Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 593: Ice Sea

Both the Rubik's Cube and those octopus creatures knew that the sea and air battle was just a foreplay. What was more important was the surprise attack of a dozen dinosaur constructs. Success or failure depended entirely on this. The octopus creatures did not dare or have the ability to send spaceships capable of space flight to attack the machines. Army, because they don't know whether the mechanical army can shoot down the few spaceships. It is sad enough if the transport ship is destroyed. If all the spaceships are destroyed, they will really not be able to escape.

In the sea, a dozen constructed dinosaurs were still swimming rapidly towards the Dragon Kingdom. All the civet helicopters in Jiangcheng base were equipped with a large number of anti-tank missiles and armor-piercing bombs. The civet helicopters were still capable of beating those big guys.

The mechanical army and the octopus creatures are gearing up to fight, but the humans on earth are a little frightened...

Since several wars, the human world has not fought a fierce war for many years. Even if it has, it is a powerful country bullying small countries and playing around. Really big countries never dare to risk their lives to fight each other. The wealthy consortium behind each country is not willing to put Money was thrown in a useless place. When the fighter planes and mechanical birds were fighting against the aircraft, the army on the nearby island used high-definition cameras to completely record the entire battlefield. The desperate battles and shipwrecks in the storm scared everyone. Let alone civilian aircraft in that kind of weather, Even military aircraft dare not fly in sea storms, let alone fight.

The situation in the Eagle Empire has been spread across many regions through the oral accounts of many survivors. Some people are pessimistic and believe that this is the punishment of the gods on mankind, while others choose to continue to resist and go to the Eagle Empire with their own weapons...

Considering many factors, more and more human organizations have shown a strong interest in the mechanical empire of Jiangcheng, Longguo, because those alien robots did not kill and enslave humans as some people maliciously spread, but actively cleaned up the zombie manufacturing safety The environment provides sufficient food and living needs. You only need to look at the Dragon Kingdom's restored capital to know that there is also a province with rich land that has been completely recovered. You can imagine the joy of people when they sow seeds in the next spring.

At this time, many organizations discovered that many areas in the West could not be contacted at all. The strangest thing was that there were often radio broadcasts saying that vampires were going on in the West?

Now that vampires are out, will the angel army also appear? Many people are skeptical about this but cannot get the real situation. Who would be idle and waste fuel that cannot be continuously produced to check the situation? The news coming out is very confusing, but in general it is pretty good. I heard that someone provided In order to create a vaccine against the vampire virus, some people say that it was given by an alien robot. The specific situation is unknown.

In short, the world is in chaos and may end at any time.

Two nights later.

Although the calendar showed it was spring, the cold wind was still there and the snow was white. After monitoring by satellites and high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft, it was finally confirmed that those dinosaur dinosaurs were most likely to land in the port city near Jiangcheng. This was also the place where Marukuni sneaked ashore and was killed.

Rubik's Cube and twelve Transformers stood on the top of a mountain by the sea. The shallow sea in front of him had not melted due to the cold ice, and several broken fishing boats frozen in the ice were as motionless as ghost ships.

The Furious Mechanical Nose inhaled and exhaled hot air.

"They're coming and I can smell their disgusting smell."

Rubik's Cube nodded. Indeed, those things had reached the shallow sea and were now approaching the coast quickly under the ice. Unexpectedly, the constructed dinosaur was a good swimmer.

In the darkness, under high-tech scanning, the surface of the frozen sea is completely white. The strong wind blows the snowflakes and follows the wind. Looking at the ice from the air, you can see a blurry black shadow swimming towards the coast...


The sound of cracking sea ice spread far away, and cracks appeared. They were cracks in the ice caused by the sea water after reaching the shallow sea. The Rubik's Cube popped out its face shield to protect the mechanical face, and was the first to rush towards the sea! Immediately afterwards, twelve Transformers who could fly and those who couldn't fly ran. After the Transformers rushed out, densely packed Tanuki helicopters rose up from behind the mountain!

The Rubik's Cube led the Transformers into the sea without hesitation. The huge mechanical legs crashed into the white ice and ran wildly. The whole team formed a triangle, with the Rubik's Cube at the front. They ran wildly and waded out a channel in the sea!

Crash lala...!

The ice on the sea surface in the distance suddenly exploded, and amid the flying ice and sea water, huge dinosaur dinosaurs jumped up and crashed through the ice to rush towards the Transformers.

Since it is a shallow sea, all the sea water is only as deep as the Transformers thighs. Although it may affect the flexibility of movements, it is more beneficial to mechanical life. After all, the main structure of those dinosaurs is muscles, and it is difficult for muscles to exert 100% strength at low temperatures. , which is also the main reason why Rubik's Cube chose to fight in the cold sea water.

The full moon was cold and cold, and the Transformers' mechanical eyes with their headlights on were red and rushed towards the dinosaur constructs.


The Rubik's Cube at the front of the triangle took out its shield, popped out the energy hand knife, roared and slammed into the front dinosaur construct. After turning the dinosaur to the side, it then rotated in the ice water with inertia, and waved the energy hand knife fiercely. Swiped across the thigh of another constructed dinosaur! The energy hand knife's blade was so hot that it made a deep gash on the thigh!


The two dinosaurs attacked by the Rubik's Cube fell into the icy water like crashed passenger planes, and the ice and seawater raised were more than ten meters high.

Before the two dinosaurs could stand up, they were immediately attacked by other Transformers behind the Rubik's Cube. They were seriously injured just after the battle started, which shows that sometimes luck is very important. For example, it is best not to rush towards the one in the front, because it is very likely to rush towards them. The one at the front is extremely fierce in combat.

At this time, the Rubik's Cube had already crashed into the third dinosaur, knocking the Tyrannosaurus alive and stopping it in the sea water. Being infected by the Rubik's Cube, other Transformers also showed their super strength!

The civet cat helicopters quickly surrounded them and launched anti-tank missiles. For a time, the originally cold and quiet night was ignited, exploded, and crashed. A total of fourteen dinosaur dinosaurs were surrounded and suppressed by the mechanical army. Among them, the most enjoyable one was not the Rubik's Cube but the Galaxy. The convoys, these animals boarded a civet helicopter to control the multi-barreled rotary machine gun and shot at the head of the Tyrannosaurus rex. The barrage fired by the multi-barreled rotary machine gun at night was particularly obvious. Countless small light spots kept shooting at the dinosaur constructs on the sea surface. I beg you to be beaten to death, especially in the eyes.

There were really three dinosaurs that were blinded by these animals...

when! The shield hit the head of a constructed dinosaur hard, and then his knee slammed into the chin of the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Rubik's Cube used various martial arts skills at will like a martial arts master. The horns on the head of the constructed dinosaur were almost flattened by Rubik's cube with the shield.

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