Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 857: Landing on the Island

Among the three directions, an island in the Pacific Ocean is the most important. Before the end of the world, the Eagle Empire established a military base to contain the Dragon Kingdom. It has an advanced dock airport, a complete range of weapons and equipment, and even nuclear bombs. Some lunatics found a few nuclear warheads from the military base. If there were no good missiles, they just found a broken missile to install. It was fine as long as it could fly. Anyway, this thing didn't need any accuracy.

On the sea surface dozens of kilometers away from the island, ten civet helicopters with mechanical soldiers on both sides flew quickly close to the sea. They were combat teams specializing in handling nuclear bombs.

"Jump into the sea and dive in five minutes!"

Ten civet helicopters continued to fly until they could see the military island.


All the mechanical soldiers let go of their mechanical hands and jumped into the sea. After falling into the water with a string of bubbles, they turned on the propulsion system and approached the island like a group of torpedoes. The civet helicopters hovered in place waiting for the signal to attack. This mission was not to kill people but to destroy the opponent's nuclear bombs. In order to cooperate with the operation, there was also a spy satellite in the Earth's low-Earth orbit to assist.

In the spy satellite image, forty friendly dots marked in green approached the island quickly. The spy satellite immediately planned the best route and the locations of various firepower points and enemy personnel on the computer. All threats were marked in red.

In the water, forty mechanical soldiers dragged tails formed by bubbles and rushed to the island beach!

It was already evening, and the afterglow of the setting sun was swaying in the waves. There was no one on the beach. Everyone was having a carnival in the huge club in the center of the island. No one remembered what the club originally did. Carnival activities were held every day. The unique warships and various weapons allowed them to snatch daily necessities and the most important supplies, women, from various islands! Every day's carnival was carried out on wine, meat and women. Tonight was no exception. No one noticed that there was something terrible approaching on the beach...

The waves kept rushing onto the beach, and several mechanical heads appeared in the sea. After scanning around to confirm that there was no one, forty mechanical heads appeared on the nearby sea surface and gradually emerged from the water. Mechanical soldiers holding guns silently boarded the island, and then divided into two teams to sneak to the target area under the cover of night.

There are many sentry towers on the island, each with a machine gun and guards on alert.

The first mechanical soldier pointed at the sentry tower in front. A mechanical soldier carrying a long sniper rifle half-crouched and raised the gun. The sight automatically calculated the trajectory. It used an electromagnetic rail gun instead of a gunpowder gun. To put it bluntly, it was a small electromagnetic rail gun. There was no sound and no flame. It was the best at this.

The crosshairs were locked on the guard's neck.

The mechanical finger pulled the trigger...

Whoosh! Puff...! The bullet flashed by, and the guard's neck broke and his head spun and fell under the sentry tower. It was about to fall on a bucket. If it fell on the bucket and made a sound, it would definitely attract the attention of other guards. If they wanted to sneak to the nuclear bomb at that time, they would probably have to shoot all the way.

When it was about to fall on the bucket, a pair of mechanical hands suddenly stretched out from the side to grab the head, turned around and threw it into the dark.

The mechanical soldiers looked at each other and continued to sneak.

The old missile vehicle was placed in the hangar at the airport. The hangar was originally used to park some advanced stealth fighters. Now that the aircraft is gone, it is just used to park the missile launcher. The mechanical soldiers ran quickly to the hangar through the grass at the airport. As long as they enter the hangar, the mechanical soldiers have the ability to destroy the nuclear bomb. It is almost impossible to repair it with the current technological level that has regressed for decades.

"Attention, there are ten patrolmen approaching at two o'clock!"

The spy satellite in low-Earth orbit issued a warning. The running mechanical soldiers suddenly stopped and squatted. Nothing could be seen except the grass in the night. Not long after, slight footsteps were heard. A line of ten patrolmen holding old guns and flashlights came over here. If they passed by the position of the mechanical soldiers, the distance between the two sides would not exceed two meters, and now they could not retreat. If they retreated and made a noise, it would be more than worth the loss. After some calculations, the leading mechanical soldier decided to kill this patrol team!

There is an advantage to mechanical soldiers communicating, that is, they don't need to talk or make gestures, just send out their thoughts. Ten mechanical soldiers put away their guns, pulled out their black bayonets, and made attacking postures...

"I don't understand, it's so good to sleep late at night. What's the point of walking around here when we can't go play with girls or drink?" A guard was complaining.

"Be patient, it is said that we will go to Dragon Country in a few days. It is said that Dragon Country is a paradise, where you can eat well, sleep well, and wear warm clothes. Anyway, many people say that Dragon Country is where people should stay. It is said that we used to be as powerful as Dragon Country or even stronger."

"That's right, my grandfather told me that there were all kinds of stores selling anything you can think of, and there were many delicacies. People traveled either by car or by plane. Later, you also heard that there was a zombie apocalypse crisis, and there were aliens helping us kill zombies. Oh, it's nonsense."

"Don't worry about the past, let's find a girl to play with, I'm going crazy these days."

"Be careful and don't run around without authorization. The Earl will be very unhappy. Do you know? I heard that the Earl is a terrible vampire! It is said that the missing Tony team died because they left their posts without permission and the Earl sucked all their blood. !" A guard suddenly broke the news, which scared the others. In this era, not to mention vampires, even devils have been killed.

The mechanical soldiers hiding in the grass quickly updated the database, reported the presence of vampires in the military base and prepared silver bullets.

The frightened patrols were getting closer and closer to the location of the mechanical soldiers. They didn't know that the god of death was coming...

The mechanical soldier moved, suddenly jumped out of the grass and rushed towards his target. The bayonet penetrated the throat and cut the arteries before the opponent could shout. Ten people were dragged into the grass by the mechanical soldier without even having time to react. They didn't even look back. The ten people were twitching, and the mechanical soldiers quickly ran to the hangar.

When running towards the hangar, the mechanical soldier's mechanical eye screen began to display hangar data. The thickness of the iron door, the concrete thickness of the hangar, and each screw were clearly displayed.

"Destroy the small steel door and enter the hangar!"

Two mechanical soldiers ran to the small door next to the iron door of the hangar. The manipulator grabbed the nut on the iron door and turned it quickly, pulling out the fixing screws one by one. After pulling out all the screws, the manipulator sucked the iron door. With a strong pull, the entire iron door was pulled out silently...

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