Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 730: Vulture Appears

The palace on top of the undersea mountain range.

The mermaid was resting on a luxurious and exquisite chair. The guard informed that there was an elder from the fishman tribe asking for an audience. The mermaid sat down impatiently and her face turned expressionless. Her face-changing skills were superb.

"King~ This is incredible! Two huge sea monsters appear above us and are charging rampant! Many of our warriors have been killed. That thing is extremely hard and can use magic. Please make the decision for us..." The fishman elder just entered the door. Lying on the ground and crying loudly, miserable and pitiful, that look was worse than the death of his son, but he did indeed lose his son.

The mermaid frowned, the top of her head had not been peaceful since the strange man came.

For humans on land, the sky is above their heads. For countries, the sky above their territory can also be regarded as airspace and is under the jurisdiction of their own country. Although they usually have no control over it, it belongs to their country. However, the intelligent marine creatures in the sea believe that The sea is your own sky. The reason why most attacks on human ships are because intelligent marine creatures feel that human ships have violated their airspace. They don't like people tossing above their heads. What's more, the waters near the volcanic island are occupied by intelligent marine creatures. In this area, attacking ships seems normal to them.

"How big is it?" the mermaid asked expressionlessly.

"Well...bigger than a whale."

The most common large creature in the ocean is the whale. There are other large creatures, but none of them are as numerous as whales. Therefore, intelligent marine creatures generally use the size of whales for comparison.

"Okay, I will go take a look when I have time." After saying that, the mermaid closed her eyes and fell asleep. Seeing this, the fishman elder naturally knew that this meant leaving by herself. After bowing respectfully, he exited the palace and wandered to his home halfway up the mountain. go.

The fishman elder always feels very unhappy when he sees his cave.

To say that this coral reef cave halfway up the mountain is new, the previous cave was blown to pieces by unknown reasons. Not only that, several of his children and grandchildren were killed because of this incident. Yes, Clam Girl Island was first destroyed The attack was that its grandson took a large sea monster to take revenge. Unexpectedly, the grandson was killed. Then the son went to seek revenge, and then was killed again. The elders of the fishman tribe were so frightened that they quickly stopped other children and grandchildren from taking revenge. If this continues, all our children and grandchildren will die!

"Father, what did the mermaid say?" As soon as he entered the cave, a fish-man monster came up to him.

"What else can I say? I have time to go and take a look. I don't know when her time is. It would be better to fight to the death with those land monsters."

"I heard... there have been more and more ships going to sea on the human coast recently, and humans have become more and more arrogant. This sea area belongs to our murloc tribe, and they must not be allowed to sail freely above our heads!" The elder's son gritted his teeth. Not because of hatred, but because it reminds of the taste of human flesh. In the eyes of humans, marine creatures are aliens and food or playthings. In the eyes of intelligent marine creatures, it is the same. Humans are nothing more than food and playthings. Everyone is equally divided.

"Don't act rashly yet. I always feel that the atmosphere is getting weirder and weirder recently. No matter what happens, the most important thing is to preserve our strength. We'd better stay on the sidelines before the empire changes power." The fishman elder picked up a piece of peeled seafood and stuffed it into In the mouth, when the fangs are chewing, fine foam will float out from the corners of the mouth.

"What about my eldest brother's revenge?"

"Let it go first. Humans have a saying. It's never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. We don't need ten years or even one year. Be patient."


No matter what the fishmen think, the two patrol boats have begun official patrols, patrolling around the Clam Girl Island every day. The huge destructive power produced by the ocean detection sonar has caused all the fishmen or other threatening marine life living nearby to move away. This is also the meaning of the Rubik's Cube. Since the ocean is so big, it can be moved away. The demarcation of safe areas is very important. Who knows whether these intelligent marine creatures are spies placed around them.

During this period, a sea monster also attacked the patrol boat. Fortunately, the patrol boat's sonar found the sea monster in time and moved away at high speed. Then, a torpedo was fired at the sea monster. The sea monster had never seen a torpedo and thought it was something delicious. The fish swam over and simply opened its mouth and swallowed the torpedo...

Although there is a saying that you can eat random things and not speak randomly, the actual situation is that if you talk nonsense, you just move your mouth, and eating randomly has real disadvantages.

There was a violent explosion, and the sea monster's big mouth seemed to spit out a pile of flames and black smoke. The huge shock wave and concussion generated by the explosion in the mouth directly killed the sea monster. The sound produced by the explosion in the distance would be heard underwater. The fish are in agony, not to mention the ones in their mouths. Not all sea monsters are very scary. Their strength varies. There cannot be powerful sea monsters living in this sea area.

The waters near Clam Girl Island.

I don’t know when two vultures appeared in the sky. After flying on the sea for a long time, they came to hover over the Clam Girl Island. In the small courtyard where Rubik’s Cube and Wang Ziyan lived, the dormant mechanical bird on the shelf suddenly opened its red mechanical eyes and spread its wings. Start the ducted fan engine and the two vultures fly straight into the sky with a whooshing sound!

How could a vulture wander out to sea with nothing to do? When Rubik's Cube discovered the vulture, he immediately thought that someone was using the vulture as a scout to investigate intelligence, and immediately sent out a mechanical bird.

The sharp eyes of the two vultures immediately spotted the rapidly approaching mechanical bird. They turned around and flapped their wings to fly away. However, the speed of the mechanical bird was too fast. Before the two vultures could fly one kilometer away, the mechanical bird was already there. Appearing behind and approaching quickly, the two vultures intuitively decided that the mechanical bird was not easy to mess with. In panic, they accelerated as fast as they could and flew far away, even at a speed not much slower than the mechanical bird. The two sides flew quickly one after the other...

When the mechanical bird saw that it couldn't catch up, it would rather kill them by mistake than let them go. Two machine guns at the base of its wings locked onto the two vultures!

Da da da……!

"Chirp..." A vulture whined, and its black feathers were flying after being hit by several bullets. Because the vulture's feathers were loose, most of the bullets actually passed through the feathers and missed. The mechanical bird continued to shoot, hitting the sky continuously. Dropping bird feathers.

The vulture that was shot one after another turned around and rushed towards the mechanical bird in anger, stretched out its talons and grabbed the mechanical bird hard!

The mechanical bird's computer quickly made a response plan. The flight path mark it was going to make appeared in the sight screen. It flapped its wings violently and rushed towards the vulture at an angle according to the plan!

Two different birds swished past...

The back of the mechanical bird was torn open by the sharp claws of the vultures. Electric sparks flashed. The two vultures could be considered a kind of monster. The eagle claws were very sharp. Fortunately, the wound was not big and the flight could barely control it. However, the laser weapon was damaged and could not be used. Later, after the vulture flew a certain distance, one of its wings separated from its roots, let out a mournful cry, turned and fell towards the sea. A bird fell into the sea, and the consequences can be imagined.

The visual screen of the mechanical bird kept flickering and blurring twice. The locking frame could not lock on another vulture that was getting further and further away. The vulture was driven away anyway. The mechanical bird thought about it and changed its direction and flew towards the volcanic island. Now It needs to find engineering robots to help repair body damage.

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