Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 589: Fierce Battle in Los Angeles

Explosions continued to occur throughout Los Angeles City. The violent and dense explosions were more like setting off firecrackers during the New Year. Both the zombies in the city and the human slaves working in the factories were severely hit, especially since many factories were built in the city. Dense high-rise buildings intensify the collateral damage. Missiles can destroy factories as long as they damage the buildings.

Among them, the largest factory was severely hit. Many finished and semi-finished equipment were turned into scrap metal in the explosion, and the equipment for extracting water resources was blown to pieces. This thing cannot be made on earth. Octopus The biology team suffered huge losses.

On the main road in the city, three cars were speeding crazily towards the main factory!

When they were about to reach the main factory, suddenly a large number of survivors wearing work clothes ran out from the side of the street. The continuous explosions made the survivors lose their sense and only knew to run out of the city. In a daze, they went straight towards the three Rubik's Cubes. Rushing forward, just when Rubik's Cube was about to take a detour, a tank suddenly drove out from the intersection behind the crowd in front of him. It was the kind of tank that had been modified!

The tank shook violently, and the muzzle flashed with flames!

Whoosh~! The cannonball almost scraped against the side of the Rubik's Cube.

A metallic mechanical sound came out, the wheels of the Rubik's Cube began to rub against the ground, black smoke emitted, and the body began to expand and prepare to deform. After dodging another cannonball, it quickly deformed in a daze. Just as the facial armor popped up to protect the mechanical face, there was a cannonball. It passed over the heads of human beings and then flew beside the Rubik's Cube mechanical arm. When the cannonball flew over the heads of the running human survivors, the huge airflow ripped open a human scalp alive...

The Rubik's Cube then surged forward and performed two somersaults in a row on a street full of human survivors. In order to prevent it from crushing the humans, it held it up with its hand. In slow motion, the huge Rubik's Cube manipulator landed among several humans, and the Rubik's Cube hit its head. The horrified screams of the human survivors shrouded in huge shadows were dull and long as time slowed down, and a cannonball passed over the heads of the humans under the Rubik's Cube!

After climbing over the crowd, he knelt down half-kneeling on the ground and took out the machine cannon with a jingling sound and flying sparks.

"Go to hell!"

With a low mechanical roar, the Rubik's Cube pulled the trigger, and the armor-piercing projectile shot out with flames! After hitting the modified tank, there was a loud explosion, overturning the entire tank and crashing into the building. The tank smashed into the building with the sound of shattering glass.

The captors and hunters also completed their transformations and rushed towards the main factory with weapons in hand.

"Today we will go on a killing spree!"

Holding the cannon, Rubik's Cube strode towards the building where the spaceship was hovering. While running, he opened fire and destroyed the various tanks and planes that suddenly appeared. When smashing these equipment, Rubik's Cube unexpectedly discovered that the creature controlled inside was not an octopus. It is full of modified human constructs. They have transformed humans into puppets to control weapons!

Three modified tanks suddenly drove out of the intersection, and the Rubik's Cube began to move before the turret could turn around...

While running, a robot hand grabbed the front of a yellow school bus and pushed it toward the modified tank! The school bus was blown up by the force and flew into the air with a roar of wind and smashed into the modified tank!

The Eagle Empire's school buses are notoriously strong, especially the extended version, which can smash into any vehicle on the street. It's easy to imagine how hard such a big and strong thing will roll and hit. The school bus will fall and the glass will fly. Most of the sighting and other equipment on the turrets of the two tanks were smashed on the spot. Although the turrets were fine, the barrels were smashed and they could not continue to fire.

Before the third tank could avoid the scrapped school bus in front of it, it suddenly shook violently. A huge mechanical foot appeared on the turret. The Rubik's Cube grabbed the barrel of the third tank and violently broke it open and pulled the barrel out. Grab the barrel and stab it hard into the inside of the port cover!

The transport spacecraft fixed on the top of the building controlled the octopus and saw that the three Rubik's Cubes were too fierce and planned to put away the anchors and leave. The Rubik's Cube of three tanks was destroyed and the spacecraft was about to run away. Without saying anything, it fired six rockets to attack the various propulsion systems of the spacecraft... …

Boom boom boom...

The successive explosions caused the transport spacecraft to suddenly drop in height, almost crash, and then rise slowly under the reluctant control of the octopus creature. However, the power system was damaged and it was impossible to move flexibly.

More than a dozen armed helicopters flew over at low altitude in the distance. The Rubik's Cube detection system found that the helicopter pilots were all human constructs, and there was an energy signal connected from the human constructs to the interior of the large spacecraft. The Cube was sure that those constructs were remotely controlled. Human things are in this spaceship. After looking at the building, he simply put away his cannon and violently climbed up the glass curtain wall! During the rapid crawling process, densely packed broken glass fell to the ground!

The huge Rubik's Cube quickly climbed to the top of a certain bank building before the armed helicopters arrived. The thick calf thrusters started and flew straight towards the spacecraft. It flew over the spacecraft and crashed down. The huge mechanical feet directly crushed the hull shell and a large number of frame.

Kaka! Load the cannon and aim it at the energy signal emission center!

"Stop it!"

The cannon vibrated and continuously fired seven or eight high-temperature armor-piercing bombs at the signal distribution center of the spacecraft underfoot. This not only destroyed the control center that controlled the puppet, but also destroyed the spacecraft control equipment. The huge transport spacecraft slowly made a twisting sound. Crash into another building next to it...

At the moment when the control center was killed, the approaching armed helicopter formation in the distance lost control and fell to the ground, igniting a fire.

The Rubik's Cube on the top of the spaceship looked through the hole and saw several octopus creatures inside looking at him.

"I wish you good luck, bye~"

The thruster started, the Rubik's Cube opened the small wings on its back and flew away from the spacecraft, and the transport spacecraft crashed directly into the building, just like a passenger plane hitting a building. Debris and debris flew violently and exploded. The building with black smoke collapsed, and the spacecraft and those who were hit by it collapsed. The fallen debris fell to the ground together, and a group of modified tanks were smashed by the spaceship and the collapsed building.

Black smoke and fire also rose from the main factory, and the two violent saboteurs, the arrester and the hunter, showed their great destructive power.

Bang! The Rubik's Cube mechanical foot landed on the roof of a hotel building, turned off the thrusters, and stood there looking at the collapsed building and the burning spacecraft.


The Rubik's Cube originally expected to encounter strong resistance and have a heated battle, but in the end, except for a few modified tanks that were a little troublesome, there was nothing worthy of praise at all. The only armed helicopter formation that was a little troublesome was also wiped out by the way. How dare such a thing dare to Running amok in the universe? Not to mention the tyrannical mechanical technology, even the Zerg are stronger than these idiots. If they were to fight against the ferocious Zerg who are not afraid of death, these octopus creatures would not survive three episodes.

"Creator, the destruction mission has been completed, and the entire factory has been severely damaged."

"Go to the beach, board the ship and return to base."

After looking at the black smoke billowing in Los Angeles City, the Rubik's Cube thrusters started and the Ark spaceship flew towards the sea...

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