Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 853: Earth

"Didi ~ The mission has been refreshed. A large-scale bloody massacre occurred in country Y in the west of the earth. The escort team is responsible for preventing the war."

Feng Xiaoer poked his head with his dog's paw, raised his head with difficulty and looked at the content on the bedside communicator. When he saw the words "Stop the War", his dog's eyes instantly became round and he jumped up from the bed, swishing twice. He put on his light armor, put his pistol in the holster on his thigh, opened the door with a bang and rushed out.

The four evil cats and eight little raccoons also rushed out of the room one after another, getting dressed and running out.

"Finally, I received a decent mission. I wonder if those stupid humans have turned the earth into hell. For the sake of the creator, let's let that poor planet go." The Sheriff complained as he ran.

"I remember two months ago, didn't we just go to deal with those bastards there? Why did the war start again?" Li Huamao said in confusion.

"You don't have to ask, it's free. I want to be an emperor but I don't know how high the sky is." Huang Huali checked the pistol and said while running.

A group of animals rushed out of the hotel with a roar.

"Boss, our account will be settled when we come back, Sanqiu," Feng Xiaoer, who was the last to go out, shouted at the hotel bar.

"Whatever, you're not short of money anyway."

Behind the bar, a young human woman watched a group of animals run out of the hotel. She was the first descendant of human citizens to join the Machine Empire. She was just born on Mars. In her eyes, Mars was her hometown, and the Machine Empire was herself. The country has completely become a citizen of a mechanical empire.

The animals who rushed out of the hotel started their mechas and flew quickly to the military base. The huge space battleship in the distance had already been supplied.

"Galaxy! Start the engine immediately and get ready for departure!" The police chief contacted the intelligent program of the frigate Galaxy through the remote communication system to prepare for quick action.

"Roger, the engine is starting..."

The robots and human operators in the base command and control center quickly plotted the Galaxy's takeoff route, and notified the engineering robots responsible for maintenance work to evacuate. Several passenger spacecraft not far away suspended takeoff. Those were planning to travel to various planets or Human citizens visiting relatives and doing business.

With a few whooshes, the Guardian animals flew into the Galaxy and quickly entered the cockpit, returning to their respective seats skillfully.

A small raccoon's paw connected dots on the transparent display in front of him. The engine below the huge Galaxy began to increase its thrust and quickly flew into the sky with the assistance of the gravity-free suspension device. Each small animal continued to set routes and perform various tasks. Operation, the huge Galaxy frigate cut through the Martian sky and penetrated into the starry sky...

"Into space, everything is normal on the Galaxy!"

The Mars behind him was getting farther and farther, and there were other battleships and spaceships flying in the distance. The escort animals controlled the battleship to fly towards a huge ring-shaped mechanical device.

"This is the Galaxy frigate, preparing to enter the space bridge." The sergeant signaled.

"This is the space bridge control center. The Galaxy frigate can enter. I wish you a safe journey."

In a space station next to the ring-shaped mechanism, the Spark robot clicks a few times and executes its program strictly according to regulations.

The Galaxy frigate flew in the dark universe, gradually approaching the annular space bridge, and then plunged directly into it without looking back. The entire battleship disappeared from the vicinity of Mars...

Near the earth, a huge ring-shaped machine that moved slowly with the earth flashed a blue light. Suddenly, a huge battleship flew out of the ring machine. It was the Galaxy frigate crossing the space bridge. In the cockpit, small animals I feel very good looking at the beautiful earth, and I always feel like I'm back home.

"The Lunar Spaceport, this is the Galaxy frigate. Please share the details of the unrest with us. Thank you."

"Lunar Spaceport received, information is being shared."

Soon, several three-dimensional large-screen displays in the cockpit of the Galaxy showed all the information. The satellite map of the earth was enlarged, and the satellite picture of Country Y located in the west appeared. Two parties on the ground were attacking and more than 10,000 people were fighting madly. Far away Using firearms, or fighting with machetes or fists at close range, the mutants fought wildly and continuously killed ordinary people...

"Why don't their beliefs have any binding force on them?" Huang Huali asked curiously.

"Stop dreaming. It's just faith, not guns and bullets. They like to mention faith when they are deceiving people. When faced with interests, they are more willing to let desire control themselves. Otherwise, the invasion of the Eight-Power Allied Forces would not have happened. Well, civilization is just nonsense for fools, I prefer to believe in the heavy artillery of the Galaxy," a little raccoon said indifferently, very insightfully.

"Let the drones go. We can't use ion cannons to break this little thing into pieces."

"Release the drones!"

The huge hatch of the Galaxy frigate opened, and unmanned fighter jets filed out and flew straight to the earth. A total of twenty unmanned fighter jets flew out...

"If we have time... let's go back and have a look..."

Feng Xiaoer looked at the beautiful earth and murmured. The earth outside the cockpit glass seemed to have some kind of attraction, attracting a group of animals that had been floating in the universe for many years to go back and take a look at those familiar mountains and those The familiar forests and familiar rivers suddenly became quiet in the cockpit. The sergeant responsible for setting the route touched a certain point on the earth graphic, and the planned route was set.

In the earth's atmosphere, like a falling meteor, twenty smoke pillars and flames streaked across the sky. Like a meteor shower, twenty unmanned fighter jets passed through the atmosphere and headed towards the target area!

Somewhere in country Y in the west of the earth.

Two chaotic armies in shabby clothing are killing like crazy, barbaric, bloody, and violent. The so-called civilization of the past is gone. All that is left are humans controlled by greed and violence. The mutants want more power. For power, they can only continue to fight with each other. Other surrounding forces fight to obtain greater power, supplies, and women, which are all reasons for launching wars.

People who have experienced the apocalypse have become uncivilized, especially the next generation of survivors. After the mechanical fleet destroys the zombies, the first thing humans do is not to restore order and start life again, but to start turf grabbing and various other activities. In the fight for resources, the mechanical fleet also considered helping humans restore normal social order and establishing a complete system. However, many people were thinking about one thing, that is, robots were enslaving humans. Those prophecies in the movie had become a manifestation, and the Rubik's Cube star Of course, the ship didn't care about what happened to the earth, and led the fleet away from the earth without saying a word, leaving only a space port in the Earth Dragon Kingdom.

Fortunately, the Dragon Kingdom ensured the restoration of order under the supervision of Zhang Xiaowen and the Guardians of the Galaxy. Rebellions in various places were forcefully eliminated. Peace emerged from the tyranny, but the previous social order was restored.

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