenade, turned on the safety, put it on his chest and pounced on the zombies in the room, while the combat robot behind him was He turned around, hugged the father and son, and pushed them to the corner to protect them.

"For the machinery."

boom! The violent explosion collapsed the roof, killing a large group of zombies on the spot. Then the roof collapsed and crushed a bunch of Lickers outside. The combat robot just detonated its own fire and grenades and exploded...

It's not that this combat robot doesn't cherish its own life, but after precise calculations, even if it doesn't commit suicide, it will be torn apart by those zombies in a short time. Rather than die without any effect, it is better to maximize the killing effect in exchange for the chance of other robots surviving. , which is the best solution derived from precise calculations, maximizing survival probability at the lowest cost.

The violent shock wave of the explosion caused the little boy to faint. The father's ears were ringing and he couldn't hear anything. He shook his head vigorously and could barely hear what the robot in front of him, which was missing a mechanical arm, was saying.

"I'm the only one left, so be prepared."

After saying that, the last combat robot removed the bayonet from the gun and took it in his hand. He turned around and stabbed the head of a zombie that was crawling over. His mechanical leg knee pressed hard on the head of another zombie, and he waved the bayonet one after another to kill one after another. A zombie that rushed towards him and was not killed even used a mechanical head to smash the head of a zombie alive when the bayonet was stuck. After kicking the zombie with the bayonet stuck, he continued to fight with the bayonet!

In the corner behind the combat robot, the man felt a pain in his forehead and hot liquid was flowing down. He knew that he was injured, and it was serious. His vision kept blurring and clearing repeatedly.

When his eyes were blurred and he couldn't see anything clearly, and his ears were ringing again, the man shook his head hard, just in time to see the one-armed robot being pinned down by a zombie...

"Daughter-in-law, I brought my son to find you."

The man's blood-covered face smiled, and while he was awake, he raised the pistol, pointed it at the temple of his son, and pulled the trigger...

Click! No gunfire? The man struggled to open his eyes and saw another robot in front of him. A mechanical finger was stuck behind the wrench of the pistol, preventing the mechanical movement of the pistol. However, the man knew from the number on its shoulder that it was not any of the four robots. Could it be reinforcements? arrive? Does it mean that you and your son don’t have to die?

The man's vision began to blur again, but before he passed out, he vaguely saw seven or eight robots entering the house...

The five combat robots of the Civet Cat Helicopter Combat Team have all been deployed. The ferocious firepower suppressed the zombie attack. The five Civet Cat Helicopters loaded with ammunition plowed back and forth to sweep the zombies in front of the house several times, leaving the remaining mutated zombies such as Lickers. For some unknown reason, they all suddenly disappeared into the smelly underground hole, and the other combat robots were cleaning up the remaining zombies.

Two fighter jets arrived a few minutes later, roared several times in the sky quickly and began to search for nearby suspicious locations.

Not long after, Death Scorpion and the transport plane team arrived. The rescue robot got off the transport plane for a quick inspection. After inspection, it was confirmed that the vital signs of the two human survivors were normal and they were only slightly injured. Three of the four combat robots extinguished their fires and died, leaving only one alone. The arm combat robot is still alive, but the scene is too tragic. The minced flesh corpses near the house are like black and red mud and it is difficult to get down. The dead zombies have covered the house and the surrounding areas with a thick layer. The rescue robot will perform basic repairs on the damaged combat robot. The Tanuki helicopter was sent to the factory for overhaul, and the remaining three death combat robots were carried onto the transport plane.

The death scorpion's mechanical face, which was originally filled with the aura of death, is even more eerie now. Sometimes the death scorpion really doesn't want to receive the four-word signal for machine anymore, but it knows that these four-word signals are important to every mechanical life. It all means honor!

"Release the reconnaissance device and enter the cave! Fifty spider robots enter the cave together to chase each other! I will intercept those zombies at any time and be careful to preserve my own safety."

As the order was issued, a large number of scouts flapped their small wings and flew out of the transport plane and drilled into the hole. Like a swarm of bees, they entered the hole and drilled around. They emitted red scanning beams to detect the situation inside the hole. When they encountered a fork, they separated a part. Entering the fork to continue the search and then sending the search signal back to the ground, Death Scorpion and other robots quickly formed a three-dimensional detailed map of the cave in their computers, even so detailed that the uneven walls around the cave were marked.

"I don't believe that you rotten meat can be dug from the other side of the earth. As long as you are discovered, it will be your death!" the death scorpion said through gritted teeth.

All the signs here indicate that these zombies deliberately surrounded the two human survivors without killing them to use as a trap. They dared to plot against the mechanical army. The Death Scorpions decided to let these rotten flesh know how to write the word "death"!

Fifty spider robots use their mechanical limbs to quickly drill into the hole. The death scorpions are still waiting. After the scout finds the zombies, the death scorpions will directly drill new holes and reach the zombies' lair. When it comes to ground drilling technology and machinery, Only the death scorpions are the best in the army, not to mention the zombies. Even under the command of the corpse demon, they have no understanding of drilling holes, and it takes an unknown amount of time to dig this hole.

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