Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 713: Robot Shopping

"What should we do?" Tie Jia asked Death Scorpion. No matter what, Death Scorpion was considered the old man who followed the Rubik's Cube and was also the temporary leader of this team.

"Is this..."

The Death Scorpion imitated the human form and held its chin with its hands while thinking. After turning into a human form, it was easy to say anything, but its whole body was limp and uncomfortable. It took a long time to squeeze out one, two, three, four, and five, but its chin was like a few iron thorns. His beard was almost polished off, and he rolled his eyes and simply hid it according to the regulations of the Machinery Empire. As for other things, there seemed to be no restrictions on the procedures.

"Hide our existence, and then... do whatever you want. Just don't be bored."

"It makes sense." Dart agreed very much.

"Four gentlemen, there is a good place in front of you! Look at that girl, tsk tsk~" Wang Er stared at a certain alley with colorful lights and salivated. It was the famous Hualiu Lane in Lin'an. The best place to look for flowers and willows, Wang Er Even if he has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs running around. If there were so many girls waving and smiling, he would have pounced on them if he didn't have money in his pocket.

"Go and take a look?" Fei Dart asked without fear of trouble.

"Okay." The Silent One agreed. Death Scorpion and Iron Armor naturally had no objections. Anyway, to hide one's identity, one should do something consistent with one's current identity. Hualiu Lane is a mysterious place. It seems that no mechanical being has ever been there in the entire Mechanical Empire. In this fairyland that makes all men in the world linger, everything must have a beginning.

Amidst the warm greetings of many girls, five strong men walked into a certain attic that smelled of powder...

five minutes later.

Five strong men came out. Except for Wang Er, who kept looking back, the other four looked bored. What was the point in it? How could it be any fun? Are human men willing to give away gold and silver for such boring and boring things? They are all mentally ill! Behind the five strong men were a group of heavily made-up girls scolding dissatisfiedly, saying that there was no way anyone could come in and have a sip of tea and then leave. Don’t come to a place like this when you are thirsty and drink tea. What else is not a man? Anyway, there are four Death Scorpions. It doesn't matter, we are not men to begin with.

After leaving Hualiu Lane, the four guys took Wang Er and ran to the gambling hall again. They were still listening to what others said about so-and-so who lost hundreds of taels of silver in the gambling hall, who bet his wife there and lost all his money. Return.

Four guys making gold and silver is just like playing, but it's pointless. If you want to make money, you have to use your skills to make money. That's right, the four guys think they can definitely make money by going to the casino. They have detectors. There are shielding devices and various high technologies. Going to a gambling hall to make money is not the same as having fun. Besides, casinos are places that deceive people. Going there to make money is also to eliminate harm to the people.

The five big men wandered towards the casino again.

Wang Er, the team leader, was really willing. Yes, he was almost scared to death before, but that doesn't matter anymore. Look at it now, walking for hundreds of miles with food and drink is much better than being a hunter in the mountains. Okay, monsters are just monsters, the four of them are my food, clothing, and parents.

Not only did Wang Er not run away nor make a loud noise, he completely regarded himself as a group of four Transformers, and the four guys also thought it was good and hassle-free to lead a human, so they simply led him.

In feudal ancient times, casinos were a serious and legal business. As long as you had the ability to prevent others from not paying back the money they owed, and you had a strong backer, you could open a venue and invite people to come and gamble. The ancients had few entertainment programs, so people were created at night. You can't do that during the day, drinking, sex, gambling, and gambling have become indispensable.

In ancient times, there was a county magistrate in the Long Kingdom who was addicted to gambling. He gambled and had fun every day. Finally, he was reported and lost his official position at home. However, he still could not change his habit of gambling. When he was seriously ill, he would slap the edge of the bed with his arm and shout loudly. Gambling slogans, his wife advised him not to shout them randomly. Unexpectedly, the county magistrate who had taken his official position actually said that he was gambling with three other people, but you couldn't see it and only I could see it, and he fainted after a while.

When he woke up, he told his family to burn paper money to pay off their gambling debts. He said that he lost the money gambling with a gambler. As a result, his family died soon after burning the paper money.

From now on, we can also see that there were no entertainment activities in the ancient feudal period, which led to a preference for gambling. Unlike modern times, there are many activities to do when you have nothing to do. With curiosity about gambling, the four Transformers found the casino and walked to the door...

There were four strong men standing at the entrance of the casino. They were tall, round and wearing mandarin jackets and looked fierce.

Death Scorpion took the lead and was about to enter the casino. Unexpectedly, he was stopped by four strong men and looked him up and down. The four strong men gambling nearby were all familiar to each other, but all five of Death Scorpion were strong men. It doesn't look like he's rich. As a casino thug, it's necessary to get rid of some guys who don't gamble, otherwise it will become a vegetable market for anyone who wants to enter.

Death Scorpion was stunned, what do you mean? Not allowed in?

"You guys came to our place...to have fun?" one of the thugs watching the scene asked.

"Nonsense, I came to your place to have sex without having fun! What do you mean by not letting me in?"

Horizontal, just horizontal, what kind of thing is the Death Scorpion? How can such a thing who wants to smash stars to absorb energy care about a few thugs? Even the city lord or the emperor Death Scorpion doesn't look down on it.

At first glance, the four thugs are obviously ruthless people. Such people are either rich men who come to have fun or come to make trouble. Look at these five people. Oh no, except for that scum, every one of these four guys is cold and cold. He showed a fierceness, not an ordinary person! The thugs stayed at the door for a long time, and their eyes were naturally vicious. It was obvious at a glance that the four Death Scorpions were not easy.

"Ahem... Well, do you guys have enough money to come and play? Please don't mind if it's your duty."

The Death Scorpion rolled his eyes and understood what the thugs meant. He was asking me if they had any money. It was hard to tell. He first got two of them to fool them. He used his skills in his arms and fiddled with them a few times. When he took them out, Just two small gold bars...

The four thugs were stunned, gold!

"Sir, please come in. Sir, please come in." He bent down and smiled in an extremely respectful manner.

Nodding, Death Scorpion led a group of people inside first. Wang Er, who was walking behind, raised his head and looked at the four thugs with his nostrils. He looked like he wanted to tell others that he was not easy to mess with, so don't bother me. This is how a fox pretends to be a tiger. , that’s not right, to be precise, it should be the fake mechanical power of the fox. In Wang Er’s eyes, these four guys are simply invincible existences in this world.

After entering the casino gate and walking in, I walked through the main hall and opened the door curtain. A wave of heat and various rotten smells came to me. The smell of sweat, saliva, and woman's powder. If the air is not circulating, I feel dizzy. My brain feels bloated. No wonder gamblers all look sallow and thin. How can this environment be healthy?

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