Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 539: Automatic Defense

The aircraft carrier lowered a speedboat equipped with machine guns. Three armed men took the speedboat through the waves and approached the mining spacecraft. The three armed men wearing sunglasses nervously steered the speedboat closer and closer to the mining spacecraft. Various complex equipment on board were still there. There is a design that violates the law, which makes the three people nearby become more and more confused. What on earth is this?

"Be careful! Don't get the speedboat under it!"

"Don't worry, buddy, I've been driving this thing since I joined the army. I'm even more familiar with it than my younger brother!"

The speedboat turned off as it approached the mining spacecraft. As the waves undulated, the three of them looked at the motionless spacecraft suspended above their heads. From this angle, the spacecraft looked larger, and the ion cannon at the front of the spacecraft could be seen more clearly. The three of them were surprised by the craftsmanship of the spacecraft. Details, in order to see the spaceship more clearly, I took off my sunglasses.

In fact, the mining spacecraft has been paying attention to the movements of these warships and personnel. The computer screen quickly marked the threatening parts, such as naval guns, missiles, radars and close-in defense guns. Since these personnel are not currently hostile targets and have backward technology, the intelligent program will Marked in yellow.

The computer screen was adjusted to focus on the three humans below, and the details of the eyes and pupils of the three people were clearly visible.


Suddenly, a huge and strange sound of steel twisting came from the spaceship. It was the sound of the spacecraft repairing its own damage.

"Whoa! Relax! Don't be nervous!"

The loud noise startled the three people in the speedboat below. The gun operator on the distant warship was nervous and almost stopped firing. After calming down for a while, he found that the spacecraft became motionless again, as if he had just farted. One of the Asian The American soldier lay in the speedboat, shivering and muttering something unknown.

"Hey! If you don't get up, I'll kick your ass!"

"Fu*k! When I joined the army, the damn recruiting officer told me that the Eagle Empire's army, the best in the world, was not in any danger! But what is this! Why don't we go back!" The Asian boy huddled in the speedboat and yelled nervously.

The standing man planned to kick the boy a few times, but was stopped by another person before he could step forward.

"Hey! We're here to find out what's going on! We're not here to fight under this damn alien spaceship, okay! Calm down!"

The quarrel between the three soldiers came to an end, but when the three raised their heads, they made a new discovery. There was a big hole under the side! And it looks like it was definitely violently opened by something. Could it be that this is an alien spacecraft that was shot? Who was it hit by?

Just as the three of them carefully observed the damage, the spacecraft suddenly made the sound of steel twisting again...


A soldier on the deck of a destroyer with poor psychological quality nervously pulled the trigger and fired three bursts. The three bullets hit three sparks on the side hull of the spacecraft, leaving only three white spots.


The commander shouted angrily, but it was too late. The computer screen of the mining spacecraft immediately detected the bullet hitting the hull, and instantly marked all the warships in the aircraft carrier formation in red. The circular aiming frame instantly locked onto the soldier who fired, a laser weapon. Adjusting their aim and firing, many Eagle Empire Navy saw a bright ray connected from somewhere in the spacecraft to the head of the soldier who fired the gun!

The light disappeared, and the soldier who fired the gun had a scorched black hole on his head, and his body fell straight into the sea...

"Damn it's firing! All warships are firing!"

Before the naval gun could fire, the mining spacecraft's ion cannon aimed at the aircraft carrier that threatened the most. After a quick scan, it locked onto the tightly protected ammunition depot inside the aircraft carrier. With a flash of light, a blast of energy instantly destroyed several layers of thick buildings on the aircraft carrier. Ammunition depot, when the various ammunition in the aircraft carrier ammunition depot exploded, the mining spacecraft started its engine and moved at an extremely fast speed.


The entire flight deck of the aircraft carrier was opened, and the carrier-based aircraft plummeted into the sea. Many soldiers working on the flight deck flew into the air with the explosion. With just one shot, they destructively destroyed the main military power of the earth.

While dodging the shells, the mining spaceship was hit, and a lot of metal ore flew out of the cabin. After calculating the gains and losses, the intelligent program of the mining spacecraft decided to escape. Another cannon hit a destroyer ammunition depot, and the engine emitted fierce blue flames and accelerated. Running wildly against the sea surface, when other warships wanted to continue the bombardment, they discovered that except for the ripples on the sea, there was no trace of the alien spacecraft.

"Save people quickly..."

The electronic system returned to normal. Before many naval officers could calm down their nervous mood, they saw only two smoking wreckage exposed from the water where the original aircraft carrier had been. Not far away, there was a destroyer with its butt sticking out of the water and its propeller exposed. Sinking an aircraft carrier and a destroyer in a short period of time? What the hell is that?

Other warships began to quickly rescue the people who fell into the water. At the same time, the information about this incident was sent back to the Eagle Empire Ministry of Defense...

The mining spacecraft that broke away from the battle at high speed was preparing to fly back into space and return to the space port, but the damage was still affecting its flight. According to the procedures, it should send out a mechanical failure signal at this time and wait for rescue or find other units of the mechanical fleet, such as unmanned fighter jets or reconnaissance aircraft. It happened that the mining spacecraft somehow discovered the signal fluctuations of the mechanical fleet commander Rubik's Cube starship, and immediately turned around and headed straight for the signal direction in accordance with the procedures.


The capital of Province L.

Rubik's Cube stood on the ruins of a collapsed building and was cleaning out the last batch of zombies in the city. Suddenly, an inexplicable familiar wave swept across. Judging from the direction of the signal, it should have come from the Pacific Ocean. Could it be that someone from the fleet was coming?

After thinking about it, he turned on the propeller cube and flew to the temporary rest area of ​​the mechanical army outside the camp.

At this time, the radars of many countries along the route vaguely detected a huge unknown object flying at ultra-low altitude and fast. Marukuni didn't know whether he was creating a tense atmosphere to confuse the people because of threats all day long, or something else, but he thought it was a potential threat. , even if it does not pass through the main island, potential threats must be attacked, and the attack order was issued quickly.

On a small island, two missiles were launched from an anti-aircraft missile site.

What everyone in Marukuni didn't expect was that the anti-aircraft missile exploded less than ten seconds after it took off. According to nearby officers and soldiers, there seemed to be a line appearing and then the missile exploded.

This news is very depressing. A missile was used to attack an alien robot, but it was intercepted inexplicably. A UFO was shot, but it was intercepted just after it was launched. What happened? Why do the world's most advanced missiles fail one after another? You must know that Marukuni is famous for its high technology, but recently it has been constantly slapped in the face. Various incidents have made the people of Marukuni, who were once proud of their high technology, very unacceptable, and they feel like their faith has collapsed.

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