Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 631: Ancient City

"I hate ice holes! Oh! This one is so small!"

Ka-ka! The Rubik's Cube took out the machine gun and aimed it at the wall of the ice cave in front. The machine gun made a mechanical sound and quickly extended and opened various mechanical devices. Three straight red lines locked the weak points of the ice layer, and the machine gun began to accumulate energy...

"Gods and gods... This is the real artillery..." A craftsman in charge of developing artillery said in surprise.

The emperor and the master of the Qinxiu Sect and his apprentice who were lying on the ground also saw the strange steel monster. The difference was that the two Qinxiu didn't know what it was, but the emperor knew clearly that it was definitely something like artillery, because all the artillery of the Aoguo was obtained by reverse research on that thing. Is the steel giant called Rubik's Cube going to go out?

Suddenly, many people found that the small ice fragments and small stones on the ground were slowly floating into the air, as if they were related to the huge artillery. At this moment, those small things suddenly lost their power and fell to the ground. The emperor secretly said that it was not good!

Outside the snow-capped mountains, the common people in the palace and the imperial city were still living their own lives, drinking tea, watching plays, and buying ancestral ointments. No one knew what happened in the snow-capped mountain very close to the imperial city and what it had to do with them. Anyway, they lived one day at a time in the troubled times. The blacksmith on the roadside was still humming a little song while forging iron.


The calm snow-capped glacier suddenly burst into ice debris, a ray of light cut through the sky, and the huge ice block reflected the sunlight and rolled up to the sky. The blacksmith was startled and hit his finger with a hammer...

In the ice cave, the emperor and others only felt their ears buzzing and ice chips falling all over the sky, falling on their collars and feeling cold. The emperor who tried to raise his eyes and the white-clothed disciple who was still intact tried to raise their heads and looked at the steel giant in disbelief that suddenly emitted flames and rushed towards the collapsed ice hole, smashing countless ice blocks and rushing out of the ice cave with great domineering power!

The Rubik's Cube roared out of the ice cave and opened the small wing on the back waist to fly quickly.

Suddenly... Puff...

"Oh~ What a jerk!"

The Rubik's Cube complained helplessly. Due to the serious damage to the thrusters, they were not fully repaired. Not long after the flight, a few puffs of black smoke came out and the power was lost. The huge Rubik's Cube fell to the ground in a parabola.

The people in the imperial city were all stunned to see the snow mountain explode first, and then a flying monk was blown out, and then this monk quickly fell towards the imperial city. The strange thing was why the monk was getting bigger and bigger? Also, it looked so strange. Could it be that those powerful monks have developed some magic? It's really a god.

The emperor who had just climbed out of the snow pile with great effort watched the huge steel monster "flying" to the imperial city, and secretly thought that it was over. This awakened guy was probably a demon, otherwise why would he choose to fly to the city! It must be going to kill people...

God and heaven are conscientious, the Rubik's Cube's flying posture was really out of control.

In the video of the Rubik's Cube Mechanical Eye, the ground was getting bigger and bigger, and finally the red lock frame locked the wall of the weird ancient city, which would be his landing point. Anyway, at least not landing on the street was a relatively good result, otherwise he would not know how many people he would kill with his big body.

On the ground, the defenders on the wall found that the weird guy was getting bigger and bigger. After watching for a long time, they confirmed that it was going to fall on their heads, and they hurriedly ran to both sides.

"The repair fee is really expensive..."

Bang! The heavy wall turned into bricks in the eyes of many people. The height of the wall dropped by a quarter, and a huge monster stood on the huge gap, with red eyes and black eyes that were particularly scary! There was no way. After the Rubik's Cube fell, the flames burned the spray paint, and when he woke up, he shot through the ice and flew out without time to repaint.

The giant mechanical leg landed first, and Rubik's Cube almost squatted on the city wall before releasing the force. Then, Rubik's Cube and those who were watching Rubik's Cube were all dumbfounded...

The people were dumbfounded because they had never seen such a strange giant, and Rubik's Cube was dumbfounded because what the hell was this place? Dragon Country's classical buildings, courtyards, pavilions, restaurants and teahouses, bluestone-paved streets, ancient horse-drawn carriages and ox-drawn carts, and human sedan chairs. People simply wrapped a few pieces of cloth around their bodies and tied them with cloth strips. Men and women had long hair. A few little kids were eating roasted sweet potatoes. In the distance, a few girls dressed up in pink wooden buildings held up their handkerchiefs and looked at them blankly. Was there anything wrong? How could there be such an ancient place?

The computer lock box kept locking on to the city's buildings, text, clothing and other details. After scanning for a long time, it still couldn't confirm where this was. It was certain that Rubik's Cube had definitely not traveled back to the ancient Dragon Country.

"Are you kidding me? It's fine to travel back to the low-level technology on Earth! But... but this place has nothing to do with technology! How can the mechanical life hide its body? The more you travel, the lower the technology! Are you going to let me travel back to the dinosaur era next time? Why not just travel back to the Triassic period!" The low mechanical roar of the Rubik's Cube resounded throughout the imperial city, and the frightened people screamed and ran away. The Rubik's Cube scratched his head speechlessly, sparks flying everywhere. Now I really don't have the mood to comfort the panicked people. Computer analysis is useless even if I comfort them. I took the opportunity to repair the body and repaint it. Soon, the original gray-black body was gradually painted, and the blue paint and red flame pattern were still there. The rearview mirror wheels and so on were all repaired. If there is still something annoying, it is that it can't receive any interstellar fleet signals at all, nor can it receive signals from other Transformers. Suddenly, the red locking frame of the mechanical eye locked on a person flying from the city...

This man has a sword under his feet. He is about forty years old. He is wearing a white robe and a mustache. He also has a wine gourd on his waist. What the hell is this? Sword Immortal? Flying with a sword?

The detection equipment instantly enveloped the flying man and scanned the data in more detail. In the picture, the whole man seemed to be exposed to X-rays, and his bones and other things were clearly visible. What surprised the Rubik's Cube was that the meridians in this guy's body were full of flowing energy. , especially in his lower abdomen. The reason why it can fly is because the energy pours into the sword under his feet from his feet. Its energy is completely the same as a certain energy that exists in the atmospheric space. In addition, there are several energies in the man's arms. Abundant items.

"Bold monster! You wantonly hurt people and you dare to peek at me! Wait until I destroy you monster to save the world!" The man was peeped but could not block it. He was so angry that he went straight to the Rubik's Cube to kill.

Rubik's Cube was stunned. This guy seemed very righteous, but why did his spiritual body feel so gloomy? This kind of person is not necessarily a good bird, right?

The man stepped on the flying sword and floated in the air two hundred meters away from the Rubik's Cube. He performed several tricks with both hands. The Rubik's Cube detection system found that a large amount of energy in his body was being rapidly transferred to the flying sword under the guidance of the tricks. At the same time, he A trace of his spiritual power is also attached to the energy on the flying sword.

Whoosh! Feijian left the man and went straight to the Rubik's Cube...

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