Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 800: City destroyed

"Surrender without killing!" A uniform roar filled with the smell of mechanical metal sounded.

Many defeated soldiers immediately threw away their weapons and squatted on the ground. The mechanical army did not fire. They raised their mechanical legs and lined up in an orderly manner to approach the defeated army. They ran away. Now there are only more than a thousand people left. Until the mechanical army When I got closer to these surviving soldiers, I discovered that my opponent was armed to the gills with armor. How could we fight such an army? Suddenly, some people started squatting on the ground and secretly cursing the prince for offending some powerful people.

The mechanical army did not pay attention to the surrendered soldiers and directly passed by the side towards the city gate. It stopped when it was 800 meters away from the city gate.

The originally orderly footsteps stopped and disappeared again. On the deserted battlefield, only the miserable howls and whimpering sounds of the wounded soldiers could be heard. The lieutenant general who was forced to stay did not know whether he should continue to fight. There were 40,000 people left in the city, maybe... ...Maybe we can really defeat this weird army.

Behind the city wall, dozens of trebuchets have been prepared and even the boulders have been placed on them, just waiting for the order to be launched!

It's not that the lieutenant doesn't want to use trebuchets, but that the mechanical army can't throw them over the city wall eight hundred meters away. Heavy crossbows don't have much effect at this distance. The lieutenant can only wait anxiously, waiting for the mechanical army to get close enough before attacking.

In the mechanical army, more than a hundred soldiers appeared in front and quickly assembled some kind of machinery, which was a rocket launcher. They used equipment like guide rails to launch rockets and assemble the rail structure. A group of ten combat robots quickly assembled the launcher. After completion, it is then adjusted to the city gate and wall, and each trebuchet is aligned according to the battlefield images sent back by the drone. After the installation is completed, the combat robot carrying the rockets installs the rockets into the guide rails.

There is no way, there are no tanks, no artillery and no helicopters. A group of infantry can only use this method to ensure zero casualties.

ignition! emission!

Teng Teng Teng...! Ten rockets were launched. The rockets trailing white smoke traces made a large arc and headed behind the city wall. The small tail fins of the rockets popped out and began to control the landing point. The cross boxes on the video screens of each rocket locked each one. The trebuchet fell straight down!

Rumbling explosions were heard as flames rose behind the city wall, and a second batch of rockets was fired again, targeting the city gates and remaining trebuchets.

The thick city gate exploded, and sawdust and iron weapons were blown to pieces. The lieutenants on the city wall knew that the city could not be defended. Not to mention these scary and explosive monsters, even those soldiers had not fallen down at all until now. , how to fight? After thinking about it for a while, the prince didn't dare to go back anyway, so he just said hello, led the remaining generals and troops together, and ran to the other side of the city gate.

The front row of mechanical soldiers fired again, and the archers and heavy crossbow operators on the city wall were shot dead. All major threats were removed.

"Fix the bayonet!" a high-end mechanical soldier shouted.

Uh-huh! Kaka! There was the sound of bayonets being drawn out in unison and the sound of the muzzle-mounted impact of the guns. The mechanical soldiers looked at the city wall coldly. They were about to launch a charge but didn't care at all. The robots had achieved the highest standard of military quality.

"All-out attack!"

The mechanical army moved, running quickly towards the city gates and more towards the city walls. A row of combat robots behind raised their guns and pointed them at the city walls to cover friendly movements. The originally smooth city walls were now covered with spider-like combat robots. The robot, its mechanical arm and its mechanical feet plunged into the cracks of the brick wall and climbed up. Looking at it from a distance gave people goosebumps all over their bodies.

There were also soldiers on the city wall who had no time to escape. Seeing so many monsters climbing up, they were so frightened that they quickly raised the rolling stones and prepared to throw them down. Before they could use any force, the mechanical soldiers responsible for covering below opened fire, and the bullets penetrated these resisting soldiers. When the body fell down, it was hit by the rolling stone that was raised high, and there was no time to throw even one rolling stone.

A human soldier who was hiding on the city wall suddenly saw a gray-black strange hand appearing at the crenellation of the city wall. Outside was a combat robot climbing up. He climbed up the city wall with a strong push of his hands, stabbed the bayonet in front of the muzzle and fired. In just a few seconds, Clear a safe area!

Densely packed combat robots climbed up the city wall, and the city gate kept pouring in. The human soldiers who had been blocking the city gate and fighting desperately saw a group of tall gray-black weirdos rushing in. They couldn't cut with swords and couldn't penetrate with spears. Strange things flashed with fire and then someone fell down. Many frightened soldiers shouted sorcery and fled in pieces. The city gates and walls were lost.

The scattered human soldiers discovered one thing and either were killed by those weirdos, or they threw away their weapons and squatted on the ground to surrender and survive. No one wanted to die if they could live. More and more soldiers began to throw away their weapons and surrender.

Mechanical soldiers rushed into the streets and alleys in groups. All surrendered soldiers were ignored and their weapons were not taken away. All those who resisted were shot and killed. Unexpectedly, the battle that had been prepared for a long time turned into a street fight. This is a high-end mechanical soldier and warlord general. The result that none of them expected was that the opponent's generals took the lead too quickly and had no time to react. Those general positions were all bought with money, right?

The guesses of the high-end mechanical soldiers and high-altitude drones were correct. The main generals really had official positions bought with money. Most of the generals usually did not know how to march and fight when they were living in the city. If something happened, they could run faster than anyone else. It was a pity that they were fooled. Soldiers under my command.

Teams of ten mechanical soldiers kept running past on the street, while many human soldiers squatted on the roadside, lying there carefree, eating dry food and chatting.

"Uncle Niu, who do you think these people are? They are wearing jet-black clothes and the stones are broken when stepped on." A certain soldier who was looking at the road boredly noticed something unusual. The soldier was about sixteen or seventeen years old and was wearing a tattered military uniform. He was not far ahead. There was a spear with a polished wooden pole. It was not tall and there was hair on the mouth.

"What do you know, little kid? I've heard that those people are called the Xuanjia Army! Never heard of it, right? I also heard from the storyteller in the teahouse that the Xuanjia Army were all nine feet tall and broad-waisted! They were all dressed in black Xuan Jia is invincible! He can chop a dozen people's heads with one strike! You'd better be careful~" said a veteran who was drinking next to him.

Xiao Bing looked envious, completely deceived by the veteran.

Bang bang bang...! The sound of neat footsteps sounded, and a team of ten combat robots ran past in neat order.

"Okay, okay, you old turtle man, don't talk nonsense, what about the Xuanjia Army, these are heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals! You were not on the city wall at the time and you didn't know. These soldiers pointed their bronze mirrors at General Liu's army. Guess what? There are rows of dead people there! It’s so scary!”

A soldier who had just come down from the city wall couldn't help but stop the veteran's nonsense.

"Tch~ I don't have the same experience as you, so there are no heavenly soldiers or generals." The veteran turned over and continued drinking.

Both sides of the street are full of human soldiers squatting or lying down. It's great that they don't have to die or run around to rest. They brag about each other. Anyway, they don't know how many more days they can survive in this troubled world. But the soldiers were more curious about the invading enemy troops. Some said they had red eyes, while others said they could perform sorcery...

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