Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 882: Meeting again

Rubik's Cube opened the closed door behind the cockpit and went out, then closed the door again, then walked along the narrow passage to the bomb bay, stretched out his hand and waved to the camera, and the navigator mechanical soldier sitting at the front of the cockpit pressed the button to open it. bomb bay...

The transmission sound of the hydraulic device sounded, and the bomb bay door opened. The Rubik's Cube standing on the side immediately felt the fierce icy cold wind blowing on him, and his clothes rustled. There were clouds and mist passing under the bomb bay in front of him, and he could not see clearly on the ground. , the Rubik's Cube jumped out of the bomb bay door with a slight leap!

The Rubik's Cube penetrated the clouds and fell downwards, and suddenly the whole body turned into the strongest mechanical form!

The robot hand straightened back and its head moved forward to slightly control the direction of the fall. The facial armor popped out, leaving only a pair of red mechanical eyes. The whole body armor was slightly adjusted, and the whole thing went straight to the roof of the wooden building on the ground like a bomb. The red dot flies away!

It continued to fall. Because the height was too high, the speed was getting faster and faster, and even the metal on the front of the head began to heat up. The Rubik's Cube didn't care. It shook one after another during the fall. That was because it hit different hot and cold airflows. The turbulence caused is just like the impact sound that an airplane always makes when landing, that is, airflow impact.

On the rooftop of the dilapidated restaurant, the handsome zombie raised his head and looked at a small dot in the sky that was coming down again. A familiar aura made him angry. He raised his head, exposed two fangs in his mouth, and roared ferociously at the sky with his blood-red eyes.


No one could understand the language of zombies. Rubik's Cube secretly sighed that this guy was really brave and stood there ready to greet him without even hiding. Did it think it was so powerful that it could withstand its own high-speed collision? Since the other party was so confident about the Rubik's Cube, it was hard to interrupt his plan. So he simply turned on the propellers of the mechanical legs to speed up and hit the confident zombie.

The handsome zombie who was preparing to face the Rubik's Cube was stunned when he saw the Rubik's Cube suddenly accelerate. Originally, he could withstand the impact at a normal falling speed, but now how can he withstand the sudden increase in speed?

Wanting to run but afraid of losing face, the handsome zombie gritted his teeth and simply resisted the impact of the Rubik's Cube...

A patrol fighter in the distance recorded this scene. A small black dot in the sky suddenly hit the roof of a wooden building, and then the wooden building began to collapse...

The Rubik's Cube mechanical fist instantly hit the zombie's pretty face and chest, and then smashed the roof and floors of the wooden building against the painful zombie into the bottom floor. The crushed wood chips and various debris exploded into the whole building. The wooden building was scattered by the shock wave, and it was as tragic as if it had been hit by a cannonball and exploded.

Zombies are good at melee combat, while mechanical lifeforms are even better at melee combat and long-range firepower output. They are all-rounders. When the handsome zombie saw a red-eyed machine man in front of him, he was very surprised. In the past, when he met the machine man on Scar Island, he was beaten into a state of despair. It's normal. After all, I have been suppressed for countless years and have become extremely weak. But now that I am close to recovering, why do I still feel that these agency people are more powerful than me? wrong! This agency man is different from the ones I met before!

Bang! Board fragments were flying. Among the flying board fragments, the head of the beautiful zombie was raised and flew backwards. There was a mechanical foot exerting force on the chin, and the handsome zombie was kicked away.

The handsome zombie flew upside down and smashed into two houses that were on fire after being bombed. The wood rolled into a large house with sparks flying around. The Rubik's Cube exploded fiercely at the foot of the original Rubik's Cube and then hit the flying house like a cannonball. The handsome zombies are out!


when! A heavy metal collision sounded, and the mechanical fist and the zombie fist collided together. The shock wave generated by the huge force pushed the ash, sparks and smoke away in a circle. Unexpectedly, the Rubik's Cube was quite powerful, and the genetically mutated fist actually collided with it. He fought evenly with his high-tech alloy fists. After so many years, he finally had an enemy that he could enjoy a good fight with. Alas, it feels so uncomfortable to be alone in the cold and begging for defeat...

Rubik's Cube thought about it narcissistically. He was so beautiful that he could fight. After the mechanical fist was blocked, Rubik's Cube used his other hand to draw out the Tang Dao from his back and slashed horizontally!

The light of the sword flashed by. Although the handsome zombie dodged backwards, he still could not avoid the Tang Dao's sweep. One of his arms was penetrated deeply into the bone by the Tang Dao and made a white gash. The handsome zombie hurriedly stepped back in pain to avoid the second horizontal slash. , but before he could take a few steps away, he saw the tip of Tang Dao heading straight towards his eyes again...

"If you can, put away your weapons and we'll show you the truth!" the zombie shouted angrily.

"You Biao."

The tip of the Tang Dao almost touched the zombie's cheek and stabbed it. Then he flipped and slashed horizontally, almost cutting off the zombie's head. When the Rubik's Cube slashed at the handsome zombie again, the Tang Dao suddenly stopped in his hand.

Ding! The sharp Tang knife collided with the handsome zombie's slender fingernails, causing sparks to bounce off each other. The Rubik's cube felt nothing, while the handsome zombie's fingernails were almost split open by the cut, and he was forced repeatedly. The handsome zombie who retreated was finally angry and took advantage of the Rubik's Cube's retreat to forcefully twist and claw at the Rubik's Cube with his fingernails!

With long, white fingers, if some nymphomaniac came here, he would definitely scream and cheer, then abandon the motherland and ancestors and join his banner. The black nails scratched through the Rubik's Cube armor, leaving several breaks and a series of sparks, which was a huge threat to all kinds of creatures. The virus lost its meaning when faced with mechanical creatures and did not care about the characteristics of the virus. The sharp nails only scratched the outer metal of the Rubik's Cube's armor. Taking advantage of the opportunity of getting closer, the Rubik's Cube stretched out its nails and swept across the oval face...

laugh……! The sound of scratching leather, the Rubik's Cube feels a bit like scratching strong pigskin, the kind used to make leather shoes.

The handsome zombie, who had mastered Kung Fu, was able to retreat away from the slashing range when the Tang Dao swept over him. The five blood marks on his face were extremely clear, and the dark blood flowing out from the scratches made that handsome long face look a little more... It has a different kind of atmosphere. If a nympho were here, he would definitely scream in distress and even feel resentment towards the Rubik's Cube.

Both sides retreated and stood motionless. The handsome zombie touched his cheek, while the Rubik's Cube flicked its sharp mechanical hand.

"You know what, you pissed me off."

The handsome zombie said in a calm tone, absolutely pretending to be individual. Mo Fang didn't think that this guy was dull at heart, just for his own personality and image.

"Okay, the warm-up is over. Next, I will let you know what fighting is."

Rubik's Cube said indifferently. The Tang knife flipped over, and the blade quickly turned into high-temperature orange-red and various mechanical runes flashed on the blade. The mysterious mechanical characters represented high technology and scientific theorems. At the same time, the armor of the mechanical arm quickly deformed and combined into With a more majestic appearance, the mechanical eyes emit a terrifying red light. The Rubik's Cube holds a Tang knife and looks at the handsome zombie with disdain. It is not as handsome as it is to attract the attention of nymphomaniacs to the Rubik's Cube, but if it really comes down to fighting, the Rubik's Cube says that there is no one second to him. Dare to say first, no matter how fast the human brain is, it cannot be faster than a supercomputer.

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