Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 867: Chase

The enemy troops underground were running frantically to leave the cave. The mechanical soldiers and mechanical dogs on the ground only needed to do one thing, that is, to aim their guns at the cave entrance and wait for the enemy troops to run away and then shoot. One bullet for one enemy. They did not shoot at the cave entrance because if too many people died, it would be easy to block the cave entrance and prevent the people below from coming out. It was very easy to shoot.

Bullets shot out of the gun barrels one by one, and then penetrated the bodies of the enemy officers and soldiers. The bodies gradually lost their vitality and fell to the ground. This was a massacre, a massacre that made the enemy remember what they should do in the future.

Transformers stood in the sky and looked at the massacre in the forest below with an expressionless face. Since they chose to start a war, they had to be prepared to be killed. No one was an exception. After killing all the enemy troops here, they had to attack the enemy gathering area to search for the dictatorial mutant. Many mutants turned the world back to a feudal society and delayed the progress of civilization. I hope he can be more powerful than the mechanical army.

"Speed ​​up the speed of clearing, high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft and civet helicopters will first launch air strikes on the islands and gathering areas of these stupid countries, ignoring the threat level of the target."

"Command confirmed."

A large number of civet helicopters continued to fly south after hanging bombs, and high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft carrying bombs began to form a formation. The task bar options all turned red. The Transformers' order just mentioned that the threat level of the target can be ignored, which means that even if the opponent is just a person holding a toothpick, it can be bombed, a typical massacre bombing.

The ability to organize an army of more than 20,000 people to invade is not only because the dictator has the idea of ​​invasion, but also because ordinary people are in favor of invasion. No matter what the reason for their support for invasion is, it means that they have entered the role of war and have to pay a price. Without the support of ordinary people, how can an army of more than 20,000 people be organized to invade? Even if the dictator is very capable, he cannot be so appealing. Obviously, ordinary people support invasion, perhaps for supplies or because of brainwashing, these are enough.

Mechanical life has never believed in winning people over with virtue and defeating the enemy without fighting. Is it possible to defeat the enemy and help and support the enemy to influence? Or use the army to scare the enemy?

It's a joke. If you win but still use the slogan of justice to treat others with courtesy, then what's the point of fighting? People will think that you dare not continue to fight and give them benefits to buy peace. They will think that it's okay to beat you occasionally. Anyway, it doesn't hurt and you will get benefits. In the future, won't you be idle and will immediately invade when you get a chance? It's impossible to win people over with virtue. There is only one way, which is to beat the other party so that they can't recover for decades and the pain will reach their bones and souls. Only in this way will they behave themselves in the future.

Winning people over with virtue is just wishful thinking to keep things quiet.

It's even more impossible to win without fighting. The other party will think that you are not good at fighting. One way is to beat them hard!

If you don't hurt the civilians of the other side, they will definitely not think about their own actions under the instigation of the dictator, but hate the mechanical army. It won't take long for them to attack Longguo again to seek revenge on the mechanical army. What should I do? Beat them up. Don't you call yourself a military power in the universe or the world? Well, as long as you live up to your slogan, it's fine.

The encirclement and suppression in the forest went smoothly. At least the mutant animals did not come out to make trouble. There were fresh and hot corpses everywhere, enough to fill their stomachs, and they did not attack the mechanical soldiers.

More than 20,000 troops were beaten in the rainforest, and less than 5,000 escaped from the forest, leaving their armor and weapons behind in a panic...

The gap between ordinary human soldiers and mechanical soldiers and mechanical dogs is too big. Mechanical life forms are made of hard metal and do not care about bullets, bayonets, or death, but humans are different. They are flesh and blood. If they are hit by a bullet or stabbed, they will be seriously injured or even die. Many soldiers were so hungry that they could only eat wild vegetables to fill their stomachs after a day of tossing and turning without even eating. Their physical strength could not keep up with the robots.

A team of 20 mechanical soldiers chased the deserters to a dilapidated village. There was a thatched house built with bamboo poles and rainproof cloth. A few pigs were eating in the fence next to it. A few stones in a simple tent were burned black in a circle, and a broken aluminum pot with pits was hung on the fire.

A mechanical soldier lifted the tarpaulin and looked at the few skinny humans, a one-legged old man, a woman in her twenties, and two children of two or three years old, who were gathered around a broken pot.

The mechanical soldier's eyes switched to X-rays, and the red mechanical eyes looked at the young woman with her hands on her back.

"Don't do stupid things."

After saying it in the local language, the mechanical hand put down the tarpaulin and walked towards another dilapidated thatched house, and the shed behind him fell into silence...


A gunshot broke the tranquility of the village, and a spark was scratched on the back of the mechanical soldier, and the bullet bounced off. It was a low-quality pistol bullet, a shoddy product produced by a simple workshop. A small hole in the tarpaulin of the shed behind was very conspicuous. In the shed built with the tarpaulin, the old pistol in the young woman's hand was still smoking, and she had a smug smile on her face. The old man and the child didn't care too much.

With a bang, the tarpaulin was lifted, and a black mechanical face with red eyes appeared in front of the people in the shed. Although the mechanical soldiers were all the same, the young woman could still recognize that this was the robot she had just shot from the back. How could it not be injured?

With a bang, another shot was fired, and the bullet once again grazed the mechanical soldier's armor and bounced off. The bullet penetrated the tarpaulin and disappeared outside.

The young woman looked at the mechanical soldier in horror and dropped her pistol. Her frightened eyes stared at the mechanical soldier under the bonfire, trembling all over. The two children next to her were still waiting for the food in the pot to be cooked, drooling while watching.

The mechanical soldier took out a brand new standard pistol from the holster on the mechanical thigh, and pointed the muzzle at the young woman's forehead. Many years ago, the women here used this method to participate in the battle, which eventually led to the death of other women. It could have been Is it worth it to stay out of the war but insist on participating in a man's war?

"I told you not to do stupid things, why didn't you listen." The mechanical soldier said in their language.


The golden cartridge case ejected from the gun and fell to the ground after rolling several times. The young woman fell backwards and lay on her back. The expression on her face gradually solidified. Her eyes seemed to be looking at the heavy rain in the sky through the raincloth. After shooting the young woman, the mechanical soldier He pointed the gun at the one-legged old man. As the man of the family, instead of protecting the young man, he was watching the fun. He should have used the gun to shoot the mechanical soldiers himself instead of handing the gun to a young junior. Another gunshot With a sound, the mechanical soldier walked out of the raincloth shed, leaving the two children in the shed staring at the two motionless adults on the ground in a daze...

More than a dozen gunshots rang out in the dilapidated village. They were the shots fired by the mechanical soldiers after discovering the fleeing enemy. Finally, amidst cries, the team of mechanical soldiers left the dilapidated village...

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