Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 503: Panda

"Capture net!"

The little raccoon holding the transmitter heard Zhang Xiaowen's voice and ran behind the savage without saying a word and pulled the trigger. With a loud sound, the catching net enveloped the savage. However, the result was unexpected. The savage realized that he could not solve these problems for a while. The animals holding the strange things then set their hateful eyes on the little boy and the white fox. They jumped out and ran on all fours to chase the two little boys. The catching net missed the savages and flew over them.

Snapped! The little raccoon holding the launcher slapped him on the head, so he had to put away the launcher and take out his weapon to prepare to fire.

"Portable mechanical rocket!" Zhang Xiaowen continued to issue instructions.

The four big cats running and chasing took out two forearm-long sci-fi rockets from their backpacks and loaded them into the grenade launchers under the firearms. While running, they locked on the wild man running on all fours and quickly aimed at the small circle on the screen of the goggles. The movement worked hard to lock onto the Savage, and finally, the circle lassoed the Savage and flashed to indicate it was now ready to fire.


The two big cats fired mechanical rockets. After ejecting from the launcher, the rockets ignited in the air and flew straight towards the savage. During the flight, three sharp mechanical leg devices were opened in front of the rockets, dragging the tail flames and shaking up and down, left and right, and dodged each other. obstacle tracking target.

When the first rocket was about to hit, the savage suddenly turned around. As a result, the rocket passed by the savage. The rocket originally had an intelligent program and planned to circle back and continue the attack. Unfortunately, due to the thick leaves, it jumped out far away. It hit a big tree and exploded with a bang. The wood chips that blew up the big tree flew into the air and it fell down with a loud cracking sound as it couldn't bear the huge weight.

Another rocket hit the savage accurately, but it only hit the savage’s raised butt...

The three sharp mechanical legs used inertia to pierce into the flesh, and then sank suddenly, and the rocket warhead disappeared. The savage was in pain and tried to pull out the rocket on his butt, but it was too late, and the rocket exploded.

boom! For the first time, the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy directly observed what it means to fly on a dirt plane. They saw the savage's butt suddenly exploded violently. The extremely strong and fleshy savage's butt was blown to pieces on the spot, and two long hairs were covered with gray hair and blood. His legs flew in front of a little raccoon and almost knocked him down, and the front half of his body flew in the direction of the little boy following the impact of the explosion. The lower part of his belly disappeared and was bloody and bloody. His intestines were dragged out. The old man was still running with two arms, and he was about to Get the little boy!

The little raccoon fired again on the hillside, and the bullet missed again, and the little raccoon hit the tree...

Feng Xiaoer, who was running behind, saw an intestine moving rapidly on the ground and his eyes suddenly lit up. Without saying a word, he grabbed the intestine on the ground and pulled it back hard. It is estimated that only Feng Xiaoer, an idiot, could do this.

Collapse~ His intestines were tightened. Unexpectedly, the mutated savage not only had strong skin and flesh, but also strong internal organs. Feng Xiaoergou grabbed his intestines with his paws and almost missed it and was brought down. When a small raccoon behind him saw this, he rushed over and grabbed Feng Xiaoergou's tail. After seeing the other little raccoons, they quickly grabbed the tail of the previous one one by one. As a result, a long series of animals grabbed the charging savage alive...

"Ah wu..."

Feng Xiaoer's feeling... Such a sour feeling... His little eyes were completely free of guilt and melancholy. With tears in his eyes, he turned back to look affectionately at the little raccoon behind him, which was pulling his dog's tail. It didn't matter, there were a bunch of little raccoons behind him. Their expressions were as sour as mine, full of tears and pitiful Chuchu. Only the last one was still gritting his teeth and pulling back hard. Brother, your tail doesn’t hurt when you’re at the end!

All the intestines in the stomach of the savage in front had been pulled out, and they were so tight that the savage could not continue to chase. As a result, the savage went crazy and grabbed his intestines frantically and continued to chase. Once his intestines were broken, a series of animals behind him lost their strength and fell into a bunch. .

Zhang Xiaowen's mouth twitched as she looked at the big screen. How much hatred the savage had with that child, but... this tail was really useful.

The four evil cats quickly clamped their tails, fearing that these idiots would grab their beautiful tails and pull them hard. Seeing that the savages were about to run away, the group of animals hurriedly whined and continued to chase. The bullets that were fired continuously made branches and leaves fly around the savages. With a crackling sound, the white fox at the front simply picked up the little boy and continued running wildly. This scene was beyond the expectations of everyone and the animals.

Zhang Xiaowen frowned, switched the screen and looked at the direction of running.

"That fox wants to lead the savages to overlord-level mutant animals? He's playing with fire!"

Even if foxes are mutated, their combat effectiveness will still be low, but their IQ will be improved. This scarred white fox obviously wants to take this dying and crazy savage to the overlord mutant animal. It is betting that the overlord mutant animal will definitely Prioritize attacking wounded savages.

"Aerospace team fighters are ready! If an overlord-level mutant animal attacks the little boy or the escort, fire immediately! Don't worry about whether it is an overlord! Only our mechanical empire is the overlord in this universe!"

"The command is confirmed, the machine is invincible!"

The belly bomb bay of the fighter jet hovering in the sky is open, and various missiles can be launched at any time with the safety on.

This is already the living area of ​​the overlord mutant animal. The successive explosions and the strong smell of blood have already attracted the attention of the overlord mutant animal. The fox running at the front with blood foaming at its mouth had its elegant white fur dyed red with blood, even though it was seriously injured. Still carrying the little boy on his back, he continued to run.

While running, suddenly there was a sound of a huge creature moving quickly in front of him. The white fox hesitated slightly and turned around and ran in the direction of the sound.

"Attention all units, the overlord-level mutated animals have been alerted, please protect your own safety!" Air fighter planes warned the members of the escort team.


Bang! The huge animal that emerged from the dense jungle suddenly landed in front of the white fox. The white fox quickly stopped and lay motionless on the ground with its head lowered. The little boy, Zhang Xiaowen and others were all dumbfounded. They had all kinds of thoughts about overlord-level animals. He made various assumptions, but never expected that he would be this familiar guy. He is a ferocious beast but makes a living by being cute...


That’s right, the huge guy in front of you is clearly a national treasure panda with black ears and black eyes who wants to take color photos. Maybe it’s a giant panda that escaped from some zoo. It mutated and completely adapted to the Northeast climate and grew to nearly four meters tall. Pandas are so cute. That is also a bear, and its fighting ability is definitely considered to be the top creature on earth.

The giant panda's black eyes looked curiously at the white fox and the little boy. Maybe he often saw humans in the zoo, so he didn't show any aggression towards the little boy. When he looked up and raised his head, he found a strange animal and something behind it. A bunch of little animals.

What the hell is this? He looks so weird, even with the lower half of his body missing, and yet he is still roaring? Pandas remain alert to creatures they have never seen before.

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