Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 907: Fierce battle

Amidst the explosion of artillery fire in the sky, the Shenji Pavilion opened the ban on all remaining bronze robots. These robots driven by human souls were restless and ready to move. If the flying boat was not too high, they would definitely jump down and join the battle. There were explosions of gunfire and various falling objects in the sky. This kind of debris makes the gloomy sky full of war. There are only about two hundred flying boats left, and they are still rushing towards the main base airport!

In the sky, an old man with a white beard used a sword to fight off a high-end mechanical soldier. He looked at the mechanical military airport not far below. The densely packed red-eyed mechanical soldiers surrounding the airport made him feel terrified.

"It won't be long before these mechanists will be mine! Descend to attack!"

The sound spread far away. After hearing the order, the low-level monks who controlled the airship steered the airship to lower its head without saying a word. The bow of the ship was facing the dense team of mechanical soldiers. Occasionally, some high-level machinemen jumped from the ship and attacked the mechanical soldiers. At that moment, the multi-tube rotating close-in defense gun opened fire. The fire control radar locked onto it easily and then opened fire rapidly, smashing the machine man who jumped out of the flying boat into pieces like a broomstick.

In the command center, Rubik's Cube is still sitting there motionless. The mere agency workers have not yet posed any threat to the base. Rubik's Cube is worried about the methods they hide behind...

In the sky near the airport, the front flying boat is very close to the ground. It is so close that the low-level monks above can clearly see the densely packed mechanical soldiers below. Machine men versus robots, practicing civilization technology versus technological civilization, and a forest of guns. , the shield Tang Dao is murderous!

Not long after, the flying boat at the front was about to fall to the ground. After calculation, it was known that the opponent was going to land in the area. After that, the mechanical soldiers in the area jumped up and stepped on the shoulders of other mechanical soldiers and left.

Countless firearms were aimed at the flying boat in the distance, while nearby mechanical soldiers held up shields and tang knives in defensive formations. They were waiting for the defensive formation on the flying boat to open, and the machinemen inside were also waiting for the defensive formation to close. , as long as the defensive array is closed, the two armies will collide and decide the outcome. The machine man is trapped with a violent soul, while the mechanical soldier is ruthless. Both sides are not afraid of death, which destined the war to be tragic.

Rubik's Cube is not worried. The overall strength of the mechanical soldiers is stronger than those of the trapmen who trapped ghosts. Moreover, the mechanical soldiers have absolute advantages in weapons and numbers.

The bow of the huge flying boat dug into the soil and plowed a ditch. The defensive cover flashed and disappeared. At the moment the defensive cover disappeared, two bullets hit the foreheads of the two low-level monks and lifted their skulls, and then concentrated like raindrops. The bullets covered the entire flying boat. The bronze machine men were either hit in vital parts and collapsed to the ground or were hit in the joints and collapsed to the ground. Only a few jumped off the deck, only to be greeted by shield formations and thrusting Tang knives, mechanical soldiers. The first flying boat was submerged like a tide...

The second, third, and more flying boats hit the ground. A large number of ancient machinemen jumped off the flying boats and rushed into the dense mechanical soldiers...

At close range, the mechanical soldiers with guns simply stopped, and one after another they flicked away their shields and attacked in formation with Tang knives. The shield array was chopped into a jingling sound, and the mechanical soldiers simultaneously hit the shield forward, then flipped the shields and drew out the knives. They worked closely together. The combat effectiveness of mechanical soldiers is much higher than that of chaotic machinemen!

Two hundred flying boats landed randomly around the airport. When a large number of machinemen on the flying boats rushed out, they saw huge steel beasts. They were very unlucky to land in the tanks and armored vehicle camps.

The tank cannon fired violently at the flying boat. Each violent shock would hit the flying boat with shells, blowing the flying boat and the robots who had not yet had time to disembark into pieces. The armored vehicle's machine guns kept firing, and the heavy machine guns drew lines of fire. , the mechanical soldiers coordinated by infantry and tanks used various weapons to clear out the machine men rushing over one after another.

There was a rumble, and rows of heavy armored tanks charged together in a dense formation. These unlucky robots who landed outside the airport were crushed by the rushing tanks. Even if some robots climbed onto the tanks, it was useless. Cutting with a knife will not cause any effective damage anywhere. How can the armor that can withstand high-temperature armor-piercing bullets be afraid of being cut by a knife? The machine man who did not exert any combat effectiveness could only be hit by the mechanical soldiers following behind and fell down. It is the crushed remains of the machine man, and the heavy armored troops are emerging on the Shenwu Continent.

After fighting for a long time, the armed helicopters returning to the base also joined the battle group. The ground mechanical soldiers pushed forward crazily, and the gray-black sea like waves drowned groups of machine people...

A Shenji Pavilion martial soul monk was knocked down in the sky, and the place where he fell was full of mechanical soldiers!

"Get away! You damn machine monsters!" Although he was injured, this martial soul monk's combat power was still formidable. The sword swept across and immediately disabled several mechanical soldiers. Various talismans smashed out and destroyed a group of mechanical soldiers, but in front of him, That's right, countless mechanical soldiers are rushing over. Looking down from the sky, with the martial soul monk as the center, the surrounding mechanical soldiers are constantly rushing forward. The front falls and the back continues. Tang Dao keeps stabbing out sword energy like frost. !

The remains of the mechanical soldiers are piling up higher and higher, and the martial soul monk who was seriously injured is gradually dying. Cutting the hard Tang knife to break through the hard armor of the mechanical soldiers consumes spiritual energy. Gradually, his breathing becomes more and more rapid. When a monk His shortness of breath shows how much his spiritual energy has been consumed...

"help me……"

What responded to him were countless Tang swords flashing with cold light, as well as those ruthless mechanical eyes emitting red light, and densely packed mechanical soldiers still rushing towards the martial soul monk...

Finally, due to negligence, a Tang sword cut a bloody gash on Wuhun Stage's body. Although the injury was not serious, it represented the end of the road for Wuhun Stage monks. The area that had been injured by the high-end mechanical soldiers began to feel a faint pain. One knife, two knifes, more and more knife edges appear...

"I hate it..."

The martial soul monk screamed, a cold light flashed in front of his eyes, and the sharp blade penetrated his neck and emerged from behind. The martial soul monk could even hear the sound of his neck being scratched, and he waved his sword to cut off the head and chest of the robot in front of him that penetrated his neck. There was a pain, and four blades appeared on the chest, and blood was still dripping from the straight and sharp tips...

The mechanical soldiers that surged towards the middle point like a tide slowly submerged the martial soul monk. Only the arms of the mechanical soldiers could be seen raised high and then dropped, and the splattered blood painted bloody patterns on the gray-black metal... …

Time seems to slow down, and the mechanical soldiers continue to attack...

A generation of masters who were looked up to by everyone died in a horrible and desolate way. When the mechanical soldiers continued to rush to other targets, only a pile of flesh was left on the spot. The ubiquitous lasers made it impossible for souls in the martial arts stage to escape. This is a In a life-and-death battle, there is only victory, and failure is only death...

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