Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 437: Faith

Every two rows of mechanical soldiers form a shooting batch. After the ammunition of these two rows of mechanical soldiers is used up, they will retreat to the rear. The next two rows of mechanical soldiers will continue to shoot. The transport aircraft will continue to send the ammunition to the front line, and then the engineering robots will drive the vehicles to deliver it. Combat robots were distributed to the back of each square formation. However, due to the continuous bombing, Jiangcheng factory was in short supply of materials, so the speed of making bullets was getting slower and slower, and there were fewer and fewer...

Gradually, there are more and more combat robots without bullets.

Liu Wenhai commanded twenty tanks to park next to the mechanical army, and fired at the corpses at an angle. No matter what kind of high-explosive or armor-piercing bombs could be fired out, the machine gun on the top of the tank fired wildly, emptying the ammunition boxes one by one. Throwing it aside, the soldier's arms were numbed by the shock and he did not let go.

After more than two hours of continuous shooting, with more than 40,000 corpses left, the combat robot finally ran out of bullets...

The corpses were still roaring and moving forward, and Zhang Xiaowen and Zhang Nan who were standing on the top of the mountain could smell the stench clearly.

Rubik's Cube looked at the few remaining zombies. His right manipulator turned into a helicopter tail rotor and rotated at high speed. It was the last moment.

"Compatriots of the Mechanical Empire."

The unique mechanical sound belonging to the Rubik's Cube spread throughout the battlefield and spread throughout the Jiangcheng area through the communication system.

"Stand your ground! This is a war between good and evil!"

"I see no fear in your eyes. Our race is not afraid of death because of its beliefs!"

Many robots turned to look at the huge Rubik's Cube in front of the formation. In their mechanical eyes was only their creator, who is the belief of all mechanical life...

"Maybe one day, our fire will go out! Our bodies will slowly rust! Turn into a pile of useless scrap metal!"

"But definitely not today!"

"Maybe at some point our mechanical empire will be destroyed! The mechanical civilization we believe in will be extinct!"

"But definitely not today!"


"Today we will fight to the death! We will drive bayonets into the enemy's body! We will use every ounce of energy from the fire!"

"For the machinery."

"My Rubik's Cube is here to give an order, you must hold your position! Machine!"

Rubik's Cube almost shouted loudly, and instantly, the atmosphere of the entire battlefield was ignited...

"For the machine! Shout! Machine! Machine! Machine..."

All the robots were yelling the word "machine" with all their strength. At this moment, the mechanical army was fearless. The combat robots that had just stepped off the production line on the distant road roared and ran faster. There was a feeling in the fire that they were on the road. There will be great glory on the battlefield, and only by joining the battle can one's own value be reflected.

At the top of the mountain, Du Heng also shouted the word "machine" and now completely regarded himself as a mechanical life.

"Wenzi, I'm going down, this is also my honor." Du Heng said to Zhang Xiaowen.

"Go and stay safe. I believe you will exert great fighting power and fight for victory."

Du Heng nodded, took out two Tang knives from his back and walked down the mountain.

"Is this girl crazy? There are countless zombies there. Even if I can fight them, I don't dare to go down and fight with those zombies." Zhang Nan looked at Du Heng in disbelief, completely unable to understand a beautiful young girl. Why would you risk your life to enter the battlefield? This is not the place a girl should go.

"She has her faith."

After Zhang Xiaowen finished speaking, she stopped talking and silently watched Du Heng's slender figure in a white dress walking toward the mechanical army formation.

"Wenzi, help me find a civet helicopter. I can kill those high-level zombies and find out where those hateful zombies are."

Behind him, Yuan Fei, holding a sniper rifle, said to Zhang Xiaowen.

Zhang Xiaowen nodded. After a while, a Civet Cat helicopter with all its ammunition flew over. Yuan Fei was sitting at the door of the cabin holding a gun and wearing high-tech goggles. The seat belt on her back was fixed on the Civet Cat helicopter. After preparing everything, the Civet Cat helicopter Taking off and heading straight to the rear of the corpse group, Yuan Fei used the goggles to connect to the detection equipment of the Civet Cat helicopter to increase the search range and speed in order to snipe those high-threat targets. For this battle, the engineering robot specially produced many high-tech bullets, only It only takes one shot to destroy a level 3 tank zombie. Of course, the vital part must be hit first.

The group of corpses are still approaching, and the atmosphere is getting more and more depressing. From a height, it looks like a large moving black torrent is approaching the ten neat square formations on the opposite side, and two different camps are about to collide.

On the top of another mountain, five special forces soldiers were already infected by the atmosphere and their blood was boiling.

"Fuck! They are fighting for us humans, but we special elites are lying in the grass on the top of the mountain peeping! This is the biggest stain in my life." A soldier said bitterly.

"We humans should also learn from the bloody nature of those robots. Fear should not be everything to humans now. What else do we have left but fear? Every human being is like a frightened mouse."

"This is an army. These robots are learning from our ancient armies to fight with cold weapons. Back then, our ancestors were not afraid of what we are afraid of..."

This soldier is right. From a height, the phalanx of the mechanical army is similar to the cold weapon battle formation of the ancient army. The only difference is that it is more orderly and standard. Absolutely no one would have thought that this would happen again on earth after so many years of modern warfare. A battle formation war state has emerged, and it is time to fight for strength and quantity again. A cruel fight will follow!

"To be honest, I envy those armored soldiers. At least they look like men now, while we look like those perverts hiding in the cracks of the women's bathhouse and peeping."

A soldier said mockingly that the special forces officer did not stop the soldiers' discussion. At this time, he really couldn't find the right words to explain that what he did was correct. Many people in Longcheng knew that the mechanical army once sent a message to the headquarters asking for assistance in combat. , but was rejected by some gentle people who seemed to have been castrated. Not long ago, it was the same Transformer who helped to regain the rebel area, but then changed his mind in the blink of an eye. This kind of thing is extremely embarrassing to say.

The corpses were getting closer and closer, but the mechanical soldiers remained motionless.

"Fire the bayonet!"

An order spread throughout the battlefield.

Kaka! All the combat robots quickly took out their bayonets and mounted them on their guns. The spider robot's two sharp forelimbs rubbed against each other, creating a series of sparks.

The mechanical soldiers remained motionless again, and the group of corpses got closer and closer, so close that you could almost see clearly the zombies' big mouths full of black rotten matter, and their white eyeballs were about to bulge out. Everyone, men, women, old and young, was screaming and stumbling forward with their mouths open.

Rubik's Cube raised his head and gritted his teeth to give the order...


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