Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 654: Magic weapon

Grabbing the barrel of the gun, he rounded the butt of the assault rifle and hit the evil cultivator in the face with a loud bang. When the evil cultivator was blown away, several of his teeth were mixed with saliva and fell off!

The evil cultivator rolled far away and landed on the ground. His gray robe, which was originally full of evil spirit, was stained with mud. Before he could stand up, he felt severe pain in his right hand. He stepped on his wrist with one foot and the soul-summoning flag in his hand was also taken away. He wanted to go big Before the yelling Xie Xiu could say anything, his head hurt again and he was slapped with the butt of the gun again. His face was covered with blood.

After smashing the evil cultivator's head twice, he stepped on the Rubik's Cube of the corpse and began to study the small flag. This thing called the Soul-Calling Banner was only the size of the palm of his hand. After being thrown out, it could turn into a flag. This effect made the Rubik's Cube very curious and Start scanning and recording data.

Soon, the computer successfully simulated the complete soul-calling flag, and this magic weapon had been cracked by the Rubik's Cube.

Before the girl came over, the Rubik's Cube fired two lasers from its chest and cut the Soul-Calling Flag into pieces. Some things could be preserved and some things had to be destroyed. Just like this thing, when word spread, another batch of innocent lives died on it.

Just when the Rubik's Cube thought the matter was over, the detector suddenly issued a prompt...

"A high-energy object was found approaching high-energy objects at high speed in the northwest direction, at a distance of five kilometers, four kilometers, three kilometers..."

Looking up to the northwest, the red box of the mechanical eye video quickly locked onto a small black dot. After the screen was enlarged, it showed a human wearing a gray robe. The dialog box next to the human figure marked in red showed that the energy was evil cultivator attribute, and the estimated strength should be He is a monk in the elixir formation stage, and is initially analyzed as a low-threat enemy.

The assault rifle was ineffective against this kind of enemy. Rubik's Cube put away the assault rifle and used his feet to pull the body to the side of the road. He just stood in the middle of the road and watched the little black dot get bigger and bigger.

"Senior Fang..."

Rubik's Cube raised a hand to signal that there was no need to be nervous. He was just an evil cultivator and not an ancient demon god.

Soon, the evil cultivator flew to the Rubik's Cube, and the Rubik's Cube was speechless...

"You're a bastard when it comes to others' swordsmanship, and your damn non-mainstream hair style, coupled with your feminine and pale face, is really unconventional and leading the trend of sissy. You don't even know that you cut your nails to pick your nose." Is it convenient? I originally wanted to fight, but the way you look makes me sympathize with you."

The girl next to me was speechless, and the weird evil cultivator who had just flown almost spit out a mouthful of old blood. She looked so worried that everyone was afraid, but she was scolded for being a human being when they just met. Not to mention face, she didn't even give her face. What kind of master looks like.

"You..." The weird evil cultivator was furious and speechless. How could anyone in the cultivation world start scolding someone like this when they first meet?

"Okay, you saw it. I killed these people. Do you plan to be beaten to death by me or do you want me to beat you to death? I really have no interest in fighting with a sissy like you. Please go out next time. Can you be more normal? A long face is good-looking? Your long face, size 43, has really given me some insight. I guess you are also a silly person. Come on, stop talking nonsense. Time is precious."


The weird evil cultivator with unstable breath landed on the ground. The bloody copper tripod under his feet shrank and was held in his hand. His pale face turned a little red from anger. The girl next to the Rubik's Cube was stunned and cursed without using any curse words. , and what does sissy mean?

"Death!" The weird evil cultivator who couldn't stand the ridicule of the Rubik's Cube finally took action. In anger, he directly enlarged his move and threw the small copper tripod in his hand towards the Rubik's Cube. After being thrown, the bronze tripod quickly grew in size and hit the Rubik's Cube like a small truck. , there is also a faint evil spirit that corrodes the human body during flight. Even if it is hit and solid, the dinosaur cannot bear it.

He took a step forward with his left leg, made a fist with his right hand, gathered all the mechanical energy in his body and increased his arm strength, and punched the flying giant tripod with the Rubik's Cube! Seeing the Rubik's Cube facing the copper cauldron with its fist, the strange evil cultivator showed a cruel smile, as if he was waiting for the moment when his flesh and blood became mutilated. Anyone in the cultivation world knows that you should never use your body to resist magic weapons. Having a magic weapon at hand can enhance your combat effectiveness. The most effective method is that instead of wasting a lot of time refining the body, it is better to find a magic weapon to save trouble.

Magic weapon is just a general term. According to the strength of the ability, it is divided into magic weapon, magic weapon, treasure weapon, magic weapon, and then fairy weapon. Each level is divided into low-grade, middle-grade and high-grade. The soul-calling flag is just a low-grade magic weapon and the copper tripod is But it is a high-grade magic weapon. Don't underestimate the two levels. The gap is very big. The sword picked up by Rubik's Cube is fully worthy of the title of Divine Weapon based on its characteristics and energy.

Most people like to use their souls to sacrifice magic weapons, which is more flexible in use. The disadvantage is that if the magic weapon is damaged, they will also be partially harmed.

The girl standing behind the Rubik's Cube watched in horror as the Rubik's Cube used its fists to fight against the bronze tripod...

The results are often beyond everyone’s expectations!

when! ! The sound of a huge steel collision was accompanied by a shock wave, and the dust on the ground spread in a circle. The girl and the house were pushed backwards, and the Rubik's Cube's calves were all stuck in the soil and still maintained a punching posture! The bronze cauldron flew backwards and almost hit the weird evil cultivator controlling the bronze cauldron. The two of them did not notice that gray-black metal was exposed in front of the Rubik's cube fist, and the rapid growth of simulated skin tissue covered the metal and returned to its original state.

That weird evil cultivator looked at the Rubik's Cube in disbelief, and actually shook the magic weapon with his fist?

Rubik's Cube looked at the weird evil cultivator and smiled.

"Your rags are as bad as your character. If you have this kind of means, you don't have to leave today. Besides, don't let the ghost go. That thing is of no use to me."

"Okay! You forced me!"

The evil cultivator like a sissy turned red and spat out a mouthful of blood at the copper tripod. This move shocked the Rubik's Cube. What are you doing! Can't beat it, self-inflicted harm and want to get into trouble? Vomiting blood is also a combat skill? Rubik's Cube looked at the weird evil cultivator curiously, and found that his life seemed to have become much weaker, and that mouthful of blood and essence seemed to be overdrawing his vitality.

The bronze cauldron was soaked with blood essence and quickly sucked up the blood essence. Then the evil spirit increased sharply, as if it had suddenly been raised to a level, and the blood vomiting had an effect. This process was recorded by the computer and analyzed and interpreted in detail. The data must be recorded carefully.

Regarding the weapon comparison, Rubik's Cube likes it. It seems that I picked up a magical weapon before, so why not try it out to see how sharp it is. Thinking of this, a hole was opened mechanically on the back of his neck, and the magic weapon hidden in the body popped out half a foot high with a pop. Rubik's Cube reached out and pulled out the magic weapon from his back. He probably used his own body as a scabbard. Only mechanical beings can do it...

The two of them didn't see clearly where Rubik's Cube took out the sword. Now they were all attracted by the sword that shone with faint light. A trace of light blue energy spread from Rubik's Cube's hand to the entire magic weapon, and the magic weapon's momentum seemed to increase many times. ! It made people feel inferior and even want to kneel on the ground. Fortunately, the girl didn't pay too much attention to the sword, but the weird evil cultivator looked at the magic weapon greedily and wanted to take it for himself immediately.

"With such attachment to external things, it's no wonder that few people in the world of immortality have become immortals." Rubik's Cube said a fact that has always existed in the Shenwu Continent. No one has become an immortal for who knows how many years.

The sissy monk stared at the magic weapon, and driven by greed, he exerted his maximum strength to raise the bronze tripod into the sky, and then with a huge momentum, the tripod faced the Rubik's Cube with its mouth downwards! The Rubik's Cube bent down and bent its legs, then jumped straight towards the bronze tripod above its head and waved the magic weapon with all its strength...

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