Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 656: Entering the city

The Rubik's Cube took over the job, and it was a big job. He temporarily acted as a bodyguard and coachman for the escort agency. There was no other way. You couldn't expect a wealthy lady from a wealthy family to drive the horse. In that case, it was better to let the horse go on its own for safety.

In order to free the villagers from being entangled by the evil alliance, the Rubik's Cube deliberately threw the corpses beside the official road, and also released nano-robots to decompose all the auras and items related to the evil cultivators of the evil alliance. They have nothing to do with this matter and there is no need to make excuses. On life.

A carriage creaked and creaked along the ancient road in the barren mountains. The horse snorted from time to time, and the coarse curtain on the carriage swayed back and forth as the carriage swayed. The Rubik's Cube can be said to be very helpless with this kind of carriage. There is no shock absorption and the wheels are still made of wood. Every pebble will click, and the Rubik's Cube is really afraid that the car will fall apart before it reaches the city.

"Senior Fang..."

"Call me Brother Fang. I was actually born not long ago." Rubik's Cube used the word "birth", but unfortunately the two brothers and sisters in the carriage did not notice the difference in the word.

"Okay...Brother Fang, we...have no money." After saying that, Yan Lingwei lowered his head in embarrassment. Yan Lingxiao, who was lying on the quilt in the carriage, was also blushing. The money bag that was being chased and fled had long since disappeared. Really I want to rob it, but I can’t keep this face off. After all, I usually claim to be a just person, but if I really want to rob ordinary people, I will be laughed at to death.

"Money? Don't worry about that. I have plenty. You can just pay with rare metals later. Remember to leave a good review."

You can make as many elementary metal Rubik's cubes as gold and silver as you like. You can synthesize them. It's also great to get a gold and silver mountain to play with when you're in a good mood. The Rubik's Cube sometimes thinks that you can play the role of a modern version of the high-tech God of Wealth.

They moved forward slowly along the way. Fortunately, Yan Lingxiao's injuries were healing faster and faster. If there was really no hope, the Rubik's Cube would have broken the agreement and continued south. During the day, he would have to let his horses graze while he was on the road, and at night, he would be responsible for providing food when sleeping on the roadside. , it feels good to do something like camping once in a while, but when you live in the wild every day, you will find that camping is so fucked up. On the way, you have to dispatch some armed gangs composed of refugees. When encountering robberies, the Rubik's Cube Yan Lingwei would be asked to throw out some small spells. Sure enough, these small spells were more effective than firing a warning shot.

After wandering along, Yan Lingxiao was finally able to stand up and move on the fourth day, and Rubik's Cube simply cracked his whip to speed up the horse's journey.

The world is in chaos. There are wars and bandits everywhere. You will even encounter stinky corpses when walking on the road. When you get close, mung bean flies take off with a roar. There are so many rotting corpses that even the scavenging vultures can't get rid of them. It's better to have peace. It makes sense for dogs not to be a people in troubled times. In this era, it is better to die happily than to live. There is chaos but also peace. For example, some big cities still maintain the state of wine and meat.

The high-ranking monks are still running around all over the world, not to save the world but to search for medicinal materials and cultivation resources, meditate and practice? Stop making trouble, it's so boring and boring. It's so good to take medicine. It's so good to take one pill and adapt to it and become a master in a few days. It also saves time. As for ordinary people, what do monks have to do with their lives?

Rubik's Cube, who was driving the carriage, was so numb that he was too lazy to take action except for moral crimes such as insulting women. Not only were the adults going crazy for food, Rubik's Cube saw with his own eyes several eleven or twelve-year-old children who robbed with knives and even hacked to death an innocent man. refugee……

"Is this the case everywhere in the world?" Rubik's Cube pointed at the refugees outside the carriage and said, almost all of those people's eyes were on the horses.

"No, it's like this in several countries that have been hit hard. Part of Liang's territory is in chaos. Many people want to take advantage of the troubled times to fight for a hegemony. There are good places, but it takes many days to find them. It should be not far ahead. Luming City, let's go there to rest for a few days and exchange some fast horses for the journey." Yan Lingxiao gestured at the territory of the Liang Kingdom.

"You're all so idle." Rubik's Cube complained.

There are too many people like this. They talk about conquering the world for nothing, but the problem is that in the end they have died several times, and the world is still the same. The word conquer has no meaning at all and is purely self-hypnosis.

The carriage speeds up without using the Rubik's Cube to crack the whip. After seeing the green eyes of the refugees, the horse knows that it has evil intentions and speeds up. If it goes slower, it might actually be eaten by them, even behind their backs. What's more, for such a fat and strong horse, the bones may end up being minced and ground into powder to make soup and drink.

"It's all caused by zombies. I heard that there are zombies outside the mountains in the southern part of the mainland. I don't know when they will come." Yan Lingwei said fearfully.

"Instead of fighting each other here and fighting over the useless things, it is better to mobilize troops to deal with the zombies. I would rather make a fuss and die than to destroy the zombies. You are so talented. Are the ruling elites of the mainland all grown up eating shit? ”

The two brothers and sisters of the Yan family quickly covered the Rubik's Cube's mouth and looked around, as if there were eunuchs from the East Factory monitoring it.

"Brother Fang, please don't say this! I heard that someone mentioned this matter at a meeting of the Immortal Cultivation Society, but the next day they were so stunned that even their family members died!"

The corner of Rubik's Cube's mouth twitched, these people are really idle...


late at night.

At around two o'clock in the morning, Rubik's Cube drove the carriage and finally arrived at Luming City. Many refugees were sleeping on the ground at the gate of the city. The gate was closed at night and opened in the morning. Rubik's Cube and the two brothers and sisters decided to sneak in and forget about it. So, Rubik's Cube was unloaded. The harness on the horse's back shocked the horse's buttocks, and the horse ran away and couldn't catch up. Rubik's Cube believed that this guy could run back to the village. The refugees who were too hungry and had no strength wanted to catch a big horse that could eat grass everywhere. Mana is so hard.

Yan Lingxiao, whose injuries had mostly healed, and his sister used Qinggong to jump onto the city wall, while Mofang jumped up with all his strength.

There were definitely guards on the city wall, but there was an unwritten rule that those who climbed the city wall during non-wartime periods should be ignored. After all, those who could easily climb the city wall were either martial arts masters or some low-level immortal cultivators, none of whom ordinary soldiers could afford to offend. Only one soldier took a look and continued to sleep.

"Let's go." Mofang jumped off the city wall first, and the three of them slowly looked for a place to stay along the street.

They didn't find a place to stay, but they encountered something that could help them...

In the dark night, apart from the barking of dogs, there was only the shouting of the night watchman. On the main road, five strong men in black clothes were running quickly with long quilts on their backs. They ran to the entrance of an alley that was bustling during the day and stopped and threw the quilt on the ground. When they opened the quilt, there was actually a long-haired girl wearing luxurious pajamas! The young lady from some wealthy family was motionless, obviously drugged. The five strong men drooled when they saw the young lady's appearance in the moonlight...

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