Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 717: Outside the Pavilion

The four Death Scorpions had just followed the carriage out of the pavilion outside Lin'an City where they were bidding farewell to their relatives and friends. A man wearing a rich costume and riding a tall horse came towards the convoy, followed by seven or eight guards with high-level martial arts skills.

The ancients all liked to pay attention to personal feelings, face, and loyalty. There were many people in the city. Whenever they saw off their relatives and friends, they would always send them three miles out of the city gate to show their deep feelings. More and more people went out of the city to see off their friends. Someone built a pavilion three miles outside the city for farewell. Somehow this custom spread and cities began to build pavilions. The construction is very simple, with stone bricks on the ground and rough wood covered with straw to protect from rain. It is very convenient.

The flying darts and armored generals walking in front looked at the man in fine clothes with an expressionless expression.

"Get out of the way! Kneel down if King Mu En is not here!" A guard behind the man in rich clothes yelled at the five darts. His angry eyebrows and angry eyes were really domineering, but these four guys traveled in space and did all kinds of evil. How could he be afraid of an ordinary prince if he knew that he dared to kill any transmission point set up by the immortal world? As for Wang Er, he didn't understand what a prince was at all. No one in the village had ever said that.

"Bold slave!"

The guard obviously regarded these five strong men as the subordinates of the people in the carriage. The guard waved his whip to hit the darts and armor.

It was too slow. The dart mechanical eye captured the movement of the riding whip and locked it easily. When the riding whip reached him, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it! Pull hard towards yourself! Everyone including King Mu En in Changting and those who were saying goodbye in Changting watched helplessly as the guard flew into the air towards the strong man!

With one punch, the guard flew backwards and rolled seven to eight meters on the grass before he stopped. His chest collapsed and his mouth was filled with blood and foam. He could see that he had more air coming out and less air coming in.

"Brother, there are escorts in custody. If you don't walk, get out of here. Do you stand in the middle of the road to show that you are idiots? Move more quickly." The escort impatiently said to the prince and a group of guards. It's really impressive that you are so aboveboard and aboveboard while blocking the road. Rare.

"Protect the prince!"

The guards quickly drew their knives to protect the forty-year-old prince and watched the darts warily. Seeing that both sides disliked each other, a big battle was about to break out. The old eunuch in the carriage spoke.

"Stop it! Don't hurt your harmony. I wonder what's wrong with Prince Mu En?"

Since the employer had spoken, Feibiao naturally didn't want to go up and beat these idiots. He glanced at these guards and some prince with disdain. Anyway, the idiot who scolded him had been killed. These few people didn't scold him, so it was good to let him go for the time being. King Mu En and several guards would never have imagined that they had just slipped through the gate of hell...

King Mu En originally planned to drive these reckless men away and come closer to talk, but who knew that these guys did not take him seriously at all and would not dismount at all. If they really wanted to use force, I am afraid that he would be the one who would be embarrassed. King Mu En glared at him fiercely. At a glance, his subordinates can't even deal with a few rough and strong men, they are just a bunch of losers.

"Hahaha~ It doesn't matter. I still want to know whether Her Royal Highness the Princess is satisfied with my suggestions. In the current situation, only our marriage can overcome the difficulties and save the eldest prince. I believe Eunuch Liu and Her Royal Highness the Princess also understand that this is the best thing. The safest way is... should we return to Lin'an City now?" King Mu En said slowly. The four Death Scorpions analyzed the situation and roughly figured out what kind of princess the little girl in the car was. The year-old guy is a prince, and the two parties want to marry to increase their political bargaining chips. The four guys are very doubtful about what role this marriage will play. After all, they can give up anything for political interests.

"Thank you King Mu En for your kindness. Your Highness the Princess misses her mother very much. We should discuss the marriage in the future."

"What? Are you dissatisfied with me? How can I not be worthy of His Majesty the Palace Master for his countless achievements in guarding Liangzhou for decades? This is the last chance to rescue the eldest prince!" King Mu En said through gritted teeth.


Wang Er, who was eating melon, spat out the rind from his mouth and opened his eyes to see what was going on. King Mu En then remembered the eleven or twelve-year-old girl he saw in the car when he left the city. He estimated that the little girl was the princess, but...the forty-something-year-old girl Can the old man be any more shameless? Are your grandsons older than this girl? Not only Wang Er was surprised, but even the four Death Scorpions were stunned. The computer short-circuited. They thought that this old guy wanted his son or grandson to marry, but he ended up going into battle himself. It was really a treasure that was still young.

Seeing Wang Er vomiting melon, several guards planned to scold him, but they could only shrink back when they remembered that there was a corpse beside them.

"What are you looking at! Haven't you seen me? After you say that, let's get out of the way. We are still in a hurry. A good dog won't block the way!"

Why does Wang Er think highly of the prince because he has four fierce men around him? What happened to the prince? If I offend you, I will burrow into the crowd of people and you will be caught. Which one of you is as scary as the four huge monsters around me! Wang Er's scolding brought to life the negotiating momentum created by King Mu En for a long time. Even the little princess in the carriage couldn't help laughing. King Mu En's face turned red, green and red, and he wanted to bite him to death. two.

"It's getting late. Thank you, Your Majesty, for sending me off. Your Majesty, please come back." The old eunuch said as he sat in the carriage without even showing his head.

"You really decided not to get married?"

"Your Majesty, please come back."

"Okay! Very good! Hum~!"

King Mu En flicked the sleeves of his splendid clothes and glanced at the carriage and the five strong men, then whipped his horse and ran towards Lin'an City. Death Scorpion knew that he might be busy in the past two days. This guy may not have any skills, but he was definitely a professional level player looking for trouble. , with his small belly, he will definitely send people over to cause trouble, or at least it can enrich his boring life.

"Continue on your journey, thank you for your help." The old eunuch was still sitting in the carriage and talking.

The four Death Scorpions rode forward without saying a word, escorting the carriage to the north...

There were no accidents on the first day. We often met caravans on the road. What surprised the old eunuch, the little princess and the coachman the most was that four of the five big men did not eat or sleep at all. The old eunuch doubted that if he and others were not And that Wang Er needs to rest. These four guys will keep walking to the imperial city. If rice water is not available, it will not be convenient. There will be any trouble that cannot escape the observation of the four people. After many analyses, the old eunuch believes that he must have found it. Masters, real masters. Judging from the fact that the four guys didn't care about the princes and princesses, they didn't take the worldly nobles seriously.

The four Death Scorpions only remembered that the rest of the humans and horses needed to rest and eat until nightfall. They lamented that it was a pity that such a long time in the night was wasted. They had no choice but to find an inn and lie down next to some little princess to rest. , I don’t know what happened to this little princess. She didn’t even have anyone to serve her. She was so shabby that only an old eunuch was left.

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