Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 550: The attack begins

Realizing that he had been tricked, Mr. Song cursed and returned to the helicopter to take off and leave. This mission was extremely embarrassing and he didn't even give him any face. The Rubik's Cube had no interest in the Song family. The scheming and conspiracy had nothing but harming others and hindering the progress of science and technology. In the end, even their own descendants will be humiliated by the great powers because of their backwardness. The final outcome of the feudal society of the Dragon Kingdom's scheming is an example.

After nearly a week of preparation, the mechanical army finally began to advance towards Dragon City...

An international metropolis, with a crowded population, densely packed high-rise buildings, and a mechanical army with countless ammunition crazily tilted in various streets and buildings. The suburbs are not bad at least they advance fast enough, but when they reach the dense buildings, the speed is suppressed. Down the road, the Tang Dao of the combat robot continued to cut off the zombies that were crowded together one after another. In many places, you can see that the combat robot used the characteristics of zombies to blindly follow the trend to gather a group of zombies on the road, and then waved the Tang Dao in rows to push them horizontally. Zombies cut into pieces.

Darkness enveloped the ancient city. Countless mechanical soldiers slowly advanced into the city. Bullets penetrated the zombies' heads one by one. Corpses were transported away by vehicles and piled up into mountains of corpses. Black smoke from burning corpses billowed up in Dragon City. rise……

The city is too big for the small number of Transformers to take care of every corner, and the mechanical soldiers began to suffer casualties.

Every mechanical soldier fell down and shouted the last slogan. In order to deal with the high-level zombies everywhere, the four-character signal of "mechanical" continued to echo in the sky of the ancient Dragon City. In order to deal with the high-level zombies everywhere, even the Ark flew into the sky and continuously used artillery to fire accurately. In anger, The Rubik's Cube allowed the mechanical soldiers to carry a large number of capture nets made of nanocarbon fiber wires, which finally reduced the number of mechanical soldiers killed in battle.

There are no white phosphorus bombs, no incendiary bombs, and no aerial carpet bombing. There are so many zombies that the mechanical soldiers are killed until they are exhausted.

After careful consideration, Rubik's Cube installed audio equipment and fresh beef and mutton in several large parks to attract zombies to gather. A metropolis is a metropolis, and the number of zombies gathers to the point where they are almost stacked together to knock down the elevated structure. After enough zombies gather, Several fighter planes dropped a large number of white phosphorus bombs and napalm bombs from high altitudes. It was just a park, with only a few trees left.

On the outskirts of the park, the Rubik's Cube stood there and watched as the bombs fell and a raging fire rose. The zombies were caught in the fire and screamed and struggled. They shook their heads, turned their backs to the still exploding flames and walked away. The huge figure in the fire light moved away... …

On a certain street, the noses of two Tanuki helicopters rushed down, circled and fired continuously. The bullet casings fell from the bottom of the multi-barreled rotary machine guns. The dense bullets gradually shattered a roaring tank zombie on the ground into pieces of meat all over the floor. Inside the room A licker was wrapped in the catching net as soon as it jumped out. The mechanical soldiers continued to move forward without even looking at the wrapped licker.

The Rubik's Cube has been at the forefront, and the computer has a vague hunch that the recapture of Dragon City this time may not be so smooth.

Bang! The robot hand smashed a licker that jumped over to attack. After shaking off the fleshy licker, the Rubik's Cube climbed up to the top of the building. The robot hand smashed the walls and windows and climbed to the top of the mobile building destructively. Standing on the top of the building Looking from afar, Rubik's Cube knew that the mechanical army had only advanced into a small area of ​​Dragon City, and the advance without bombing was too slow.

The armed helicopter Dart and the heavy helicopter captain have been acting as firefighters. Wherever high-level zombies appear, they will fly there as quickly as possible. Fortunately, with the help of the Ark's heavy artillery, they will not be too tired.

The mechanical army advanced near a certain stadium.

"The mechanical army paused its attack, rested on the spot, established supply lines, and reworked its battle plan."

The deep mechanical sound of the Rubik's Cube spread throughout the mechanical army. The mechanical soldiers immediately obeyed the order and stopped moving forward. They placed various buses and other vehicles across the street to stop the zombies from wandering around. Without looking at the zombies on the opposite side, they roared and began to repair.

The death scorpion climbed to the top of the building.

"Creator, why don't we continue the attack."

Rubik's Cube sighed and looked at the mechanical soldiers trimming the ground.

"Ordinary mechanical soldiers died too many. Dragon City has a large population base and there are many zombies. There are even more high-level zombies. In less than a day, more than a hundred mechanical soldiers died after advancing into a small area. We need to adjust our tactics to reduce the casualties of mechanical soldiers. , Next, all Transformers, mechanical birds and civet helicopters are preparing to carry out advanced zombie killing missions. This is the best plan to clean up advanced zombies first and then massacre ordinary zombies.”

"Beheading operation, I like it." Death Scorpion likes this plan very much. Who else is more suitable for hidden assassination than himself.

The Rubik's Cube walked to the edge of the building and jumped down. During the fall, the manipulator plunged into the glass curtain wall of the building and continuously tore apart the outer wall to slow itself down. It slid down to the ground with glass fragments and various debris!

Bang! The mechanical foot landed heavily, and the knees were slightly bent before standing up straight again. The death scorpion behind him also imitated the Rubik's Cube method and quickly went downstairs.

"All Transformers, mechanical birds, and civet helicopters enter the zombie area to kill high-level zombies. You can kill them as much as you want. I only need to see all high-level zombies killed."

"Autobots! TransformRollOut!"


In an instant, Rubik's Cube took the lead and led the Transformers to run towards the zombie area. During the run, Rubik's Cube popped out his facial armor, and his right manipulator turned into an energy hand knife. Without looking at the ordinary zombies on the ground, he stepped over them and ran towards the advanced ones marked with red dots. Zombies, the sword flashed across, and a tank zombie was divided into two halves from head to toe...

Transformers rushed into the zombie pile like wolves and tigers, picking on various high-level zombies. Don't think that any high-level zombies can get away with the detection equipment.

Rubik's Cube was too lazy to use machine guns to deal with these zombies. The weak ones were crushed directly or caught to death with mechanical hands, and the powerful ones were chopped with energy hand knives. The high-level zombies that once required a lot of effort to kill are now as vulnerable as chickens and pottery dogs. The Sky Civet Helicopter constantly used missiles or multi-barreled rotating machine guns to kill zombies. The mechanical bird was even easier. It hid on the wall of the high-rise building with its head down and used laser guns to kill one by one. The high-level zombies suffered a devastating disaster.

There were also high-level zombies in the building. Except for the Death Scorpion, the Transformers would break the wall and pull out the high-level zombies to tear them apart. The Death Scorpion easily got in and killed them one by one.

Quickly advancing, the Rubik's Cube came to a super-large shopping mall. The complex and huge building was completely destroyed and did not meet the requirements for preserving the building. After thinking, the Rubik's Cube quickly transformed into a human-sized robot and walked into the mall with red eyes...

Swish! The right mechanical hand took out a Tang sword from behind, and the red mechanical eyes locked onto the high-level zombies in the dark shopping mall.

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