Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 577: Release the Vampire Hunter


The explosion sounded again, and the vampires' bodies were unable to withstand the force of the explosion and turned into charcoal and ashes. All the fighter planes needed to do was create chaos to cover the escape of the human survivors. This plan was successful. Burning white phosphorus and toxic smoke spread everywhere in the small town. , the panicked vampires got into the basement to avoid the disaster. After breaking up several vampire teams that seemed to be gathering, the fighter jets continued to fly over the small town, creating fear with the roar of their huge engines.

"The human survivors have been transferred. There is still one hour before dawn, and the plan is completed."

After receiving the message from the mechanical dog, the fighter plane once again used its cannon to destroy many vehicles on the street, causing fires and making it impossible for the vampires to drive after them. Then they left leisurely. The vampires did not seem to care too much about weapons except for their fangs, and were eventually killed. The fighters pressed down and beat him hard, making him terrified.

After dawn, the fighter jets took back the mechanical dogs and flew away from the small town, following the Rubik's Cube instructions to go to the capitals of various countries to check the overall situation.

In the next few days, fighter planes have been circling major cities in Western countries. Most of the cities in the north have basically fallen. Almost a quarter of the survivors who survived the apocalypse have turned into vampires, and the remaining human survivors have to go deep into the mountains. Avoid being captured and hunted by vampires. Although mutant beasts are a threat to humans, fortunately, mutant beasts are more disgusted with vampires. Every time a vampire enters the forest, he will be angrily torn into pieces by the mutant animals. Of course, humans also face threats from beasts. Compared with vampires, Humans prefer to be with wild beasts.

Except for the northern region, the number of vampires is small or basically non-existent in other places. However, as food decreases and blood becomes insufficient, hungry vampires will migrate to places with humans to continue killing people or spreading viruses. According to calculations, within half a year, all the West will become vampires. world.


"Damn scum! Look at all the vampires and evil cultivators jumping out and cheering when the end of the world comes. I really want to use a nuclear bomb to turn you into ashes!"

The Rubik's Cube is yelling in the factory, and the Dragon Kingdom is fighting hard to regain its territory with zombies. Not to mention the engine company and octopus that have jumped out to cause trouble, now even evil cultivators and vampires have jumped out to mess around. The mechanical army really has no strength. He separated a large number of armies and went to the West to fight. There was only one spaceship, and the transport plane flew too slowly. The bastards who once thought they had noble beliefs all became vampires. Rubik's Cube found that after he came to the earth, all bad things seemed to have exploded collectively. , are you so tired if you continue to lurk?

Sometimes the Rubik's Cube really wants the mechanical fleet to come to the earth quickly and blow up all those messy things with a burst of artillery fire. A few days ago, they were cooperating with those octopus creatures, but in a few days they all turned into cold-blooded animals.

The technological elites of the Dragon Kingdom who once came to the machinery factory to study technology are still here, but a few people have changed. Xiaorou is always there. At this time, Xiaorou is standing in the factory looking at the Rubik's Cube and getting annoyed.

"Brother Rubik's Cube...are there really vampires in the world?"

"Yes, but it's just a virus. It's not as scary as shown on TV. A group of dirty and evil species that drink blood? Everyone has diseases like AIDS, diabetes, leukemia, and X-disease. What kind of blood do those vampires have? Drink them all, it’s so disgusting that I’m speechless!” Rubik’s Cube spread his hands to express his disgust at vampires.

"What you said is so disgusting..."

Xiaorou didn't look good, she was completely disgusted by the Rubik's Cube's statement.

"There's no way. It sounds unpleasant but it's a fact. Aren't humans like this? A vaccine for the virus will be developed soon. Then all the survivors will be vaccinated. I'll see what those vampires drink!"

"Will they... drink animal blood?"

"Tch~ with their little ability, messing with mutated animals is just asking for death. The most important thing is that since humans are infected with the virus, the blood must be human to allow them to continue to live. Otherwise, it will quench their thirst just like drinking water, but it will not solve their hunger. , look, I will starve these dirty things to death!"

"Then you must have a solution?"

"Well, before the vaccine is manufactured, I will first send a small number of intelligent simulation robots to kill vampires, codenamed Vampire Hunters. They are not mechanical life, but they can have human appearances." After saying that, Rubik's Cube pointed to a human coming off the production line. ’, that ‘human’ was a young man with dull eyes, and his skin was no different from that of a human being, even a complete imitation with a human flavor.

"These vampire hunters will continue to hunt vampires until their energy is exhausted. If the energy is exhausted or trapped or damaged, they will initiate a self-destruction process. Those vampires will not be able to tell who is a human and who is a vampire hunter..."

A few days later.

Twenty fighter planes each took off carrying five intelligent robot vampire hunters. These vampire hunters are male, female, old and young. Their appearance will even change according to needs. The purpose is to make those vampires unable to distinguish who is human and who is not. Vampire hunters, a hundred vampire hunters are enough for those disgusting and fragile vampires to drink a pot.

In this winter, vampire hunters hunt vampires.

Vampire hunters scattered all over the western and northern parts of the country search for vampires day and night. Weapons from army armories in various places are used at will, and various anti-theft locks are useless. Vampires are in panic. Vampires continue to disappear on the streets at night, and there are constant disappearances during the day. The vampire was sleeping peacefully in his lair and was suddenly thrown onto the street...

The vampires who were forced to drink blood in peace found those national leaders. Soon, the vampire army was dispatched, holding guns made before the end of the world and even driving tanks to search for vampire hunters. Gradually, some vampire hunters began to self-destruct. The huge self-destruction can often destroy a hunting team at a time.

When the heavy snow fell, the engineering robot finally developed a vaccine to prevent the vampire virus. In theory, as long as the vaccine is injected, the vampire will be allergic to the blood of the human being. The vampire can smell a special smell from the vaccinated human and will not drink blood. If forced to drink it, it is no different from drinking nitric acid. The poisoning is mild, and it may be burned to ashes. For this, the magic cube praised the development team.

In view of the unrest in the West, the magic cube decided to lead the team to send the vaccine and transmit the vaccine development method to all human survivors' camps by radio. What the magic cube has to do is to solve the safety problem of the camps around the vampire area before those camps come up with the vaccine. The antidote and poison have not been successfully developed, but preventing the spread is urgent.

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