Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 879: Airport

"It looks like I'm going to quarrel with those old people who are studying to death again. I hope they won't say behind my back that I don't care about propriety, justice and integrity." Princess Junru said helplessly while touching the landing gear of the bomber. Now Princess Junru has many laws and regulations. Letting women appear in public has seriously affected the self-esteem of those pedantic people. It can be said that Princess Junru will definitely be recorded in their notebooks by these scholars.

Rubik's Cube shrugged his shoulders and said there was nothing he could do about it. It would take at least fifty or sixty years to change the pedantic and backward customs and thinking. Don't get me wrong, it's not about changing the minds of those pedantic people who study by rote, but after fifty or sixty years. Now all these fools who are unwilling to accept the new changes are dead...

"Many bombers have been completed. Now I will take you to see what these bombers are used for. Let's go to the airport apron." Rubik's Cube found a flatbed truck for transporting goods, got on it with Princess Junru and Fangfang, and drove away quickly. Toward the tarmac.

The reason why I chose to build a classic World War II aircraft is because this kind of aircraft has a simple structure, is fast to manufacture, and is easy to repair and requires no effort in maintenance. For example, it can be placed directly in the sun without the need for a hangar. If it is windy or rainy, it does not matter. If it is scrapped, just throw it away. Anyway, It's easy to make, no trouble, and has great benefits.

Arriving at the tarmac near the airport, Princess Junru saw a large number of silver-gray bombers parked on the tarmac, and many workers were applying paint and maintenance.

When he got under a bomber, Rubik's Cube checked the four propellers one by one, and then looked at the landing gear. It was okay. It was at least much stronger than the Type 29 Sky Fortress bomber produced during World War II on Earth. If nothing unexpected happened, it would be used for dozens of times. Years are almost not a problem. Fortunately, there are energy collection panels manufactured by the Machinery Empire to collect energy so that they will not have to refuel and pollute the environment.

A flatbed truck loaded with bombs drove up to the bomber. The mechanical soldiers responsible for hanging the bombs and the human students hung the bombs into the bomb bay together. Rubik's Cube took advantage of this moment to conduct a simple pre-flight inspection of the bomber.

To be honest, this is the first time in Rubik's life that he has played with a propeller plane. Helicopters are not included. Propeller planes are the real antiques of the universe. Which of the various battleships in the mechanical fleet is not a super powerful engine? When has it been equipped with a propeller engine? Rubik's cube plans to test it himself. The performance of the bomber is, on the one hand, to check the craftsmanship, and on the other hand, it is to feel the special charm of the propeller aircraft.

After loading the bomb and closing the bomb bay, Rubik's Cube waved to Princess Junru.

"Come on, come up and experience the unique charm of a propeller plane. You will like that feeling."

"Great, I was just about to try it."

Princess Junru looked at the Rubik's Cube and said happily. As for Fangfang, forget it. This child's legs and feet are a little weak when flying in a helicopter. If he flies higher than the helicopter, he will faint.

"This dress is very inappropriate for you. I've prepared a pilot suit for you. You can go change into one in the car over there."

A mechanical soldier took out a green flight suit and gave it to Princess Junru. The curious Princess Junru walked into an armed off-road vehicle and changed clothes in the car. Fangfang was so surprised that she couldn't close her mouth. She looked like a princess in broad daylight. The future queen actually hid in the car to change clothes? Oh my God! So shy!

When Fangfang turned red and covered her face, the car door opened, and Princess Junru, wearing a green flight suit, walked out heroically.

Princess Junru pulled up her hair and tied it back. She was wearing a professional pilot uniform that looked much more energetic than the previous dress. Two mechanical soldiers helped sort out the various functional equipment on the flight suit, and finally took out a pair of earphones and microphones and handed them to Jun. Princess Ru, there is also Princess Junru in the helicopter who can use this thing.

In addition to Rubik's Cube and Princess Junru, there are three mechanical soldiers accompanying them. The crew is composed of five people, two pilots, a navigator and bombardier, a communicator, and a machine gun operator.

The reason why the bomber is equipped with a machine gun operator is because there is a turret on the belly and upper part of the aircraft, equipped with two machine guns, which can deal with simple air threats in an emergency.

Rubik's Cube sat in the main driving position, Princess Junru sat in the co-piloting position, and the other three mechanical soldiers were responsible for other tasks. When Princess Junru sat in the co-piloting position, she saw the densely packed instrument switches on the dashboard in front of her, on her head and on the side of her body. , there are switches on the front and even on the back. The first feeling is that I feel dizzy, and the second feeling is that I absolutely cannot do this job, it is too difficult.

Snapped! Snapped! Rubik's Cube quickly turned on the engine control switch above the head between the main and co-pilots, and then turned on other switches one after another. The other three mechanical soldiers were also busy working, and only Princess Junru looked on blankly.

The four propeller engines on the outer wings began to rotate slowly, and then the speed became faster and faster. Not long after, Princess Junru, who was sitting in the cockpit, felt the plane vibrating slightly. There was a roar outside, and Rubik's Cube reached out to close the porthole. The cockpit is quiet and the sound insulation is good.

The Rubik's Cube pushes the handle to increase propeller thrust and releases the brake system. This classic World War II bomber roars and glides forward slowly...

"I like this feeling..." Rubik's Cube muttered.

Turning on the steering system, the bomber turned around and drove along the taxiway towards the airport runway. The roar of the propeller attracted the attention of the workers working outside the factory. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the taxiing bomber, with expressions on their faces. Incredibly, this was the first time for many of them to see the iron monster they had assembled move.

Under the attention of many people, Rubik's Cube controlled the bomber to taxi to the end of the runway and turn to align with the runway.

"your Highness."

Rubik's Cube, wearing sunglasses that he didn't know where to get, shouted to Princess Junru.


"Say goodbye to the land you love, you will miss it."

After saying that, Rubik's Cube smiled and then lowered the wings, released the brakes and pushed the push rod to increase the engine thrust. The bomber slid forward faster and faster amid a slight shaking and roar...

Normal planes and helicopters are different. The feeling of flying in a helicopter is not as exciting as flying in a normal plane. The faster and faster speed will make people who fly for the first time feel a little uncomfortable physically. Fortunately, the human body in Shenwu Continent is stronger. Earthling, Princess Junru did not vomit on the spot.

In factories around the airport, workers watched in amazement as the bomber became faster and faster. Even the nose landing gear had left the ground and only the main landing gear at the back was still taxiing on the runway. The sound of the engine propeller was deafening.

In the cockpit, the speedometer on the instrument panel showed that the speed had reached the take-off requirement, and Rubik's Cube pulled the joystick...

The main landing gear lifts off the ground and gets higher!

It took off, and the bomber left the ground with a huge roar. People in the factory near the airport were stunned. When they looked at the bomber they had assembled again, their eyes were different. There was fear, shock, excitement, and unbelievable.

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