Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 529: Start taking action

The Rubik's Cube decided to take a day off to calm down. After turning into a human form, he went out to play with Xiao Jing. They walked happily on the autumn mountain road. Xiao Jing sat on the Rubik's Cube's neck and held up a dandelion. His clear laughter echoed in the mountain forest, and he knitted small pieces of straw. I made a bird's nest and put it on top of the Rubik's Cube, saying that it would definitely attract birds to live there.

Birds are flying in the distant sky, and the cool weather announces another harvest season...

Fengshan Base.

The airport was busy. Fighter planes were flying to high altitudes with maximum load of strange missiles. The bombs they carried were vaccines specially developed by engineering robots to combat the poisonous gases of octopus creatures. After cracking and analyzing, it was found that the special mist emitted resembles It is a virus that can infect animals or other organisms and then change it into the materials needed to make biological constructs. The vaccine can allow animals to produce antibodies and no longer be infected by the virus.

The earth is so big and there are so many forests. If you want to release vaccines in various forests, you must find a way to throw missiles filled with vaccines everywhere. This problem has been solved with the ingenious method of engineering robots.

Air Force fighter jets without a space flight system can fly near the earth's low-Earth orbit and launch missiles from the orbit. In this way, the Earth's gravity can be used to drop missiles to any corner of the world. In order to drop missiles into every animal habitat, all fighter jets are fully loaded. Missiles carrying a large number of vaccines are launched into the sky. Human beings do not care whether animals live or die. Mechanical civilization must care and take responsibility.

A series of sci-fi-looking fighter planes flew straight up quickly. Anyway, the robots in the mechanical army will not hide their figures if they don't like humans. The radars of major countries are scanning the area near Jiangcheng all the time. They will wait until they find a large number of objects flying straight into the sky. Thinking that the mechanical army was launching missiles against various countries, they desperately opened various defense missile systems and prepared their own missiles, ready to counterattack at any time.

"Arrive at the designated height and prepare to launch vaccine missiles."

The thrust of the engines of the first few fighter jets to reach low-Earth orbit was reduced, and they floated in the high altitude as if weightless. The vaccine missiles carried under the wings detached from the pylons and adjusted their directions to fall in the predetermined direction. After the missiles under the wings were released, the fighter jets opened their magazines again. The missiles in the belly of the aircraft are dropped into the hatch. Some of the densely packed missiles fly down directly and some move along the track waiting for the opportunity to land.

The big countries that were paying attention to the movements of the mechanical armies went crazy. They never expected that these robots would actually take action!

But soon the surveillance departments of various major powers discovered that those falling things covered almost the entire world, including the Antarctic and Arctic, African deserts, South American tropical rainforests, and even the Dragon Kingdom itself had fallen many small things. It felt wrong. Military experts immediately took a helicopter and rushed to the landing site of the fallen objects to check.

Several helicopters left a military base in the Eagle Empire and flew towards the forest. Not long after arriving at their destination, they saw a missile-like object landing rapidly in the sky. Before the helicopters could escape in fear, they saw the missile suddenly open a small parachute. Land slowly.

The missile shattered when it landed about a hundred meters above the ground, and a large amount of green gas spread wildly...

"Be careful of poisonous gas! Put on a gas mask!"

Everyone in the helicopter quickly put on gas masks and took out some air detection equipment to test the green gas. A few minutes later, the test results surprised everyone. It was non-toxic?

"Those robots aren't just throwing Easter eggs around the world, are they? It's not Easter anymore."

The crew turned their attention to the animals in the forest on the ground. They must have known with the animals' keen senses whether the gas was harmful or not. When they lowered their altitude, a bunch of people lay on the hatch and stared at the various animals. After waiting for more than 20 minutes, my eyes were numb and I found that the animals had no feeling at all, as if the green gas did not exist at all.

The confused military personnel had no choice but to return to the base and report the situation to their superiors. In the eyes of everyone, the robot did a very boring thing today...

After the vaccine was released in most of the places with many animals on the earth, Rubik's Cube felt much more relaxed, and then issued an order to clean up the zombie production and stabilize the rear area as soon as possible. Without the removal of zombies, the mechanical army could not fight against those alien species stably. First of all, how many buildings in Province L It's time to clean up the zombies in the big city, and the upgraded combat robot army is ready to set off.

In order to quickly and violently solve the zombie problem, Rubik's Cube dispatched the top ten newly born Transformers. The top ten Transformers followed the main mechanical army to clear out cities one by one. Mechanical dogs, mechanical birds, and mechanical insects were all dispatched!


Jiangcheng Airport and Fengshan Base are busy again.

Mechanical birds were the first to fly towards the target in groups, followed by transport planes loaded with combat robots, followed by civet helicopters with combat robots, high-altitude drones carrying missiles and bombs taking off in groups, aerial combat teams taking off vertically, and ground operations Combat robots, spider robots, mechanical dogs, etc. ran in the attacking direction in teams. Various dark gray combat units were densely packed and moving at the same time. Only mechanical life forms can be orderly and without chaos.

The big countries that are neurotic about mechanical armies once again used radar to detect the robots' big movements. Fortunately, they did not see the movements of ground troops, otherwise they would have been scared and hid in underground nuclear bunkers.

With all the mechanical army dispatched, the Dragon Kingdom army naturally cannot help but Liu Wenhai is definitely indispensable. Zhang Xiaowen, Du Heng Ruoyan, Yuan Fei and Zhang Nan will follow the army to act together. Some coordination with humans still requires help. As for Ruoyan, she just came to see the fun and see if she could pick up something cheap.

The first target is Xi City, which is closest to Jiangcheng. The city that was originally regarded as a safe base camp by zombies is no longer safe. The various aircraft that arrived first frantically dropped the robot's beloved white phosphorus bombs. As the first white phosphorus bomb fell into the city, The war begins...

Today's mechanical empire is no longer afraid of any major counterattack organized by the zombies after its strength has increased. Just ten new Transformers can overwhelm the enemy. The zombies and the fourth-level zombies all know that the situation is over, so they sneak around in desperation. After leaving the city and escaping far away, the mechanical army had no time to stop them. The main business was to eliminate hundreds of thousands of zombies in the city.

The urban buildings that were originally covered with various plants have been devastated by artillery fire. The white phosphorus will not be extinguished until it is burned. Buildings are set on fire, collapsed, and exploded. The pride of human civilization that once existed is being destroyed.

After the indiscriminate bombing, the ground troops arrived, the bombing stopped, and the mechanical soldiers began to enter the city to kill the zombies.

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