Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 628: Zombies Reappear

After walking through a gate engraved with runes, the prince followed the old emperor to an even larger gate. The gate was engraved with more runes and hung with countless talismans. The prince, who knew a little bit about cultivation, only Knowing that those were concealment talismans used to cover up the aura, the prince was very suspicious. If there really was a god inside, how could he use these concealment talismans to cover it up?

Several ministers nodded, and someone moved the huge gear to slowly open the door...

The space inside the gate was very bright. After rubbing his eyes, the prince followed the old emperor into the larger glacier space. Suddenly, the prince paused and stared at the huge object in front of him. What was that! How could there be such a big giant? In other words, it is a huge iron man! Is this the secret of Aoguo?

In the huge ice cave space, there is a huge steel giant covered with ice and snow standing on a huge stone platform. Ice-cold mist is constantly dripping from the ice and snow on the giant's body. There are many wooden ladders wrapped around the frost-covered giant's body. Many craftsmen are working on it. There were pointing fingers from above, maybe they were worried that it was not cold enough and many low-level cultivators were still using freezing techniques. For some reason, the prince always had a depressing aura standing at the feet of the giant, which made people feel powerless.

"Decades ago... I was just a young child at that time. A meteorite fell from the sky on the snow-capped mountains. Many people searched but could not find the meteorite that fell from the sky. Until one day, a medicine farmer found the greatest meteorite in the Shenwu Continent. I discovered that, yes, the meteors falling from the sky were not meteorites but steel giants..."

The old emperor stood at the giant's feet and looked up at the giant who stood motionless, with excitement in his cloudy eyes.

"The gears, artillery, gunpowder guns, wheels and other inventions that you know all came from here, from this steel giant, and even now there are even more amazing discoveries, here! This is the palace of the new era! Its appearance It will change everything in the Shenwu Continent! It may even change the God Realm!" the old emperor shouted excitedly.

The prince didn't hear clearly what his father was shouting, and all his attention was focused on the Iron Giant. This iron giant was different from the bronze mecha men that the prince usually saw in books. For example, the iron giant's two thighs were Each has two black wheels, and the chest seems to be a kind of transparent crystal. The material of the whole body does not seem to be bronze, and it looks more sophisticated and... stronger.

"Is that a shield? That...is an artillery piece?" the prince pointed at the thing behind the giant steel giant and said.

"Yes, we inferred that it is a steel puppet with strong combat power. The shield means that it can fight in close combat. And until now, we still can't figure out how to fire the cannon that our artillery weapon came from. What's even more incredible is that the metal all over its body is extremely special. , I can guarantee that this kind of metal has never appeared in the northern part of Shenwu Continent. It is very hard. We have used many methods to dismantle this steel giant, but unfortunately we can't." A minister wearing a certain kind of clothes shook his head helplessly. said.

"Then why do you need to use freezing?"

"Because... it is very likely that it is still alive. The most powerful monk in our proud country once came here and found huge vitality in the steel giant. We speculate that it probably fell on the snowy mountain after being injured, and it was frozen because of the ice. There is no recovery from the injury and we don't know what it would do if it did."

The prince followed the old emperor and several ministers around. No one noticed that a blue arc flashed in the steel giant's eyes...


Not long after, the old emperor abdicated and the prince ascended the throne, and Aoguo continued to develop slowly in small steps. Like the butterfly effect, various new ideas were born and slowly began to change. The country became strong and the people became rich, and they actually learned how to hide their wealth without a teacher. With the people's strategy, several foreign wars were completely victorious. The new emperor was not eager to expand territory like other countries, but continued to consolidate and enhance national power. The country was not too big, but its national power exceeded that of ordinary big countries. If it were not for too few monks If the level is too low, you can definitely ascend to the throne of a powerful nation.

A few years later.

Monks usually disdain to interact with mortals. In the eyes of monks, ordinary people are just ants and insignificant. They have no regard for money, rights, etc. in the world. This is also a blessing for ordinary people. Otherwise, with the abilities of those monks, the whole world would be troubled all day long. Don't expect ordinary people to survive. Although most monks disdain to stay in the secular world, there are some monks who have no hope and will go to the secular world to enjoy themselves.

Evil cultivators, as long as there is enough profit, some people will go crazy. A plague suddenly broke out in the southern part of the Shenwu Continent. The terrible thing is that people will be resurrected in another way after death. The secular people and monks call them zombies...

No one cares about one or two zombies. Even some brave farmers can solve them with hoes. But when the plague spreads and the zombies become as numerous as an army, even the monks will be helpless. People only know that the plague is an evil cultivator. There is no treatment for those released by them. If the skin is scratched, it will be infected by corpse poison and turn into zombies within two hours. Even monks are no exception.

The southern part of the Shenwu Continent fell. Fortunately, several powerful people cast spells to connect several huge mountains in the Shenwu Continent into towering peaks, which withstood the tide of zombies. In addition, various sects and sects sent monks to guard the tops of the mountains. , this was enough to stop the spread of zombies, and the south became an extinct territory from then on.

The zombies were temporarily blocked, but the territories of the various countries in the world were gone. Therefore, the world that had just settled down set off an era of bloody chaos, and even the remote areas in the north could not escape the flames of war.

As expected from the big mouths of the national masters of various countries, the troubled times have really come. The monks don't feel much, but the ordinary people in the secular world are in bad luck. The war has been raging for many years and the people have been displaced. Rogue bandits have caused locust plagues. Except for those remote small countries, there is no one. Unexpectedly, most countries fell into chaos, and overlords everywhere took the opportunity to rise up and claim hegemony. It was really possible to summon soldiers with just two pieces of cake.

Aoguo, if we talk about chaos in the north, then Aoguo can be regarded as one of the few holy places of peace. The country is strong and the people are prosperous, and it has withstood the tide of troubled times. However, due to the influx of a large number of refugees, many problems have arisen and it is now overwhelmed.

Every country has some sects behind it, but these are small sects that can't survive in the world of immortality. The sect behind Ao Guo is a female sect that mainly focuses on Qin Xiuyin Gong. All of them are like this. The beautiful girl's sect is simply a model that is remembered in the world of immortality. Fortunately, the leader of this sect knows the truth and simply goes to live in the secular world. Although the glory is no longer good, he can live safely without becoming anyone's slave. It doesn't matter. After hundreds of years of carefree life, unexpectedly, when troubled times came, the sect master could no longer hide in the sect and had to take the girls to the secular world and hide.

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