Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 586: First Contact

Of course, the bosses are still bosses. After all, even if they invade, the octopus creatures still need a foreman. No one is more suitable to be a foreman than these guys. Regarding this result, the bosses of the Eagle Empire simply accepted it. Once upon a time, humanity's strongest army was wiped out without any resistance when faced with the battle spaceships of these alien octopus creatures. Resistance was meaningless. It was better to enjoy it. Now there are crashed planes popping up in many places outside the window. Thick smoke.

The engine company of the Eagle Empire suddenly disappeared, and many human organizations hid underground. The only good thing was that the octopus creatures were also cleaning up the zombies, which was good news among the bad news.

Although a large number of humans were captured, the air force and navy reacted quickly and retreated from the Eagle Empire. One warship after another, full of survivors, left their homeland. Many shocked survivors stood on the deck and looked further and further away. The pier was full of desolation. Cruise ships, cargo ships and some small ships retreated to a certain southern continent under the protection of warships. The already precarious humanity suffered another heavy blow...

Over the Pacific Ocean.

The four combat spaceships flew majestically towards the Dragon Kingdom. When passing several military bases on an island in the Eagle Empire, they flew close to the ground as if to show off and then continued flying to the Dragon Kingdom.

At Longguo Jiangcheng Airport, six Air Force fighter jets took off.

The more flexible and maneuverable Aerial Squadron fighter robots excitedly pounced on those combat spaceships. The sci-fi-looking fighter planes were stronger than those combat spaceships in every aspect except the weapon system. This was also the reason why the fighter robots dared to rush forward. The weapons almost didn't matter. , the machine cannon can still cripple the opponent when it hits it, no matter if it is a laser or a bomb it can damage the opponent!

The flight footage of both sides is put into one shot, and you can see that both sides are flying quickly close to the sea. The only difference is that the air force fighters occasionally habitually rise and fall with the waves...

"Lock the octopus spaceship and launch missiles!"

The air force fighter plane dropped six missiles from its belly. After the missile fell four meters, it ignited and dragged its tail flames straight ahead. The air battle began in the air above a military island base of the Eagle Empire in the Pacific. There was no way, who would let the Eagle Empire There are many overseas military bases.

When the octopus spacecraft discovered that the missile was incoming, it smiled disdainfully and turned on the electronic interference. What happened next shocked these aloof octopus creatures, because the missile still came straight to the formation and even locked on itself! Can those people on earth create such a weapon? When the missile approached and the shell opened like an umbrella, revealing the densely packed small missiles on the umbrella handle, the octopus creatures knew who the other party was...

The small missiles were launched in a dense spiral. Even if they were not as sharp as the missiles of outer space fighter jets, they were not much different. Immediately, two combat spaceships were hit and caught fire and exploded. Another one was shot and injured. The only one that was intact was because it was hiding in the three ships. Behind the battleship!

The energy weapons of the combat spaceship were aimed and fired. One fighter robot was hit and crashed into the sea because it could not avoid it. The next five fighter planes flexibly destroyed the last two spaceships.

"Immediately rescue the crashed fighter robot and release the mechanical bird."


A mechanical bird with a wingspan of two meters was launched from the belly of a fighter plane. It circled in a circle and then got into the sea and swam towards the sinking fighter plane.

Like a cormorant fishing in the water, the mechanical bird quickly catches up with the sinking fighter plane and firmly fixes the location of the fire. It quickly opens various fire protection devices with its pointed beak and finally uses its mechanical claws to grab a tightly protected metal ball. The roots of its wings are covered with The fan engine started and the wings flapped, and he quickly jumped towards the sea!

With a clatter, the mechanical bird grabbed the fire and flew out of the water towards the hovering fighter plane. Deep in the sea, the sinking fighter plane suddenly exploded with a huge flash of light and exploded.

"The fighter jet formation completed the interception mission. One fighter jet crashed. The fire was successfully saved and is returning."

Five fighter planes pierced the sky and flew towards the Dragon Kingdom...

At the Eagle Empire Island Military Base, many people hid on the ground and saw the air battle. They couldn't believe that those octopus creatures that defeated them like squeezing an ant to death were actually so fragile, or that those alien robots were too powerful. , but my country used to keep finding trouble with those alien robots...

Jiangcheng base.

Rubik's Cube is looking at the photos taken by the radar robot using reconnaissance satellites. The photos were taken at an aircraft manufacturing factory in the Eagle Empire. From the photos, it can be seen that the factory is very busy and there are also a number of modified fighter jets parked. Rubik's Cube did not expect these bastards to come to Earth. His approach was the same as his own, and he actually learned to use the resources at hand to make equipment first. Modifying human fighter jets was obviously a good way to quickly gain power.

In addition to the factory, Rubik's Cube also discovered that many humans were working. The missiles originally stocked by the Eagle Empire were sent to the factory for modification by these people. Rubik's Cube guessed that there would be few opportunities to arbitrarily prevent human missiles from exerting their strength in the future. In addition, , it’s time to find a time to destroy those Eagle Empire’s nuclear bombs.

The air combat team is once again preparing to go out. This time it is not to fight but to carry a large number of small mechanical birds and mechanical insects. It is mainly responsible for sending these lurking robots to the vicinity of nuclear bombs and sneaking into nuclear missiles to dismantle nuclear weapons.

After preparing everything, the air force team took off, and Rubik's Cube, along with the hunters and capturers, followed them in the Ark and flew towards the Pacific Ocean...

As fighter planes dropped a large number of small mechanical birds and mechanical insects into the territory of the Eagle Empire, mechanical life officially landed in the country. Soon, the power plant that originally provided power for the Eagle Empire's octopus biological control factory was severely damaged. The nuclear bombs were irreparably damaged, and even the octopus creature aircraft used to capture humans as coolies often crashed inexplicably. When the bodies of those octopus creatures were finally found, the whole body was full of small holes.

Mechanical birds and mechanical insects caused serious damage to the construction speed of the octopus creature. This was the first time they saw this small mechanical creature, and they did not find any effective way to deal with it for a while.

It turns out that the octopus creature really planned to use the Eagle Empire's thousands of nuclear warheads to destroy the armed forces of other countries, especially the mechanical army that destroyed Jiangcheng of the Dragon Kingdom. Who could have imagined that all the nuclear bombs would be completely destroyed before the attack could be carried out. A large number of key components in the nuclear bombs The parts seemed to have been eaten by some kind of insect, and the nuclear materials of many nuclear bombs were stolen.

The stolen nuclear materials were naturally made of mechanical birds. Although the small mechanical birds were small, they all had complete fire. With the permission of the Rubik's Cube, the mechanical birds frantically absorbed the energy of nuclear materials to strengthen the fire and change the size of their bodies. The large Transformers did not appear. , there are many more human-sized Transformers, either hidden in the city, or turned into scrapped electrical appliances on the roadside...

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