Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 722: Gunfire

The three Death Scorpions standing in the hall and the Dart Armor outside the door kicked the ground hard, stepped out of the pit alive and jumped out with a whoosh!

Bang bang bang! Mud water splashed everywhere, and three death scorpions crashed to the ground and stood in three directions of the ghost king to seal it. Three red Tang knives were steaming in the heavy rain, and three pairs of red eyes stared at the ghost king with malicious intent. They looked like As if seeing a fun toy, if the Ghost King didn't have any powerful methods today, he would probably be tortured by the three guys. As for the Silent One, it was left in the hall to protect the target. For the escort work, the four Transformers were still very good. Heartfelt.

"The body is a strange existence between reality and illusion." Death Scorpion said after scanning the Ghost King with a scanning beam.

"It's quite evil and a dirty thing."

"I don't know if it will be able to withstand beatings. It would be boring to die after a few hits. Its wounds have been controlled. If it were shot in the dantian area of ​​its abdomen, it should be easily killed."

The three guys were pointing around the Ghost King, not caring about the Ghost King's dignity or face. The Ghost King, who had been frightened by the three guys before, realized that they didn't take him seriously at all. Maybe there was something wrong with his head after being a ghost for a long time. , for the sake of face and dignity, regardless of strength, he stretched out his claws to grab the dart in front of him!

The dart covered the fist with a layer of mechanical energy and punched the green ghost claw, smashing the claw into pieces with one punch!


Bang! Another punch. Before the Ghost King could turn around and fight back, the three guys started attacking continuously from three directions. The three guys didn't strike hard, they just wanted to see how strong the Ghost King's body structure was and how durable they were. The quick attacks were quickly consumed. The energy in his body becomes increasingly pale and translucent as the energy-covered fist continues to attack the Ghost King...

Several people in the main hall of the ruined temple saw three Death Scorpions surrounding the red-robed ghost king through the collapsed wall. They were fighting in various ways, just like those gangsters fighting in the city. After blocking them, they pinned them to the ground and beat them up. That was the ghost king. ah! Could it be that the Ghost King really has no abilities? Legends can’t be deceptive, right?

The rain was still falling, and in the blurry night, three big men blocked a long-faced man wearing a red groom's clothes and beat him up. The scene was a bit weird no matter how you looked at it.

As he was beating, the long-faced ghost king suddenly began to swell, roaring angrily as he swelled, making the sound as harsh and unpleasant as a night owl!

"Why is this guy getting bigger and bigger as if it has eaten foam? Have any of you fed it yeast?" Fei Dart kicked him and looked blankly at the long-faced ghost king in the middle. Now he doesn't know what happened. Its energy increased rapidly and its body expanded and became more solid. It was over two meters tall and its waist was as tight as a water tank. Its red robe stretched tighter and tighter!

The Ghost King grew in size. The three Transformers had no choice but to keep retreating. At the same time, they vigilantly took out their respective cannons and pointed them at the Ghost King. Regarding whether to kill it now or wait to observe and record the data before killing it, the three Transformers chose the latter.

The ghost king continued to expand, and his originally long face also looked at least less ugly due to the increase in volume and fatness. When it became more than three meters tall, the ghost king stopped. The holes in his abdomen and claws were all restored, and the red groom's suit became Bu Tiao, this guy has a fair face, a long nose, slender eyes, and a pointed chin. For some reason, he suddenly thought of those popular anime characters that were popular before the end of the earth. Not to mention, the hair style is really a bit girly, I guess. There will be many idiots vying to marry it on earth.

In the main hall of the ruined temple, several people standing around the fire looked into the distance in fear.

"Can the three of them defeat the Ghost King..." said the pale old eunuch.

"Absolutely no problem." Wang Er has absolute confidence in these four monsters.


Bang! The sight was blurry. In the heavy rain, the armor smashed into the tattered wall and several broken doors in the main hall, and rolled straight into the hall. It flew past Wang Er and finally hit the stage with a clang. The vibration was too great. The old statue of the god fell over and buried the armor with a crash. Below, a ghost king who didn't notice that the armor was inflated was knocked away. Just when he raised his head, the head of the old statue hit the armor's head with a bang and broke into two pieces.


Wang Er looked at the distance from the Ghost King to here, and then looked at the iron armor buried under the debris. This long distance must have been very powerful. It should be fine if it was hit by the old Buddha statue...

Wow~! A hand reached out from the rubble.

The angry armor lifted up the rubble and rushed to the middle of the hall. He knelt down on one knee and without saying a word, took out an energy machine cannon from behind and pointed it at the huge ghost king. The machine gun was rapidly folded and extended in a sci-fi style. In the sound of mechanical collision, it transformed into a sci-fi cannon with a length of more than two meters. With a few clicks, a specially made cannonball emitting light blue fluorescence was pushed into the machine. Wang Er and the others next to him were stunned and opened their eyes. Staring at that long thing in disbelief! The scene in front of them was completely beyond the scope of several people's cognition.

"Enjoy the pain that's coming~!"

boom! The long sci-fi cannon vibrated violently, and a specially-made synthetic shell was fired out. Several people standing in the hall felt their ears hurt from the shock. The airflow caused by the shell being fired kicked up dust on the ground and flew into the rain curtain outside the hall. In the middle, the old eunuch with better eyesight can still see an obvious trace left by the heavy rain...

The flying cannonball rotates rapidly. Different from ordinary gunpowder cannonballs, this cannonball is a special cannonball specially made after scanning and analyzing the ghost. It is carefully crafted to target the ghost's weaknesses. Not only the metal components are incompatible with the ghost, but also the light produced after the explosion. Some kind of high-intensity ray similar to sunlight was used, and the armor was really set on fire. This was the first time it was blown away after so many years of being around, and the mechanical face had no place to rest.

With a hiss, the cannonball passed through the rain curtain, leaving an obvious trace and hitting the ghost king who was more than three meters high...

The light flashed, and the Ghost King let out a harsh and hoarse scream as if he had drunk sulfuric acid. His chest was quickly turning into fly ash and burning like charcoal. Even the downpour could not stop the burning. The death scorpions and darts swimming around took advantage of this. Take the opportunity to shoot several energy bombs at the Ghost King's Dantian! The ghost king who was showing off his power just now shrank rapidly as if a balloon was deflating. The flames in the hole in the chest made by the armor continued to burn and expand. Seeing that the ghost king was getting weaker and weaker.

"It's so boring. I thought I could fight in a bloody battle all night. What a waste." Boomerang put away the cannon and looked at the Ghost King who quickly turned into ashes and laughed.

"To be honest, I still can't understand how this thing came to be and how it developed the habit of getting married. It's a ghost. What's the use of marrying a wife? I'm afraid there's not just one ghost king in the whole continent, but there are them all over the continent. It seems like there's some conspiracy. Inside." Death Scorpion thought more about it. After a little analysis, the computer found that there seemed to be something wrong here...

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