Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 697: Fishing

Among them, the one at the front is the strongest monster with a fish head and human body. His body is covered with decorations made of various shells. The red and white shells are colorful. I don’t know if I thought this guy was going to participate in a party. A unique masquerade party, holding an exquisite bone fork in its claws, somewhat similar to those cruel ivory carvings on earth.

The leader of the murlocs raised his feet, and landed on the beach with his big feet, creating a duck-shaped sand pit. Then he raised his other foot and continued to land. Suddenly, the murloc, who looked like the leader, heard a strange clicking sound under his feet...


A violent explosion erupted under the feet of the fish-man monster. The ferocious shock wave and shrapnel tore apart the two legs of the fish-man monster in an instant. Half of the body flew backwards with blood and flesh. Beautiful shells were scattered everywhere, and there were four or five fish next to it. Human monsters were also affected by the shock wave and shrapnel.

"Oh~ I just found a boss and he was killed by the explosion. It doesn't seem to have stopped him..." Rubik's Cube stared at the half of the body and said speechlessly.

They were all blown up like that and it was impossible to ask anything. The thighs were all bloody and bloody, and the arteries in both legs were bleeding out as if they were free. It was God who could survive for three minutes in such an unlucky state. As expected, I was trembling. After a few hits, their health points disappeared. The remaining murlocs didn't seem to notice that their leader had been killed and were still rushing to the shore crazily. Rubik's Cube suspected that these guys simply had too low IQ and only knew how to go crazy.

The difference from before is that now the fish-men monsters are really charging, looking back while running.

In the residential area where the Clam Girls were, Wang Ziyan and many Clam Girls looked towards the beach. There began to be rumbling noises. Wang Ziyan, who was a little worried about the safety of the Rubik's Cube, took out a transparent glass mobile phone and clicked the call button with her finger.

"Husband...what are you doing? What happened to the beach?"

"It's okay, I'm fishing, just wait at home for me to go back to eat, and tell the mechanical mantis not to be too delicate when chopping vegetables." Rubik's Cube said to Wang Ziyan while sitting on the high ground looking at the landmines that kept exploding in front of her.

"be safe……"

"Don't worry, it's a small matter."

After hanging up the communication, Rubik's Cube opened the light machine gun rack, took the ammunition box and hung it on the left side of the machine gun, opened the bolt and loaded the bullet.

Snapped! The bolt is pressed, and the bolt is loaded with a clatter. The butt of the gun is pressed against the shoulder. The fingers of the right hand are on the trigger. Press the gun body with the left hand. Pressing with your hands is to prevent the recoil of the machine gun from being too strong. The aiming star was tightly locked on the murloc monsters that kept rushing to the shore. These guys really had a fighting spirit and were not afraid of death. They ran to the shore one by one as if they had taken medicine. Most of the mines were triggered and exploded, and the remaining number became less and less. , as long as they kill the remaining murlocs who successfully landed on the beach after a while, it will be considered a victory. I really don’t know why they are so desperate.

In fact, these murloc monsters did not want to wash up on the shore to die, but there was a more powerful guy in the sea chasing them away. Anyone who backed away would be killed immediately. After choosing between certain death and certain death, the murloc monsters chose to go to the shore. rush……

The sight screen showed the remaining number of murloc monsters. The mine explosion killed more than 300 monsters. Adding in the previous sniper kills of 200 and more than 500, the number of remaining monsters was currently less than 500! Rubik's Cube thought he had won. Even though he had not captured the five hundred fish-man monsters with one shot, he was confident that he could kill them all with a knife.

"I'm going...you guys charge slowly! There's no fire in the sea!"

Da da da……! The light machine gun fired continuously. Rubik's Cube really couldn't figure out why these murlocs suddenly ran to the shore as if they had eaten chili peppers. Each one was hit by bullets with holes in their chests and fell down. The ones behind didn't even look at the afterimage in front of them and turned around. Running forward, the slow fish-man monster suddenly outran the charge speed of human heavy infantry on land.

The Rubik's Cube kept firing, and the flying bullet casings laid a thick layer on the ground. The mechanical eyes kept locking on one murloc monster after another, aiming and firing bullets...

While playing with the Rubik's Cube, I also noticed something was wrong. There must be something wrong with these fishmen rushing ashore like crazy. The charge was normal at the beginning, but since the fancy embroidered pillow was taken out, things have become a bit weird. It doesn't taste right anymore.

After a while, the Rubik's Cube knew the reason. The mechanical bird flying in the sky saw a large black figure in the sea below swimming quickly towards the beach. It was the giant crab-like creature. The giant octopus Rubik's Cube had seen it before, but this was the first time he had encountered it. , it is a pity that more detailed data collection cannot be conducted on it.

Shoot again and again to kill the fish-man monster. Today, no matter what, these murderous creatures cannot be allowed to enter the residential area where the clam girls are. Wang Ziyan is still there.

The fine sand that was dyed red by the last time a fishman was killed on the golden beach was washed away by the tide and restored to its original appearance. Today it was dyed red again. The clam girls hiding in the distance were surprised to see the Rubik's Cube being so far away that they could easily 'cast' a spell to kill them. Damn those hateful villains, the sea breeze blew by, and the thick smell of blood and rust made the clam girls feel sick.

The last box of ammunition is gradually emptying out.

Click! Karakura hung up and ran out of bullets. The mechanical eye scanned and saw that there were still 123 murloc monsters that could move on the beach. He took out the Tang Saber Rubik's Cube and took out a military combat uniform and rushed straight towards the remaining murlocs! Fasten your helmet while rushing.

The fish-man monsters kept dying inexplicably. After fighting for a long time without seeing anyone or bows and arrows, finally a living person appeared in front of them and dared to block the way in front. The fish-man monsters held their fishbone forks high and made weird screams as they rushed toward the Rubik's Cube. The fish-men had There are big and small, the small one is one meter high, the big one is more than two meters high, all big and small are jumping and hooting, and when they are against each other, it seems that the Rubik's Cube side seems a little weak...

The one rushing at the front was a two-meter-tall monster with a fish head and a human body. It was difficult not to smell the strong fishy smell from so far away.

While running, the Rubik's Cube kicked hard! Tang Dao quickly jumped towards the fish-man monster!

bass! Passing by, he kicked two one-meter-tall small fish-men away with two consecutive kicks and swept them with his sword. The two-meter-tall fish-man behind him who was still running forward finally broke into two pieces from his abdomen and fell to the ground. The bloody wound was covered with fine golden sand...

The most useless thing when fighting in a group is sword moves. What you have to do now is to be fast and ruthless. Swing the sword as fast as possible and chop with all your strength. Whether it is beheading or leg chopping, just chop hard. Sword moves will not only waste your energy on yourself. It has no purpose other than causing inconvenience. There are enemies all around. All you have to do is swing the knife in a circle. A circle of knife light flashes, and the sharp Tang knife cuts off the fish-man monster including its body and weapons!

"Ouch~!" A monster with a human head and a fish body roared at the Rubik's Cube.


The sound of broken fish bones frightened other fish-man monsters.

A group of monster fishmen rushed forward, but an armed man at the front wearing combat uniforms, knee pads, elbow pads and a tactical vest waved a Tang sword to block the progress. The fight between classical fantasy creatures and modern high-tech warriors was extremely fierce. The Rubik's Cube is slowly retreating, but fish-man monsters keep falling in front of it. None of the monsters can break through the Rubik's Cube's defense line!

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