Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 519: Shot

"Sir! The radar can't lock on that flying object!"

The radar operator looked at the blurred screen and helplessly said to an officer that the electromagnetic railgun needed to be aimed. In the past, the method of use mainly relied on fire control radar locking, but as long as the radar faced the flying object, it would turn into a blurry screen and nothing could be seen clearly. This is the first time in his life that the operator has seen such strong electronic interference. You must know that this is the fire control radar of the Eagle Empire, the most advanced country in the world.

"Use the electro-optical imaging system to aim! Quick!"

The operator immediately changed the aiming method. As expected, it worked. After everything was ready, the electromagnetic railgun aimed at the Rubik's Cube...

When the flying Rubik's Cube was targeted by the fire control radar for the first time, it had already discovered that some kind of weapon was aiming at it, and it was also a weapon such as an artillery piece. After a slight hesitation, he took out a red and silver shield from his back. The shield was on Under the control of the Rubik's Cube, a mechanical sound came out and quickly changed from a small shield to a large shield blocking the attack direction.


The shield suddenly vibrated violently, and the Rubik's Cube was pushed with such force that it used the auxiliary thrusters to readjust several times before maintaining a normal flight posture. The two girls in the cockpit on the chest were also shaken so violently that they became dizzy.

Just when Rubik's Cube was about to put away his shield and move away from here, he suddenly found that the same weapon was shooting at him again, but in another direction...

"Although our human technology is not as good as your alien creatures, we are intelligent."

The agent leader in his fifties put on sunglasses and raised his lips with a smile. When he arrived, he had made various plans, including the failure of the siege, the failure of the electromagnetic rail gun, and the last one, the battery rail gun, was the real trump card. Sudden attack, there are many examples in human history of being at a disadvantage but turning defeat into victory with wisdom. This is wisdom.

With a snap, the projectiles fired by the electromagnetic railgun instantly penetrated the propellers on both sides of the mechanical leg's calf. Along with the projectiles, a large number of mechanical parts and broken armor flew out. Survivors and agents standing in the ground camp I saw with my own eyes that the flying robot burst into flames and then emitted black smoke. After falling for more than two hundred meters, the flying object staggered back to normal and flew toward the coast at a slightly slower speed than before. .

"Look, there seem to be two smoking things in the sky?"

Many people saw two small objects trailing flames in the sky flying downward in two directions. The agent leader hurriedly picked up the communicator to contact the two electromagnetic railgun operating teams.

"Retreat! Leave the launch position quickly! There is guidance..."

Before he could finish speaking, violent explosions occurred at two locations in the distance, and thick smoke rose. The agents all knew that the electromagnetic railguns and operators were all dead. This was not the end. Originally, Rubik's Cube felt that there was no need to fight Xiong The Eagle Empire was at war with each other, so they didn't let those planes fall down. It was difficult to control, but they could still fly the planes in the sky. The agents didn't know that the Rubik's Cube had one hand left and thought it was all its power. As a result, the Rubik's Cube was hit hard and became violent. , all the fighter jets and helicopters that could still be preserved fell to the ground...

Explosions sounded one after another, and the planes plunged to the ground with whimpers that cut through the airflow. Many pilots had to parachute, and many pilots were too late to operate.

In the air far away from the camp.

"Beep! The left thruster is seriously damaged and consumes too much energy. It needs repair."

The computer kept sounding alarms. After searching the nearby map, the Rubik's Cube turned and flew towards a certain seaside city. There were many small islands there that could be used as a temporary resting place. Without repairs on the aircraft, it would be difficult to fly back to Jiangcheng across the vast Pacific Ocean.

Dragging smoke trails all the way, I flew over the island and flew around the island to scan the condition of the island. It looked good. In addition to the useless swimming pool, the sea view villa for vacation and leisure also had a lot of canned food in the kitchen. It's okay, let's take this opportunity to let the two humans clean up, eat and change their clothes before going back.

It flew close to the palm trees, adjusted its direction, stood and landed slowly, then quickly transformed into a tractor-trailer and parked in the villa yard.

The car door opens.

"Rest here for the time being. There is a swimming pool in the back, cans in the kitchen, and various clothes in the bedroom. I will take a day off and return to Dragon Kingdom tomorrow morning. I will now go into hibernation to repair damaged parts. I wish you all have fun on this beautiful island. "Happy. By the way, don't go to the beach. There are vicious piranhas on the beach."

After saying that, without waiting for the two girls to reply, the car lights flashed and then remained motionless, with only a faint blue light flashing near the wheels at the back.

The two human girls went to take a shower and change clothes. Before entering the dormant state, Rubik's Cube gave the Longshan radar robot an order to destroy all the satellites of the Eagle Empire through the satellite. A large part of why the Eagle Empire is powerful is reflected in its strong aerospace capabilities. Various satellites provide a great assistance to its army's operations. It can even be said that without satellites, they can't even launch many missiles. The radar robot ordered by the Rubik's Cube is in full swing and begins action!

The Creator's instructions are very clear, destroy all satellites, which means that as long as they are related to the Eagle Empire and can be used by them, they are included in the attack plan, even if they are shared with other countries, they are also targets.

The radar robot adjusted its main weapon radar to turn upwards, pointing completely towards the sky, and continuously emitted energy signals quickly. The complex and huge attack signals caused the energy to be somewhat out of control. Many people in the Longshan Camp could even see with their naked eyes a pattern on the top of Longshan Mountain. The vague beam of light shines directly into the sky, even the clouds in the sky are scattered. Through such a huge energy signal, it can be seen how many satellites the Eagle Empire has in the sky.


A certain satellite was running in orbit. Suddenly, the satellite continued to emit small flames to adjust its direction as if it was drunk. The thrusters originally used to adjust the orbit control satellite were now pushing the satellite closer to the earth. Not only this satellite, Other satellites associated with the Eagle Empire did the same.

A satellite…

Two satellites…

Ten satellites…

The originally densely packed satellites near the satellite orbit are now more and more automatically adjusting their directions to get closer to the earth. Anyone with a bit of common sense knows that if they get too close to the earth, they will be affected by the earth's gravity and fall towards the earth. Satellites will be burned when they pass through the atmosphere. Turned into ashes, countless satellites of various sizes are flying towards the earth faster and faster. The scene is both spectacular and terrifying. This is a disaster!

Many Eagle Empire satellite management departments on the earth have discovered that the attitude of the satellites is abnormal, and adjustments have no effect. Not one or two, but all the satellites have abnormal attitude!

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