Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 706: Throwing bombs

On the beautiful island beach, several bulldozers and cement mixers are rumbling. Dozens of engineering robots are now working as road construction workers, working diligently to lay cement roads. The equipment is a bit rudimentary, but the engineering robots are still working meticulously according to standards. This level Not much worse than building an airport. In the past few days, Rubik's Cube took time out to watch the underwater world with Wang Ziyan in his arms at home. Wang Ziyan was surprised when she saw the underwater world for the first time in her life. She kept asking what this fish was, what the lobster was, and the big turtle was tired of carrying the turtle shell. Not tired, why do sharks eat small fish...

One day, the drone reported that a group of about a thousand murlocs gathered in the ocean near the fish-man monster city. Different from last time, this time the murlocs were more powerful and they were a group of regular soldiers. Last time, the murlocs were even more powerful. It's appropriate. There is no discipline in marching and fighting, and I don't know how the slut found those guys.

Nothing has been done on the island now, the roads have not been repaired, and the weapons have not been prepared. The Rubik's Cube does not want to collide with the opponent's army. After thinking about it, forget it, let the drone throw a few shock bombs to scare the fishmen. Let's see if we can stop them.

The drone received the command, flipped its wings and flew towards the target. There are two pylons on each side of the long wings of the high-altitude drone, a total of four pylons. Each pylon can be equipped with additional mounting points to mount three missiles or bombs after being carefully enhanced by the Rubik's Cube. In this way, a total of ten missiles or bombs can be carried. Two weapons and ammunition, which is why Rubik's Cube asked the drone to deal with it. The target of the bombing is not the group of murlocs who may be looking for trouble, but their underwater mountain city. Of course, don't bomb the palace, as it will easily cause trouble. Just blow up those bosses’ hometowns halfway up the mountain!

The order for the Rubik's Cube has been issued. The high-altitude drone is also a regular mechanical life with fire, but the problem arises. It was not long after it was born and I don't know how to grasp the proportion and throw bombs. These three words mean to throw bombs at those people. On top of the enemy target.

The high-altitude drone with a happy mood flew to the sea area where the undersea mountain was located, and without saying a word, it continuously launched eight precision-guided bombs...

Several mechanical sounds of clicking were heard, the long wings swayed slightly, and the eight precision-guided bombs detached themselves from the pylons and fell downwards in an orderly manner. During the fall, the tail fuze rotated faster and faster and the small control device was turned on. , the Shenwu Continent was bombed by mechanical life for the first time. Although the scale was small, it was indeed a bombing!

Eight bombs headed straight toward the sea with their sharp screams and warheads pointed downwards!

In the palace on the top of the mountain under the sea, the mermaid sitting on an exquisite chair looked at the sky above her with her white eyes, as if she saw something approaching in the sky through the sea water.

It's not easy for drones. The bombs dropped this time are all precision-guided bombs, but they need to be guided by lasers. Fortunately, the computer calculates the light refraction of two different substances, air and seawater, very clearly. There is a circle under the drone's nose. The spherical reconnaissance equipment rotates and aims the beam emitting device at the sea. A laser beam invisible to the naked eye shines into the sea and is locked on the mountainside of the submarine mountain. This kind of ability to aim and lock in sea water is not something ordinary people can do.

Above the nose of the drone, the somewhat ugly mechanical bird was standing on it, looking down at the crowd in the cold wind. In fact, the two guys were chatting just now, and they just happened to watch a good show.

At the top of the seabed, the mermaid slowly swam to the fence in front of the palace and looked at the underwater world in front of her. In her eyes, a thin line entered the sea and pointed at the residential area of ​​a noble with a higher status among a group of fish-men monsters. The mermaid did not know this What's the use of thin lines? It's definitely not a good thing. Surprisingly, the mermaid didn't stop or remind her but just stood on the top of the mountain and watched.

Eight precision-guided bombs fell straight down from an altitude of 10,000 meters, getting closer and closer to the sea...

Everything...! There were eight consecutive sounds of heavy objects entering the water, and the heavy bombs dragged traces of bubbles straight to the deep sea!

The speed was not ordinary. The solid bomb dropped from an altitude of 10,000 meters and penetrated into the water three times faster than a shark...

The mermaid standing in front of the luxurious palace was very skilled and noticed at a glance that eight strange things were sinking very fast, and the target was exactly where the mysterious light had been pointing. The corner of her mouth was slightly raised. The mermaid felt that there must be something happening today. Something interesting happens, something I have never seen before.

The eight precision-guided bombs spread out without any deviation and crashed into the center of the laser beam, and the fuses were ignited.

At the foot of the undersea mountain range, a large group of murlocs is preparing to set off. The leading murloc is covered in colorful shells and looks majestic. He also carries a rust-proof steel knife in his hand. Using anti-rust steel knives in the ocean, his status is not ordinary high. Before this guy could say a few heroic words to boost morale and issue orders, he suddenly felt like his head had been hit by a whale and he had a splitting headache, not just once, but eight times!

When the fish-man, who was covering his head and bleeding from the corners of his mouth, turned his head and looked behind him, he saw something terrible happening in the area where he lived. The last thing he saw before he fainted was a flash of fire and various debris flying in the sea. , my exquisite and luxurious cave was also shattered...


Suddenly, a piercing scream resounded through the sea. The mermaid originally planned to watch the excitement, but... the bomb exploded regardless of the enemy or the enemy. The mermaid, who did not pay attention to the eight bombs, was hit by the sound wave of the bomb. After the first impact, she decisively used her demonic power to protect herself from another seven blows. However, she was attacked. The angry mermaid screamed, swung her tail and rushed straight to the sea!

The sea was still rough and the seagulls were constantly searching for fish on the sea surface. Suddenly, the waves broke out!

Bang! A mermaid burst out of the sea, swung its tail and flew straight into the sky. The mermaid was really angry, but she never expected that the guy who attacked the undersea mountain range was so tall. It was unexpectedly high. Ten thousand meters in the air. In this life, The mermaid has never gone up to see what it looks like.

The mechanical bird's eye picture standing above the drone's nose instantly locked onto an approaching high-energy object with a red box.


Without saying a word, the mechanical bird issued a warning and then flew away. The high-altitude drone was not as agile as the mechanical bird, but its engine thrust surged to escape the attack of this crazy mermaid. Unfortunately, the size of the drone was destined to prevent it from traveling at high speeds. Flying flexibly, you can only use the circular detection equipment under the nose to keep watching the mermaid getting closer and closer!

"It was discovered that a high-threat target is approaching..."

"Five thousand meters..."

"Two thousand meters..."

"One thousand meters..."


The demon who was thinking about what to do almost didn't spit out a sip of tea. Has this high-altitude drone learned to tease and shout for help? The Shenwu Continent is indeed full of outstanding people. Even the mechanical lifeforms know what to say.

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