Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 869: Bugs

In ruins.

A ball the size of a table tennis ball appeared at the entrance of a certain underground cave. Its two small wings danced rapidly like a bee. The fan-shaped scanning beam scanned and searched the underground cave in detail. The red fan-shaped beam flashed very clearly in the dark cave. It gives people a very mysterious feeling. Just when it scans a certain corner, the fan-shaped scanning beam suddenly stops and scans a place back and forth. It is a face, an angry man's face. After comparing the face, the result is the one who is hiding. The high-level mutant's facial similarity is 98%, confirming that he is the high-level mutant who is hiding.

For an instant, many Tanuki helicopters remained motionless, and then all turned around and turned towards the cave.

Under the weak light of the red fan-shaped scanning beam, the angry face finally twisted and became violent. Then the detector clicked and smoked and was crushed. The senior mutant Tu Huangdi, holding the scrapped detector in the palm of his hand, hurriedly ran towards the entrance of the cave. He was sure that he He was definitely exposed. There must be a large number of helicopters outside blocking him, but he couldn't get out. If the cave collapsed, he would really be buried underground, and there would be no need for a funeral.

Bullets rained down from the hole like crazy, and all kinds of heavy machine guns and cannons poured out ammunition like crazy. The advanced mutants were still pretty good, especially for a character who didn’t know much about the opponent’s mutation characteristics. It would be crazy to be able to reach the position of the Earth Emperor without two brushes. .

Suddenly, an afterimage passed by the hole in the ground, and then a high-level mutant holding a steel bar appeared next to a low-flying Tanuki helicopter. The figure flickered again, and the steel bar penetrated a ducted fan of the Tanuki helicopter. The engine lost one side of its power. The Civet Cat helicopter emitted black smoke and spiraled towards the ground. It killed a Civet Cat helicopter as soon as it emerged. The Tu Emperor seemed not to be weak.

"He is not only a speed type, but also a fully mutated mutant! Back to the sky!"

The civet helicopter fired lasers, and dense lasers weaved a laser net on the ground. Various shock bombs and flash bombs were thrown out together. All the civet helicopters quickly climbed high to avoid the high-level mutant on the ground. Although the order was very timely, that guy Even though the speed was too fast, the ducted fan engines of three Tanuki helicopters were damaged and then crashed. As expected of humans on earth, they immediately found the weaknesses of the Tanuki helicopters and exploited them.


The fast-moving high-level mutant stopped suddenly. The front chest almost hit a laser beam, and a red mark was burned on the chest. If it stopped any later, it might be broken into two pieces, except for the clothes and pants on the chest, arms and legs. It has become tattered. These small wounds are all caused by lasers. There is no way, no matter how fast humans move, they cannot move faster than lasers.

"Hit it with lasers! Blast it with missiles as hard as you can! Fire electromagnetic pulse weapons!"

This capital city that had been established for who knows how many years was bustling with activity. Countless civet helicopters flew in the air and circled around in a group. Laser beams kept gathering together and moving. There were also tracking missiles bombarding them indiscriminately. The most disturbing thing was What scares people is that every time a helicopter group comes overhead for no apparent reason, their heads will hurt as if they are about to explode, and their temples will jump as if they might explode at any time!

The high-level mutants at the center of the attack were particularly uncomfortable. The most hateful thing was the electromagnetic pulse weapon. Their whole heads were so painful that they had to run hard to avoid lasers and continuously exploding missiles.

The current high-level mutant Earth Emperor is like a broom star. Wherever he goes, people will be unlucky, and they may be killed by scattered shrapnel at some time. Only mutants can see the fast-running high-level mutant Earth Emperor, and those ordinary people Because the speed was too fast, I couldn't see anything clearly, I could only see some shadow passing by.

"All the civet helicopters continue to shoot enemy military forces. Leave this to me."

With a domineering order issued, the civet helicopters turned around and flew into the distance to attack each enemy force without saying a word. If the boss takes action, the kid will definitely die.

The high-level mutant who was running huffing and puffing suddenly found that those nasty helicopters had flown away. Although he felt curious, he could finally take a breath. It felt so comfortable to have his head free from pain. Standing on a collapsed wall, the high-level mutant The mutant took a big breath of air and rubbed his numb and swollen thigh muscles. The muscles were a little warm due to continuous high-speed running.

Click! The advanced mutant suddenly heard the sound of heavy metal objects falling to the ground. He raised his head and found a strange robot standing not far in front of him. It was slightly taller than a normal person. The whole body of machinery and armor was extremely thick. It was an oppressive gray-black color and a triangular machine similar to a mantis. A pair of red eyes on the head stared at him with contempt. Yes, it was contempt. Although the mechanical face was very scary, the expression could still be seen. The advanced mutant didn't know why he could feel it. It was just like that anyway.

"Oh, dirty creature, are you glad those helicopters aren't chasing you?"

The typical villain's scary evil mechanical face with a mechanical mouth with several tentacles spoke. The voice was hoarse and full of evil power, making people feel fear from the soul. The person who spoke was none other than the person in charge of commanding the mechanical army. Transformers, one of several batches of Transformers born later, have a typical Decepticon mentality.

"Not at all, I feel like the situation now is even worse than before..." The senior mutant said helplessly as he stared at the Transformers that had shrunk to human size.

"Tell me the reason for your attack on the Dragon Kingdom, and I can consider making your death less uncomfortable."

The senior mutant Tu Huang shrugged and smiled, looked around, bent down to pick up a folding stool buried in the ruins, opened it and sat down, then took out a cigarette, took a steel bar and quickly slid it on the iron plate. He lit the cigarette with redness, squinted his eyes and took a deep breath in intoxication and blew out the smoke ring, as if he was missing the smell of cigarettes.

"I just want to visit the Dragon Kingdom. The Dragon Kingdom doesn't accept my diplomatic negotiations for me to visit. I can only speak with my fists. Haha, I didn't expect that behind the Dragon Kingdom are you terrible mechanical monsters."

The Transformer walked up to the advanced mutant, stretched out its sharp mechanical hand to grab the cigarette, pulled it out and threw it away. Then the robot hand quickly grabbed the senior mutant's neck and lifted it up before he could react. The mechanical eye shot out a red fan-shaped scanning beam. A detailed scan of the entire body of this unfortunate native emperor was carried out.

"Ho ho... let go... of me..."

Only then did the high-level mutant realize how big the gap was between himself and the robot in front of him. He had no power to resist, and all he could do was to be slaughtered...

The scanning beam scanned the entire body of the advanced mutant in detail. Suddenly, a strange object in its heart attracted the attention of the Transformers. The object looked like a small spider, a small spider? In an instant, Transformers quickly inspected the small object and unexpectedly discovered that the little spider was alive. What is this? Gu insect? Being controlled?

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