Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 703: Undersea Village

In the coral reef, the mechanical fish flexibly drilled in and out, even less than three meters away from the two fishmen.


Uh-huh! The mechanical fish is missing! Rubik's Cube saw pitch black in front of him through the mechanical eyes of the mechanical fish! What's happening here?

In a cave on the coral reef, a strange fish with a big mouth remained motionless. It was a big fish that ate small fish. It had a short and thick body. All it had to do every day was to lie motionless at the entrance of its cave. The only thing it had was a stick on its mouth. The tentacles were swaying around like a small insect to lure other small fish over. In the conscience of heaven and earth, the mechanical fish just passed by the entrance of the hole...

Gudu~ The strange fish spit out a bubble from its big mouth.

Gurgling, gurgling, a series of bubbles floated up and rolled your eyes.

The mechanical fish writhed vigorously in the belly of the big strange fish. In order to find the exit, it also turned on the small light at the head of the fish, illuminating the place full of all kinds of fish and shrimp bones, sour and smelly gastric juice. It was discovered that this guy didn't seem to care about anything. With its stomach churning, the mechanical fish generously released a bit of electricity...

The strange fish only felt a terrible pain in its stomach. Suddenly, its stomach twitched and its whole body was numb. It hurriedly opened its mouth. Among the piles of rotten fish that had been almost digested, a mechanical fish quickly disappeared. The food that the strange fish had waited for for a long time was completely wasted. At least he's still alive. At least the mechanical fish didn't forcefully break open its belly and rush out. It's better to be hungry for a long time than to die.

The Rubik's Cube controlled the mechanical fish to follow the two fishmen and swim forward for about half an hour.

The two murlocs met several female murlocs along the way. The two guys leaned forward very shamelessly and kept drooling in the sea water. The female murloc looked at the two guys very arrogantly and turned away with her arrogant fish head. .

The two fishmen were not angry and continued to swim forward slowly. Occasionally, they would reach out and grab some small fish swimming by and stuff them into their mouths to eat raw, or they would grab shells and crack them on rocks to pick out the meat and eat them. Being able to eat seafood every day and go diving every day is a life that only rich people can achieve on Earth, even though they don’t know what diving is.

After swimming forward for a long time, I passed through a kelp bush that was almost ten meters high, and a beautiful underwater world appeared in front of the Rubik's Cube.

There are gradually more and more fish-man monsters of all kinds, and lobsters and crab-men can also be seen. The terrain of this area is similar to the bottom of a small underwater canyon, with all kinds of algae growing wantonly, some of which have been seen on earth, and many more. There is nothing on the earth. Both sides of the canyon are filled with small houses made of various coral reefs. They are red, purple, and white. Each of them can be regarded as a work of art. It is said that the house is actually a kind of cave-like house. It exists, with a small hole in the middle. The mechanical fish follows a group of fish wandering at the bottom of the valley and approaches a small house, looking inside through the gap in the coral reef.

"Uh..." Rubik's Cube saw a scene not suitable for children.

This kind of coral reef cave doesn't even have a door, so you can just have fun inside. It's a good idea to get a big shell to block it! Even if you don't have time to get some kelp and hang it on the door as a curtain, the two guys can be so free inside. It's really a happy life...

After leaving this coral reef cave, the mechanical fish continued to observe the living habits of these fish people. The canyon is like a community. There are two shops in the community. Most of the items on sale are the bones of some large fish and sharp fish bones. The newly opened A bare bone fork, a shield made of scales dropped by a large fish, but no iron tools. Using iron tools in sea water is simply a disposable item. It will be rusted in a few days and only the handle will be left. It's not as good as Bones come in handy.

The fish people either lie down in the cave and sleep or go out to fish, eat shells and catch crabs. The Rubik's Cube always feels like eating the same kind.

After updating the detection equipment and scanning the canyon, it was found that there are currently a total of 131 fish-man monsters of various types in the canyon, of which 110 are male and the remaining 21 are female. This ratio is very strange, maybe Maybe it’s someone’s racial characteristics.

The mechanical fish in this community did not see the murlocs that rushed to the beach that day and were dressed in pretty shells. This may also mean that this is just an ordinary community with no big shots, and the unlucky murloc leader may have some identity. The Rubik's Cube wants to know that large Where is the gathering area and whether there are any murloc nobles? It is difficult to find useful information in this small village. The only valuable thing is to continuously record the murloc language to speed up translation. Of course, those humming and heying languages ​​will be automatically filtered.

The language database is constantly being enriched, and many murloc conversations have been translated by Rubik's Cube. After translation, Rubik's Cube found that the murloc monsters in the canyon were all discussing one thing, as if they were talking about the death of big figures and the death of monsters. Judging from the expressions of the fishmen, the matter seems to be serious. It seems that the search and investigation of the nearby sea area has been strengthened. Rubik's Cube doubts what the intelligence of these fishmen can detect.

As for the death of the big shot, it was most likely the slutty murloc that was killed. I'm very sorry. The Rubik's Cube really couldn't tell the difference between it and other murlocs. As for the monster, it was probably the parasite. Even though they are big, they are still parasites.

Rubik's Cube thinks this is a hidden danger, a huge hidden danger. Who knows how big the background of that roguish fishman is? Will someone command an army to attack the island in order to avenge him? He must stop him before he takes action!

Fortunately, there was a mechanical bird wandering around and scanning the sea. It didn't take long for a large number of creatures to gather in another deep sea area. After determining the location, the Rubik's Cube swam through the middle of the canyon, causing chaos among the many murloc monsters in the canyon. It was not Every murloc can calmly face sharks, ocean killers. The number of murlocs killed by sharks is not a small number. When these murlocs hurriedly grabbed the harpoon spines to deal with the shark, they found that the shark had already swam out. Far away, the murlocs were confused, but it was still a good thing that they didn't eat the murlocs.

As for chasing sharks, forget it. Murlocs swim faster than humans. They can't catch up with sharks whose bodies are suitable for swimming fast on the seabed.

The small mechanical fish is attached to the belly of the shark that is deformed by the Rubik's Cube. It moves quickly along with the Rubik's Cube. This scene is often seen in the sea and few creatures pay attention to the Rubik's Cube. After swimming far away at high speed, the Rubik's Cube finds that there are more and more fish people. , the number far exceeds that in the canyon. It seems that the large number of life forms discovered by the mechanical bird should be these gathered fish-man monsters.

Maybe sharks are notorious elements in the ocean. Just when they got close to the group of murlocs, dozens of murlocs rushed towards the Rubik's Cube wielding all kinds of messy weapons. Rubik's Cube rolled his eyes and simply raised his head and swam to the sea. Go, flick your tail several times and swim to the surface of the sea. The fishmen looked at the Rubik's Cube and then returned to the original position to continue playing tricks.

The shark opened its mouth full of sharp teeth and dozens of small mechanical fish quickly sprinkled towards the gathering area of ​​fishmen below...

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