Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 845: Square Dance Divine Comedy

The Wuti-stage armored monster who was fleeing in front suddenly found that the iron birds around him were gone. At this moment, there was a violent fluctuation behind him, as if there was a huge danger attacking him. He looked back and was shocked. A light blue light column was coming straight at him and even in front of him!

All the talismans, magic weapons and formations on the armor were activated. People in the distance saw a light blue halo bursting out of the sky and spreading around. It was so beautiful...

The high-end mechanical soldier put away the energy cannon and continued to rush forward. The mechanical eye saw a sleeve arrow magic weapon flying towards him. He didn't die, but even if he didn't die, he would lose a layer of skin, right? The taste of the energy bomb is not so good. The high-end mechanical soldier, who is one level higher than the Wuti-stage armored monster in combat power and equivalent to the Wuhun stage, stretched out his mechanical hand. A round luminous device appeared in the palm of the mechanical hand. When the luminous device appeared, the Wuti-stage armored monster felt that his magic weapon was losing control!

The sleeve arrow, which was originally flying rapidly, became more and more unstable. It was too late to take it back. The sleeve arrow flew into the mechanical hand more and more slowly and began to melt!


The magic weapon connected to the mind was destroyed, and the scaled monster in the martial body stage who suffered the backlash did not bother to seek justice and turned around to continue flying wildly. The high-end mechanical soldiers behind continued to chase. The scaled wings had the effect of increasing flight speed. Even if they could catch up, it would take a certain amount of time.

At the same time.

A transport helicopter was flying in the air. The mechanical army had many things to do with transport helicopters, and in order to cooperate with human use, the automatic driving system was not installed. The flight was usually controlled by mechanical soldiers. Today, a transport helicopter happened to be rushing to a certain location for duty. In addition to the two helicopter pilots, there were also ten fully armed combat robots.

"Hello everyone, I am the captain of this flight. I hope you will enjoy this trip. Let me play the square dance divine song of the Earth Dragon Country for everyone."

The mechanical hand tapped on the dashboard. After a while, the familiar square dance melody sounded in the cabin, and the helicopter flew quickly to the mission destination in the dynamic melody.

In the cabin, the mechanical soldiers were motionless. The fire mechanical soldiers were chatting, and those intelligent program mechanical soldiers were calculating what the sound collected by the sound collection equipment meant, and why it was so melodious?

Sometimes it's just such a coincidence. The Wuti-stage Scaled Armored Monster who was running for his life saw the transport helicopter while flying, and also saw the two mechanical soldiers sitting in the cockpit through the cockpit glass. He thought they were sent by the monsters who intercepted him, and they were blocking the front of him.

Heaven and earth are honest, this transport helicopter is really just passing by. It's very far away from the place where the battle started. How can it run so far to deploy troops.


The injured and angry Wuti-stage Scaled Armored Monster roared and flapped his wings to fly towards the transport helicopter...

In the cabin behind the helicopter, two mechanical soldiers saw the red figure approaching quickly through the round cockpit glass.

"What is this guy going to do?"

"I don't know, anyway, it's not a good thing, oh! There are high-end mechanical soldiers chasing behind! He is a fugitive!"

"Oh... He's going to hit us..."

The two mechanical soldiers stared blankly at the Wuti-stage Scaled Armored Monster crashing into them through the cockpit glass. It was too late to shoot now.

Bang! The transport helicopter shook, and the Wuti-stage scaled monster smashed the cockpit glass and got into the cockpit. The two mechanical soldiers were still holding the operating handles and didn't understand what was going on. The Wuti-stage scaled monster was angry and surprised at the various complex instruments and equipment in the cockpit. Both sides were silent for less than a second. They grabbed the two mechanical soldiers operating the helicopter with their hands, smashed the helicopter door and threw them out...

The two pilot robots only felt that the helicopter was getting farther and farther away from them. Looking at the ground below, they knew that they would not die if they fell, so they must go to the repair shop.

In the cabin, the two mechanical soldiers saw the pilot who was thrown out.

"Why... I feel like those two unlucky guys look familiar. I feel like I've seen them somewhere."

"I think they look like our pilots..."


The other mechanical soldiers in the cockpit were stunned...

In the cockpit, after throwing out the two pilots, the Wuti-stage armored monster accidentally pulled the joystick, and then the world spun. Before he could fly out, the Wuti-stage armored monster accidentally fell backwards and flipped into the rear cabin and got mixed up with ten fully armed mechanical soldiers. The helicopter was still spinning randomly, and the ten mechanical soldiers and the Wuti-stage armored monster in the cabin were like sardines in a can, bumping up and down, left and right, forward and backward!

"We're going to... crash..."

A mechanical soldier stumbled and said, the sky and the earth outside the cockpit glass kept changing, and the helicopter lost control.

"It's all because of this idiot! Fuck him! Beat him so hard that his master doesn't even recognize him!"

The helicopter cabin was in chaos. Nine mechanical soldiers hugged the injured Wuti-stage scaled monster and tore each other apart. After a few moves, they tore off the big wings and plucked off the scales on one leg. The white thighs were particularly conspicuous. I don't know why this old man didn't have long leg hair. He kept bumping around in the cabin and was still struggling. Another mechanical soldier crawled to the cockpit to control the helicopter to land.

The square dance divine song was still playing, and the chaotic scene in the rear cabin was particularly explosive and very coordinated.

After a lot of effort, he stumbled into the cockpit.

"I'll choke you! There's the joystick! Who took the joystick away!" The mechanical soldier was furious when he saw that the cockpit was missing many parts.

In the sky, two pilots who were falling rapidly were holding the joystick in their hands. It was not intentional, but they did not let go when the scale-armored monster in the martial body phase flew away the two robots. Unexpectedly, they broke the joystick directly. …

"Here we are..." Before the two pilots could finish speaking.

Bang! Two large pits appeared on the ground. When the dust cleared, a mechanical arm stretched out from the pit, holding half of the joystick in its hand.

The scale-armored monster in the martial body stage was about to go crazy. A group of unknown monsters wrapped around him frantically and continued to fight hard, tearing off his hand. Unexpectedly, the broken part of the arm was actually flashing with sparks. Without the arm, they still rushed forward crazily without knowing it. What is death? I don’t know why, but I always have a bad feeling in my heart, as if something bad is about to happen...

The fire mechanical soldiers who were fighting turned to look outside the cockpit glass. The grass outside the cockpit became clearer and clearer, and the veins on the leaves could even be seen clearly!

The high-end mechanical soldiers who arrived stared blankly as the engine of a transport helicopter emitted black smoke and swirled as it fell to the ground. Then it hit the ground with a loud bang in the dynamic melody of the Divine Comedy. The propeller and various parts flew out of the old machine. It's far away, but fortunately there is no one living here and no one was hurt.

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