Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 575: Investigation Team

High in the sky, a sci-fi fighter jet cruised towards the west at three times the speed of sound. It even accelerated again after flying more than half the distance. With good eyesight, you could only see a shadow flashing past.

It's about 10 a.m. Western time.

A circle of ripples violently shook the sky above a certain forest, and a fighter plane appeared out of thin air.

The man who was warming himself by the fire in the radar station room suddenly saw a black spot appear on the originally empty sky when he looked out the window. Then the black spot got bigger and bigger. It was a plane! The excited man quickly opened the door and ran to the outside platform to wave to the plane. A pair of children followed the giant panda and ran out. The mutated giant panda was obviously used to living in the human world and didn't care about airplanes. It just ate tree branches. The two children clung to the giant panda to keep warm.

"Three humans and one mutated giant panda were found and scanned for confirmation."

Three people and a giant panda were marked on the computer screen. After a quick scan, the coordinates of the radar station were compared with the coordinates of the signal received by the satellite to confirm that this was the place where the signal was transmitted.

On the flat ground on the top of the mountain, the man who was waving slowly slowed down his movements, his eyes filled with confusion...

What kind of plane is this? Why has this look never been seen before? At this time, the fighter plane had parked in front of the radar station and was almost looking directly at the man. The distance was no more than ten meters. The hot breath from the engine was blowing downward continuously. There was no cockpit and no human beings. The basic appearance of the fighter plane did not look like it no matter how you looked at it. It is a product of the earth.

Pengpengpeng~ The giant panda was so happy when he saw the plane parked in front of him that he clapped his hands happily.

Just as the man was wondering what to do, the fighter plane suddenly played a recording. It was the radio signal sent out by the man using military facilities. What was this unmanned aircraft doing?

"Human, what are you talking about vampires?"

"You...you are talking to me..."

The man spread his hands and asked in disbelief. The low mechanical sound just now was definitely made by the drone in front of him, but why was the word human used?

"That's right, what exactly is this vampire you were talking about in the radio signal?"

"Vampires... they are devils! My wife, my relatives and friends, they all drank their blood to death from these damn vampires. They spread everywhere, capturing humans and raising them in captivity to drink blood. They are more terrifying than zombies. Vampires know it. Know where we are hiding and what we need to eat. By the way, vampires only dare to come out at night..." The man tried his best to tell the fighter robot some details he knew about vampires. Although he didn't know what the sci-fi fighter in front of him could do, he told the news It is very important to get out because men have not heard broadcasts about various institutions for many days…

The fighter robot quickly recorded various details, and after a brief analysis, decided to find a few living bodies for detailed observation.

Turning around, the fighter jet prepared to find the vampire.

"Hey~! Where are you going? Please help us leave!" the man shouted anxiously.

The fighter jet's engine stopped mid-air.

"I'm going to collect the vampire data you mentioned. I can't help you leave for the time being, but I will report your situation." After saying that, the fighter plane didn't wait for the man to reply and flipped its wings to draw an arc and fly to the small area outside the forest. Town, watching the fighter jets fly away, the mutated giant panda sitting on the ground clapped its hands again and was extremely happy...

During the flight, a set of observation equipment was stretched out from under the fighter plane and the air quality was sampled. After analyzing the air, no special ingredients were found. In order to solve the mystery, the fighter plane flew to the small town at very low altitude, almost sticking to the treetops. Turn on the scanning device.


The fighter plane flew close to the rooftops of the town, flying so low that it even knocked off a thin layer of snow on the roof. The observation equipment under the belly of the aircraft fired a fan-shaped scanning beam to quickly scan several houses, and used photoelectric The device analyzes the town, and after passing through the town, the computer obtains scan data of the town.

"The number of humans, none, the number of zombies, none, the number of animals, none, a large number of cold-blooded dormant creatures were found in the room, human appearance, suspected to be vampires, prepare to release mechanical dogs for detailed inspection."

After sending the information back to the Jiangcheng base, the fighter plane once again raised its altitude and returned to the sky above the town. The machine under the belly opened to reveal a ball.

"Deploy the mechanical dog."

The hanger released its hook, and the ball fell in a parabola towards the lake next to the town. There was a thud and then it was quiet for two seconds...

Wow! A mechanical dog suddenly jumped out of the lake on the shore. It swung twice wildly like a real dog to shake off the water droplets. The mechanical dog stared at the big red one-eyed mechanical dog and walked towards the town on its mechanical legs. As it walked, it screamed in its throat. With a low roar, the mechanical tail swung around, the sharp spikes at the tip of its tail kept cutting off some weeds, and the two machine guns above its hind legs were pointed at the window of the house.


The mechanical dog roared at the house. After roaring twice, he found that the cold-blooded creature in the room was motionless. The mechanical dog broke the door and got into the small house.

The house is very quaint, with Western rural characteristics. The windows are tightly blocked with thick black curtains. There are several wine glasses placed on the wooden floor. In the picture of the mechanical dog's huge red mechanical eyes, the wine glasses are enlarged and the remaining liquid is marked as human. Blood, obviously, the phenomenon of drinking blood may really exist. The two machine guns above the mechanical dog's hind legs clicked and loaded, and the muzzles of the guns were pointed at the bedroom door.

Tu tu tu tu…!

The machine gun fired continuously with ferocious bullets, breaking the door into pieces and even breaking the bedroom wall. Looking outside, the sun shone through the bullet holes. Just when the mechanical dog opened fire, angry curses and screams rang out in the bedroom!

"Who the hell is shooting! Stop it! Ah..."

The mechanical dog stopped firing, and then quickly and fiercely jumped into the bedroom! It bit a struggling cold-blooded creature and dragged it to a place where the sun shone through the holes made by bullets. The mechanical claws held the creature tightly and made it unable to move. The cold-blooded creature that looked like a human screamed, and the place where the sun shone began to turn black and smoke. It took less than half a minute for it to become a ball of charcoal fire, and finally collapsed into black ash.

The mechanical dog observed this phenomenon and continued to drill into the second house, easily pinned down the two cold-blooded creatures and scanned them in detail with a scanning device to obtain data, and then pulled the two men and women who were dressed strangely and covered with ornaments out of the house. As expected, they were burned to ashes like the first cold-blooded creature.

"Vampire data collection completed, new virus discovered, feeds on human blood, cold-blooded, physical fitness enhanced by 20%, after encountering ultraviolet rays in the sun, the virus will self-decompose and generate high temperature to cause combustion, other detailed data is being transmitted, the West is facing a huge threat."

The data was transmitted back to the Rubik's Cube computer, and the Rubik's Cube felt sympathy for the Earth again...

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