Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 688: A chaotic world

Many big men and young men on both sides of the village road kept swallowing their saliva, staring closely at Wang Ziyan who was walking towards the village entrance step by step. Wang Ziyan was so frightened that she did not dare to raise her head. From time to time, there were big men nearby who had their ears pulled and scolded by their wives. This made those young and strong young men very happy that they did not marry these violent women. The only regret was that the beautiful woman had her long hair tied up and was obviously married.

Before Wang Ziyan could leave.

"Wang Yuanwai is here to collect rent~" someone shouted, and the village exploded with screams. Many young men ran to take out machetes, bows and arrows and shouted to kill Wang Yuanwai.

Wang Ziyan was pulled by the old lady and hurriedly hid in someone's house. The timid Wang Ziyan saw through the gap in the thatched house that a group of big men with sticks and swords came into the village. The one in the middle was a fat man with big ears and a landlord's robe. The fat man was accompanied by a young man with a cold expression holding a sword in his hand.

Two mechanical mantises in the grass entered a fighting state, and the sharp blades of their forelimbs popped out with a pop, and at the same time issued a warning to the fighter jets parked in the distance.

"Collect the rent, collect the rent! Give me all your white rice! Hurry up! It's already a great gift for Wang Yuanwai to come to your poor valley to collect rent despite his busy schedule. Hurry up and give me all the rice." I'll take it out!" A servant walking at the front yelled arrogantly, and kicked over a bucket full of water, a typical image of a henchman.

"Wang! Our village has never paid rent or rented your fields! These farmlands were reclaimed by us, so why should we pay rent to you!" A big man holding a machete roared.

"Why? It's just the king's law! Then let me show it to you, see clearly! This is the land deed given to me by the county magistrate! Isn't it the king's land in the world? Why do you still want to occupy the land and become the king?"

"You...you are collaborating to harm the people!"

"Hey! You dare to insult the county magistrate? You are so brave. Come on, capture him and bring him back to the official!"

A bunch of thieves shouted together, holding up sticks and going to catch the big man. Seeing that their family was going to suffer, the villagers came forward with sticks and swords. Both sides were ordinary people with little martial arts and only had a little strength. Both sides pointed at each other. After shouting for a long time, there was no result. If you don't dare to take action, I won't dare to fight. The bastards don't want to fight to the death with these bastards. Life should be enjoyed, not fought against, and the villagers don't want to offend them. Not even the dead king dared to make a move, and both sides just started insulting each other.

"I said, cousin, only a master like you can deal with these idiots now. Please help me~"

Wang Yuanwai turned around and begged with a smile to the cold young man holding the sword. The two looked like they could hardly be considered a family. The cold young man holding the sword looked at his cousin and felt helpless. He knew it since he followed him out. I want to do something. Usually, my cousin has no other skills than just flirting with people. He has a lot of money-making skills. Unfortunately, he only earns a small amount of money. Although he doesn’t really like his cousin’s style, he is really lacking in it now. money.

"I'll help you, don't forget what you promised me."

"No problem, no problem. Keep it with me. Let's get rid of these damn mud-legged people quickly. We have to rush to the next village."

The cold young man put down his arms wrapped around his chest and walked quickly towards the villagers. With a flick of his fingers, the sword popped out of the scabbard and grabbed it in his hand. The cold young man who was walking slowly suddenly suddenly rushed forward and rushed out of the crowd. Go through!

After a few clanging sounds, the man stood on the other side of the crowd, and the villagers holding machetes and sticks suddenly screamed and covered their arms and backed away quickly. Each of their arms was stained red with blood from the sharp weapons. Not only the villagers We were frightened, and the thugs were frightened too. The fight was a fight, and no one really took action. As a result, this cold boy stepped forward and killed a lot of people...

"Folks, this is my cousin Wang Yuanwai. From now on, everyone needs to be kind and friendly. You still have to pay the rent. We are all a family, hahaha~" Wang Yuanwai laughed arrogantly.

The villagers looked at the cold young man and backed away step by step.

Wang Ziyan and the old lady were hiding in the thatched house, not daring to breathe. Without the Rubik's Cube by their side for personal protection, they didn't feel safe at all. For a moment, Wang Ziyan's eyes were red and about to cry out of fear and missing the Rubik's Cube, and she was afraid of exposing herself, so she could only squeeze her hands tightly. Covering tightly, in the grass, the two mechanical mantises analyzed that Wang Ziyan was not in danger at the moment. In order to stay hidden, they could only wait temporarily. If Wang Ziyan was discovered, the two mechanical mantises would immediately take action, with sharp blades already prepared.

In the village, the cold young man holding the sword always felt as if some dangerous beast was watching him. Martial arts practitioners also had some premonition of that kind of danger, and he believed that his premonition would not lie to him!

"Cousin, let's leave as soon as we're done. There seems to be something very dangerous here, so be careful."

"Ah? Is it true? I haven't collected the rent yet. The price of rice is not so high now. It's such a waste." Wang Yuanwai was still thinking about grabbing a batch of white rice before leaving. At this moment, suddenly, something happened on the mountain road in the distance. There was the sound of horse hooves...

Outside the village.

On the dirt road in the field, a team of more than 50 horsemen were rushing towards the village quickly, laughing as they ran. These officers and soldiers had steel knives on their waists and bows and arrows on their horses' backs. They were wearing armor and even their war horses were covered with light armor. They were elite soldiers in the regular army. They galloped on their horses and flirted with each other, saying that they would definitely find some beautiful village women to indulge themselves in pleasure after entering the village. This kind of behavior of officers and soldiers harming the people is a military disaster. Fighting every day, you might lose your life one day. Who cares about the king's law and morality? It's true that you can have a good time before you die. If you die, you will have nothing. This is very similar to some people in the end of the earth.

When Wang Yuanwai saw the cavalry running wildly outside the village, he was stunned. It was true that he had a good relationship with the county magistrate and could occasionally order those constables around, but the army was different. They didn't care about him, a so-called "Yuanwai" at all, and it was very likely that they would pay attention to him, a rich man. For a moment, Wang Yuanwai was a little scared. He wanted to run, but there were rice fields nearby and he could see them at a glance. He had no place to run even if he ran far away.

Soon, the cavalry rushed into the village, and stopped in front of the two groups with their horses' hooves raised.

"Soldier~ This soldier~ I am collecting rent here, don't you know..." Before the smiling Wang Yuanwai finished speaking, with a snap, the cavalry whipped Wang Yuanwai's face with a whip, and blood came out. Wang Yuanwai had never suffered such a pain before, and he cried out in pain. Fortunately, he was dragged away by a few servants, otherwise he would have been whipped a few more times.

The cold young man raised his finger and wanted to draw his sword, but after looking at the number of people and equipment of the other party, he could only swallow his anger temporarily.

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