Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 680: Leaving Fangshan

"I thought you weren't good at it, but it looks like you're not an ordinary person~"

"If you can't do it, it's almost the same. What's the matter with you?"

"Tch, I won't argue with you anymore. This is your reward. There are a lot of metals in the Sumeru bag. Take it whether you need it or not. The Sumeru bag will be given to your woman. In addition, my senior sister said that this Bamboo Forest Villa is I’ll give it to you too. Just come back and stay whenever you like. She’s in seclusion. No one knows when she will come out next time. Send food to your woman quickly. She can’t bear it after being tired for so long.”

Rubik's Cube rolled his eyes, picked up the food box and Xumi bag and walked into the house. This old woman probably had sour grapes.

Now Wang Ziyan is so weak that it is difficult to walk. Rubik's Cube decided to stay in Fangshan Sect for a few more days and continue to rush to the south. Rubik's Cube is worried about arranging Wang Ziyan to stay here temporarily or go elsewhere. The scheming of the world of immortal cultivation is The game is more cruel than the earth. With Wang Ziyan's stupid head, she can't guarantee her own safety. She first goes to the south to have a look, and then tries to build the safest base to protect her first woman.

When Wang Ziyan got up, she was thinking a lot about Kung Fu Rubik's Cube. She didn't know what magic circle was used in the food box, but the food was still hot, which made Rubik's Cube very satisfied.


The door curtain opened, and Wang Ziyan walked out with a red face and screamed awkwardly. Mo Fang saw that she had her hair tied up on top of her head. Only women in Shenwu Continent would tie their hair up when they were married, which meant that from now on, she was no longer a girl but a woman. , this kind of picture gives the Rubik's Cube a very strange feeling, a kind of happiness and responsibility.

In the next few days, Rubik's Cube and Wang Ziyan lived a happy and comfortable life in the other courtyard. They cooked their own meals, watched movies and listened to music. They were very peaceful.

In the past few days, the Kung Fu Rubik's Cube absorbed all the metal in the more than 20 cubic meters of space Xumi Bag. The Xumi Bag was given to Wang Ziyan to pack luggage and miscellaneous things. She finally said goodbye to carrying a small baggage all day long with this magical little thing. Wang Ziyan found a new toy again.

Within a few days, Wang Ziyan gained a charming and youthful aura, which made Rubik's Cube even more happy. When she occasionally went out for a walk and met male cultivators, everyone was fascinated. Rubik's Cube believed that the construction of a large base must be carried out as soon as possible, and he It is better for women to be less looked at by others...

After wandering around the Fangshan sect for several days, pulling in a lot of spiritual fruit food, and beating up several male cultivators who coveted Wang Ziyan, it was time to leave.

He said goodbye to the white-haired girl. Under the surprised look of the white-haired girl, Rubik's Cube hugged Wang Ziyan and quickly transformed and flew into the sky. After flying away from Fangshan, he found a dirt road and landed, turning into a super car and carrying Wang Ziyan to continue south.

The Shenwu Continent is really big. The Rubik's Cube has been flying along the main road for ten days. After arriving in the city, I asked passers-by and they actually said that it has not left the northern area...


a certain city.

The further south you go, the more refugees and homeless people you see. There are hungry refugees everywhere under the eaves of the streets in the city. Because the refugees don’t have enough to eat and have no place to live, security incidents occur and the police are so busy that they have no time to go home. They have no choice but to Military officers and soldiers armed with spears and steel knives began to patrol the streets. There were fewer open-minded troubles, but more undetected cases occurred behind the scenes.

Wealthy families still maintained the glorious tradition of wine and meat, and even took the opportunity to raise the price of rice to earn more gold and silver. Riots and riots were inevitable. Some rich families were killed, and some colluded with the guards to gain wealth more violently.

The city was almost on the verge of erupting, and Rubik's Cube could feel the thick wave of resentment permeating the entire city.

"Sir, please come in~"

Rubik's Cube walked into a restaurant with Wang Ziyan, who was wearing a veil, in her arms. She was dressed in luxurious clothes and you could tell she was a rich person at a glance. She sat down at a dining table on the third floor and ordered some local specialties.

The food was served very quickly, and within a short time the two waiters were carrying the dishes. Rubik's Cube, who could taste the food, and Wang Ziyan ate slowly together. The food was not much, but just enough to eat. This was the result of precise computer calculations. It is a shameful act to waste food in times of disaster.

Not long after eating, there was a sudden noise from the street downstairs. Through the conversation between the diners next to the Rubik's Cube, I learned that there was a conflict between refugees and the defenders.

The detector scanned the area. On the street, a group of officers and soldiers and a group of refugees dressed in rags were hacking and killing each other. Some people fell to the ground and died. The nearby shops were robbed. The refugees mainly robbed a shop selling rice. The sign in front of the shop read: The price of rice is one tael per pound, which is no different from extortion. It is a rhythm that drives people to death.

Perhaps because this happened often, the old shopkeeper of the restaurant called out a few strong men and quickly blocked the door of the restaurant with thick wooden boards. Everyone dining upstairs did not panic, as if they were used to this kind of life.

"Husband, what happened?" Wang Ziyan asked curiously.

"It's nothing, just eat well, there's a fight outside."


Wang Ziyan ate obediently and kept using chopsticks to pick up food for Rubik's Cube. This kind of service made Rubik's Cube very comfortable, as you can tell by looking at the envious eyes next to her.

Chaos continues on the streets. Not only refugees are grabbing rice, but city residents living nearby have also begun to sneak in and grab rice. One tael of silver and one catty of rice. How many people in this world can afford it? While there are more defenders If you don’t grab more rice without more people coming, you may not be able to cook the food for the past two days. Those refugees with swords are still fighting with the officers and soldiers. Rubik’s Cube feels that they are not protecting others to grab rice but really seeking death. Sometimes they die. More comfortable than living...

The refugees and residents ran away quickly with rice bags on their backs. Soon after they ran away, more soldiers came and hacked and killed the refugees who were still resisting.

The magic cube was very powerless. Sometimes he really had no ability to help. The refugees were people, and the soldiers were also people. It didn't mean that the soldiers were cruel and ruthless. They were also at the bottom of society and just wanted to live a numb life before their death.


"Hey~ I'm here~ Sir, if you have anything to say, just tell me~" The magic cube pointed to the street outside.

"Does this happen often? Why don't you go outside the city to open up wasteland and cultivate the land?"

"Sir, you look like a young man from outside the city. There are wars and banditry outside the city every day. Tens of the houses are deserted. Even if you grow food, you can't eat it. Today you attack me and tomorrow I attack you. The common people are the ones who suffer. Those masters all want to take the opportunity to dominate the world. Who cares about how the common people live? Sir, you should also pay attention to safety. Your wife is so beautiful that many people will miss her." The waiter wiped his sweat and said helplessly, and finally advised Mo Fang.

Wang Ziyan blushed when the waiter said it was Mo Fang's wife.

Mo Fang generously threw a tael of silver to the waiter, and the waiter carefully put it in his arms and thanked him.

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