Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 535: Rocket

Continuous bombings, nothing else in the sky except the sound of planes cutting through the airflow and the rumble of explosions. The suburban wasteland is densely packed with formations of mechanical soldiers. In order to save energy, all the mechanical soldiers have entered a dormant standby state. The combat robots stand motionless, and the spider robots There are also mechanical dogs and mechanical birds all lying on the ground. The bombing lasted for several days. At this time, in addition to the toxic gas unique to white phosphorus bombs, the provincial capital was also filled with billowing smoke from incendiary bombs. Buildings turned into torches, making it a hell on earth.

"Mechanical army, attack!"

The Rubik's Cube command signal echoed in the wilderness, and the mechanical army instantly opened its red mechanical eyes and looked at the city shrouded in black smoke.

Groups of mechanical dogs kicked off the dirt and rushed towards the city, followed by civet helicopters and mechanical birds in the sky. Mechanical insects pushed towards the city together with combat robots and other robots. The provincial city was larger, and the Rubik's Cube transferred all the Furious Death Scorpions. , only Xiao Pan was left guarding Jiangcheng, and Rubik's Cube knew that this would be another long and numb massacre.


Fengshan Base.

A large equipment stands in a valley somewhere, and countless engineering robots are busy on it. From a distance, it is a tall and large tower equipment, with a rocket in the middle. It is inspired by the methods of those octopus creatures. , the mechanical army began to make rockets and drop equipment to emit signals outside the electronic interference zone. The current mechanical army seems powerful, but it is only compared to the earth. It is still not enough to face those huge and brutal alien race armies, so contact your own fleet. appears extremely important.

It is slow to build complex starships, but it is much faster to build rockets currently commonly used on Earth. It only took a few days to install the last stage of communication equipment.

On the tower, a huge mechanical arm slowly docked the front end of the rocket with the entire rocket. It was successfully installed only once. Then many engineering robots climbed up to check. The rocket has been assembled and is ready for launch at any time.

Rubik's Cube, who was massacring zombies in the provincial capital, directly ordered the launch of rockets, and also ordered the radar robot to pay attention to the air defense movements of other countries and be alert to sabotage.

In order to prevent those idiots who are allied with the octopus creatures from destroying the rockets, five fighter planes were specially mobilized from the bombing to fly to low-Earth orbit altitudes, all carrying high-tech missiles to prevent attacks. There is no way, there are too many idiots on the earth, when those octopus creatures know If a robot launches a rocket, it will definitely ask those humans to shoot down the rocket.

In the valley, many robots of various types began to evacuate.

The tower holding the rocket slowly opens its fixed brackets, like a giant opening its arms to let go of the rocket.

Get everything ready, rocket launch...

Boom~! A huge flame was emitted from the bottom of the rocket, and the powerful thrust pushed the rocket up slowly. Suddenly a rising rocket appeared in the mountains. In the distance, the survivors of Fengshan Camp stared blankly at the huge object dragging out the flames. When did Shanshan build a space center?

After the rocket rose to a certain height, many countries that monitored the movements of mechanical armies day and night discovered the rocket taking off.

"Warning! Three anti-missile bases were found launching interceptor missiles, a total of six missiles. The coordinates have been locked. Fighters are ready to defend!"

"Air Combat Team received."

Five almost weightless fighter planes dropped six missiles continuously, and the six missiles went straight to the six interceptors at a faster speed. Compared with the missiles of the mechanical army, regardless of humans or those octopus creatures, they were more than a little behind. What is a missile? To put it bluntly, it is a mechanical device plus a computer. These things are too simple for mechanical life.

Six flames burst out at high altitude. Many people standing on the ground could clearly see the traces of the explosion if the weather was clear. The interceptor was intercepted, which shocked the human anti-missile forces.

"Aim at those anti-missile bases that launch interceptors and attack them."

More than a dozen missiles were launched continuously towards three anti-missile bases. This is a gift from the fighter planes to those idiots who want to destroy themselves. One gift for Marukuni and two for the Eagle Empire Naval Base. If they don't accept it, they will attack the machine. Now that the army is ready, we are not afraid of them coming.

The three anti-missile bases on the ground emitted explosive fire, and a large amount of equipment was lost again. The rocket has now broken away from the earth's gravity and continues to fly far away. While flying, it emits a signal unique to mechanical life. As long as a fighter or reconnaissance aircraft in the mechanical fleet receives this signal, it will immediately interpret all the data and send the data to the Rubik's Cube body. The Rubik's Cube star battleship and the octopus cannot be deciphered. These are special signals unique to mechanical life.

Sometimes Rubik's Cube finds it very funny when he thinks about it. He is desperately trying to find ways to protect the earth, but the humans on the earth are trying their best to stop him from taking action. The balancing strategy is even more childish. When two alien behemoths are fighting each other, human beings really Will everything be safe? In other words, they choose to believe in octopuses that are completely different from humans because they are also cellular creatures. Mechanical life is the enemy because it belongs to the scope of metal machinery. Rubik's Cube really doesn't know what those big guys think.

provincial capital.

The battle continues as always. In the ruined city, various robots move in and out of fire scenes or areas filled with toxic gases from white phosphorus bombs. Transport trucks continue to carry zombie corpses to pile up and burn.

Regardless of the color of your skin and hair, whether you were rich or poor during your lifetime, no matter how you looked, you once thought you were noble or lived in poverty, you are all equal now. The corpses were randomly piled into a pile, and then an incendiary bomb fell on it. Black smoke, dust, nothing. In the cemetery, dirty blood and corpse oil flowed into the sewers, and after they became clogged, they simply flowed everywhere.

There used to be a huge stone wall in a park somewhere in the city, but now it is full of bullet holes, large and small, and zombie corpses are piled up in the small lake where couples once liked to go boating.

A survivor camp near the provincial capital.

Zhang Xiaowen sat in front of the tent and looked at the smoke-filled city in the distance. The rumblings of bomb explosions kept coming from the sky. People harvesting in the nearby farmland had become accustomed to thick smoke and rumbling explosions. Du Heng brought the food, and it turned out that it was already lunch time.

"The camp managers from the Song family just came to me and told me to protect the city and resume life as soon as possible in the future." Du Heng said while setting out the dishes and chopsticks, with an indifferent expression on his pretty face.

"It's a good idea."

"Yeah, I told him you can kill the zombies yourself, but the knife needs to be sharp. There are tens of millions of zombies out there."

"These bastards start thinking about their own property before they can kill the zombies. How confident they are."

As soon as the dinner table was set, Zhang Nan, Liu Wenhai and Ren Qiang ran over. Yuan Fei and Ruoyan grabbed the roast beef made by Ruoyan. Ruoyan not only had no objection to killing zombies but started thinking about eating barbecue. This point made Zhang Xiaowen look at him with admiration countless times. He was indeed a level 4 zombie who had suffered intense nuclear radiation. His brain might have been severely radiated as well.

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