Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 809: Attack

The construction site was busy. The young man and Uncle Niu quickly fixed the rails to the sleepers, and the workers were busy.

Some thirsty young people raised their heads and took out their kettles to drink water. Suddenly, a group of people running fast in the wasteland in the distance caught the young people's attention. What were those people doing? The man with the sword in his hand looked fierce, could he be a bandit? I wonder how those monks would feel when they knew they were being treated as thieves...

"Uncle Niu, what are those people doing?" The young man reached out and pushed Uncle Niu who was working next to him.

"What? Hey! There really is someone here, isn't he a bandit?"

Kaka! There was a crisp sound of mechanical metal hitting. The two turned their heads and saw some weird men in gray and black armor holding something to aim at next to the railway.

"Look at the big bird!"

Someone among the workers shouted, and everyone looked up in the direction of the worker's finger. Sure enough, they saw a group of strange big birds flying roaring against the treetops. The workers were so frightened that they wanted to run away, but when they saw those wearing armor After the guy didn't move, he simply lay down on both sides of the railway machinery to hide. Some boldly looked up at the strange birds, including the young man.

The young man who stared at the armed helicopters was stunned because he saw those armored monsters standing on both sides of those strange birds...

"Confirm that the opponent is a threat and can be physically eliminated."

Armed helicopters and combat robots marked the combination of more than fifty monks and martial arts masters in red. The weapon insurance was released. The combat robot grabbed the helicopter with one hand and picked up the gun with the other hand. Ten armed helicopters mounted combat robots and flew by. The railway construction site went straight to the violent gangs composed of monks and martial arts masters!

"Missile locked, launch."

Ten armed helicopters each launched two missiles, and twenty missiles dragged their tail flames straight to the ground. These are all anti-tank missiles with strong penetrating capabilities, in order to deal with the monks' endless protective shields, defense talismans and other nonsense. Hey, even the shells used by the machine guns are mainly armor-piercing shells.

Those who rushed towards the construction site obviously did not expect to see the opponent's army so soon. When they saw twenty things flying over, they knew they were not good things even if they thought about it with their buttocks, and they hurriedly prepared to intercept and resist.

"Knock those things down with the flying sword! Release the talisman for me during the body refining stage! Quick!" said the monk in the late stage of Qi Condensation after controlling the flying sword to stab the anti-tank missiles flying in the sky.

In an instant, nine flying swords flew towards the missile, and the remaining people threw a bunch of talismans to make it colorful. The formation that was charging quickly had to stop to organize defense. They did not understand the tactics and did not realize that not only did they not regard it as a sneak attack, Instead, the attacker became the defender. It is difficult for people who meditate all day long to absorb spiritual energy to understand tactics.

A group of flying swords and a group of missiles collided together, and several missile fuses were triggered and exploded. The missiles used by the armed helicopters were not high-tech missiles but ordinary missiles. Naturally, it was difficult to shield the flying swords that interfered with the opponent's spiritual control. However, those flying swords were also The shock wave generated by the explosion of the anti-tank missile caused most of the damage. Several early-stage Qi Condensation monks with lower cultivation levels felt pain in their heads and vomited out a mouthful of blood. The damaged magic weapon also suffered backlash...

The leading late-stage Qi Condensation monk quickly made various hand seals with his hands. His flying sword stopped two missiles, but the remaining seven or eight missiles were already in front of him!

"Defense!" yelled, and the wealthy monks took out some golden bells, jade talismans and other messy things. The poor ones could only hide behind the shield formed by those talismans and stare. In the tension and attention, the anti-tank The missile hit the colored shield and exploded!

The first, second, and third exploded at the same time, tearing through three-quarters of the shield in an instant. A few wealthy Qi Condensation Stage gritted their teeth in distress and quickly threw the talisman again. Perhaps their lives were threatened. The quality of the talisman is much higher, and the anti-tank missiles are not able to explode all of them. However, these anti-tank missiles have a characteristic, that is, after the explosion, there will be something like a steel needle to penetrate the armor, and the following missiles will explode continuously. Several steel needles penetrated the shield and entered the crowd, causing explosions.

Although the explosion power was not as powerful as the first explosion of the missile, the steel needle still penetrated the bodies of several people and finally detonated. Together with the missile that could not be prevented in the end, a total of more than 20 people were killed, most of whom were of little wealth. Martial arts people and poor low-level monks, it can be seen that there is a certain reason for the monks to collect resources frantically...

Two of the mid-stage Qi Condensation monks were very angry and took out their magic weapons from their Sumeru bags to attack again...

"Bantian Seal!"

"Black cloud cone!"

I saw a copper seal the size of a palm suddenly turned into the size of a truck, hitting an armed helicopter in the middle. The engine propeller of the heavily damaged armed helicopter was broken and flew out. One of the broken propeller blades rolled and rubbed against the belly of an armed helicopter next to it. Cut the gap, sparks flicker inside the gap but you can still continue to fly and fight.

boom! The armed helicopter exploded into a ball of fireworks, and the four combat robots escaped and fell. They were not damaged after falling to the ground.

In addition, a strange thing like an awl suddenly plunged into the cockpit of the armed helicopter. Unexpectedly, it was stuck in the machine and could not be destroyed or recovered. The armed helicopter dropped to the ground with the combat robot and the black cloud cone and made an emergency landing. , the wildly rotating propellers sliced ​​away branches and weeds on the ground and successfully landed. Four combat robots continued to attack with guns.

In an instant, the cannon and firearm attacks focused on the guy controlling the fake Banten Seal...

The remaining eight armed helicopters were close to the ground. The combat robots mounted on both sides of the helicopters were loosened and landed, then rolled twice with inertia to stand up and rush towards the more than 20 people!

Lower your head, bend over, bend your legs, place the butt of the gun on your shoulder, and continuously pull the trigger to fire! Intense bullets rained down on the team of monks on the opposite side. Those monks who used shields or talismans found that their spiritual energy was losing extremely quickly. Every projectile hitting the shield would cause their spiritual energy to drop rapidly, and it would not take long for their spiritual energy to be used up!

The combat robots fired at the same time at a short distance from each other. After finding that ordinary ammunition did not cause too much damage to these people, they switched to firing energy bombs.

Although the monks are good at long-range shooting, the combat robots have an advantage in long-range. The armed helicopter that put down the combat robots turned around and aimed at the location of those people and attacked ferociously with cannons and rockets. Once again, a monk fell...

Oops~ A flying sword passed by, and a combat robot's mechanical head whirled to the ground. Immediately after the stream of light turned and crossed the body of another combat robot, a mechanical arm fell, and there were two high-quality flying swords. The combat robot was also injured. Among them, the late-stage Qi Condensation monks and two mid-stage Qi Condensation monks were attacking with flying swords. They planned to further expand the results when a piece of ammunition fell from the sky and they had to start defending.

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