Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 873: Have you finished your homework?

The Transformers, who had dealt with the three chaos incidents, turned into fighter jets and flew to Bermuda, where a large number of troops had already been assembled...

The so-called teleportation array was found. It was found on a huge reef in the center of Bermuda. It was very large and very dilapidated. If it weren't for the energy fluctuations, no one would have noticed this coral formation. The platform for marine life will be a magic circle. There is no predictability in the weather in Bermuda. The reason for all kinds of strange phenomena is that this is a chaotic magnetic field area of ​​the earth. This feature meets the basic requirements for setting up a teleportation array. What is the reason? The mechanical army is not interested in understanding the underground mineral veins due to the structure of the earth, and focuses more on the formation.

At this time, three huge warships lined up in an equilateral triangle above the formation, and then used energy to shield the area. The wind would not blow or rain, and the magnetic field would not be disturbed. The Galaxy frigate hovered aside, and a transport plane landed on the On the reef out of the sea.

The engine was shut down, the hatch was opened, and Zhang Xiaowen followed a group of mechanical soldiers onto the reef.

Zhang Xiaowen turned around and looked at the entire reef. It was very big, like a football field. The surface was covered with various coral polyps. Xiao Jing and Jiajia looked at the corals curiously and stretched out their little hands to break off a few pieces and play with them.

"Clean up the array, analyze all the data of the array, and send combat units to defend the array to prevent high-energy creatures from suddenly appearing." Zhang Xiaowen gave the order.

The mechanical soldiers immediately carefully cleaned up the debris on the formation. The door of a huge battleship opened, and a large number of fighter jets flew out to provide warning. In addition, twenty Transformers came to the outside of the formation to deal with the crisis. Zhang Xiaowen saw two Ten Transformers that were as powerful as the Rubik's Cube in those days nodded. These Transformers were powerful combat units manufactured in the later period, all with traditional gray and black violent shapes. As for the first batch of Transformers created by the Rubik's Cube on Earth in the early days, they had been upgraded and then served as The chief officers of each fleet are on duty outside.

Xiao Pan and Zhang Xiaowen were inseparable. Du Heng curiously looked around in the sea next to them, while the two little girls were flying around in mechas.

"Xiaojing, Jiajia, what are you two doing?" Zhang Xiaowen asked curiously.

"Of course we are looking for mermaids. It is said that mermaids could be seen sitting on the rocks here and singing to attract ships to come in. Let's find out if there are really mermaids." Xiao Jing talked to Zhang Xiaowen on the radio while flying.

"That's right." Jiajia followed.

Zhang Xiaowen didn't believe in the mermaid. She turned around and looked at the Transformers who had just arrived from the south of the Dragon Kingdom. She wanted to ask what the mermaid was. Transformers calculated it carefully and then looked at the environment and other details here. , the computer probably calculated something.

"Back to the queen, the magnetic field, it was the magnetic field that interfered with the minds of the crew members and caused them to have hallucinations. Because someone made up the story of the mermaid, the people who come here can't help but make up their own minds about the existence of mermaids after being disturbed, and maybe they will also say It seems like it really happened." The Transformer gave an answer that sounded like that.

If the Rubik's Cube were here, it would definitely think that some unlucky mermaid was teleported here. In the Shenwu Continent, mermaids still really exist...

Zhang Xiaowen had no interest in mermaids, so she allowed the two children to fly around nearby. Under the surveillance of three giant battleships, there was probably nothing that could threaten the safety of the two children, especially one of them was the little princess of the Machinery Empire, and the other The Creator recognizes his sister. If there is any trouble between the two of them, the three battleships might as well be used as mining ships.

The cleaning work was carried out quickly, and the mechanical soldiers controlled the nano-robots to carefully clean up the surface garbage. Judging from the gradually exposed part of the formation, its materials were well preserved, with clear lines and various materials exuding a unique luster, which was very strong.

"Will the disappearance of the Rubik's Cube lead to the opposite world?" Zhang Xiaowen said looking at the beautiful girl Xiao Pan beside her.

Xiao Pan frowned and calculated seriously. This problem was obviously beyond the scope of the computer. The fire heat he had been calculating could not calculate anything valuable based on the current clues. Xiao Pan shook his head and said that he could not calculate it. , Zhang Xiaowen sighed and looked at the formation. She knew that she was a little anxious.

The work was still going on. Zhang Xiaowen sat on a rock and stared blankly at the increasingly clear formation...

after an hour.

It rained heavily again in the sky, and the roaring waves crashed on the outside of the energy shield, causing a huge sound. The lightning and thunder sounded like the end of the world. There was a violent storm outside, but the inside of the energy shield was calm and not even a wave. Zhang Xiaowen was not worried at all about whether she would be caught. The waves rushed in. It would be a damn thing if there were any problems with the three huge battleships here. It was just waves. So what if it was lightning? Didn't you see that the Galaxy was collecting energy outside?

Gradually, the entire array was revealed, with mysterious and complex lines and haloes of various inexplicable metal materials. It was said to be a broken array, but that was relative to its function. In fact, the entire array looked very beautiful and nothing too new. The big difference is that before it was just covered by various coral reef insects in the ocean. When it was seen again, it once again regained the glory of cultivating civilization.

Zhang Xiaowen's side flashed, and a small starship projection appeared. It was the shadow projected by the Rubik's Cube starship on the earth.

All the mechanical beings around lowered their heads and saluted respectfully. Xiaojing and Jiajia also stood quietly and looked around curiously. This was the same big BOSS as the Rubik's Cube, the god of mechanical beings.

The Rubik's Cube projection greeted Zhang Xiaowen with a friendly wave, and then looked at Xiao Jing and Jiajia.

"I haven't seen you for a few months, but you two are still so young. By the way, have you two completed the homework I assigned?" the Rubik's Cube asked kindly.

"Ah! I saw the mermaid, Xiaojing, you saw it too, right?"

Jiajia shook Xiaojing's arm. Xiaojing was stunned for a moment, then nodded understandingly like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Yeah, we saw the mermaid. Come on, Jiajia and I will go see the mermaid!"

Whoosh~ The two children flew all the way out of the reef and hid in the sea. Zhang Xiaowen and the Rubik's Cube Projection looked at the two children speechless. They were caught playing all day without doing their homework. It is a cosmic problem to educate children...

"You came just in time to see what is going on with this magic circle. Several guests came to the earth through this broken magic circle before, including monks from the world of immortality and monsters from the demon world. I suspect that this place is connected to another piece of time and space. Unfortunately, the missing spaceship is also in that world, and now I can only count on you," Zhang Xiaowen said to the Rubik's Cube projection.

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