Apocalyptic starship

Chapter 909: Connection from the North

Enhanced ultraviolet rays are like sulfuric acid to zombies. Although they are blocked by the rich death energy and cannot directly cause damage to the body, these zombies are still very uncomfortable. They scream and rush to the area where the ultraviolet equipment is located. A large number of high-end mechanical soldiers step forward to stop them. The three Harmony Stage monks and the Rubik's Cube stood motionless in mid-air...

An afternoon has passed unknowingly since the battle with the agents of Shenji Pavilion. The war is still raging around the airport under the dusk. Under the dim sky, the civilians in the distance can clearly see the flickering sky on the horizon.

The combat power of the Rubik's Cube can match that of King Wu and is good at close combat. Three late-stage harmonized zombies may not be able to defeat the Rubik's Cube alone, but together they can still defend themselves undefeated in front of the Rubik's Cube. They are also as good at close combat as the Rubik's Cube. If you add that one, I don't know what. The things sent by the God of Death may really bring trouble to the Rubik's Cube. The Rubik's Cube analyzes the energy characteristics of the opponent's three advanced zombies and they are likely to have some kind of cooperative skills, such as forming a battle formation to fight against the enemy. These need to be fought to know.

"You are a Rubik's Cube, right? The great God of Death has said that as long as you can join us, we will give you supreme status and allow you to go to the world of death to worship the God of Death." The leading zombie threw out a very tempting thing for it. Conditions, what about zombies does the God of Death care more about the mechanical army? Judging from various current signs, the combat effectiveness of the mechanical army is obviously much higher than that of zombies.

"Sit in the well and look at the sky."

Rubik's Cube curled his lips and sneered, "You just went to the world of death to meet the God of Death. What's the difference between talking like this and cursing yourself to death?" Stepping out a leg, a deceleration energy field instantly spreads out. Holding a shield and Tang knife, he almost instantly appeared in front of the leading zombie and launched a ferocious attack!

Ding-ding-dong, sparks flew everywhere, and three high-level zombies fought with the Rubik's Cube. The three zombies stood in a certain formation and continuously used moves to attack the Rubik's Cube trapped in the middle. What they didn't expect was that the Rubik's Cube was very powerful in combat. It was on the left side of the center. Rushing to the right, slashing forward and back, I saw the shadow of the knife flying up and down! The shield blocks the claws of the two zombies, and the other hand swings the Tang Dao across the front, making powerful and domineering moves!

The battle in mid-air was fierce. The Rubik's Cube waved its shield and slammed back a zombie. According to the experience of the zombies, the Rubik's Cube should be slashed forward and then defended from behind. The zombie in front of him quickly defended with all his strength to prepare for the Rubik's Cube Tang Dao to slash him behind. The one who was knocked away by the shield quickly rushed forward again, but what the three zombies didn't expect was that the extremely ferocious Rubik's Cube changed its moves...

Just as he was knocking the zombie away, Rubik's Cube turned around and raised his Tang Dao to scare away the two zombies. Suddenly, he turned around, flipped his shield, and stabbed the zombie with his Tang Dao!


The Tang knife almost scratched the zombie's neck, and there was a blood mark on the originally white neck. They never dreamed that the three of them using battle formations to attack a target would be the first to be injured. After hesitating for a while, they were greeted again. The fierce attack almost disrupted the battle formation.

Under the cloudy sunset, the fight in the sky was extremely fierce. In the middle of the empty space was the Rubik's Cube against three high-level zombies. Rings of concussive halo spread out, giving the impression that it was more like the Rubik's Cube suppressing three zombies than being besieged by three zombies. Zombies punched.

A flying boat parked on the ground in the distance was surrounded by gunfire and gunfire. Only the bow of the ship was protected by a defensive cover. It was surrounded by a sea of ​​mechanical soldiers who were attacking ferociously. A large number of tanks were firing at the defensive formations while crushing them back and forth. Those machinemen and the old man with a white beard in the bow defense array sneered as they watched the battle between zombies and robots in the sky.

"Elder, those zombies seem to be overwhelmed. Should we go up and help?"

"Help? Huh! I hope they all die! Since they were there to watch us fall into crisis, we have to watch their excitement. How many of us are left?"

"Back to the elder, only half is left..."


The white-bearded old man felt a chill in his heart. Although he knew that the casualties would be heavy, he didn't expect it to be so serious. Unless he got what he wanted, it would be difficult to explain to the superiors in the future. You must know that when he came, he was afraid that his fighting ability was not special enough. We have brought in many Shenji Pavilion technicians who are still learning. Most of the people who have died so far are low-level disciples, and many people in the martial spirit stage have also died. The Shenji Pavilion branch has been completely destroyed...

"Now just focus on defense! Just endure this period!"

The old man with the white beard gritted his teeth and decided to go for it. If he succeeded, he would get more than he could imagine. If he lost... isn't cultivating an immortal just about fighting for that glimmer of life!

The remaining agents and monks of Shenji Pavilion began to gather together. The process was brutal. The dense shells and missiles continued to explode. Although the defense was increased when they were gathered together, the attacks they faced were also increased many times. Various precious weapons were used to save their lives. All the talismans were thrown out, and his life savings were burning.

Just when the fight was in full swing at the airport, many communication devices suddenly received a signal...

"I am the Death Scorpion. I am currently sending signals to the whole world in the Ao Country in the northern part of the Shenwu Continent. If any mechanical life receives it, please contact us." In the Ao Country at the northern end of the continent, a huge radio communication device on the top of a mountain is transmitting a signal. The signal took some time to reach the southern part of the mountains, with a delay of several seconds.

The Rubik's Cube was dumbfounded, Mo Yan'er was also dumbfounded, and a large number of mechanical units were also dumbfounded. Information about the Death Scorpions quickly appeared in all mechanical life computers. The first batch of Transformers created by the Creator had strong combat power! Served as the temporary commander of the mechanical army during the Earth period

In the command center, Wang Ziyan, Princess Junru, and a large group of Princess Junru's subordinates stared blankly at the information about the Death Scorpion on the big screen. With its domineering and evil appearance, strong combat power, and absolute loyalty to the Machinery Empire, everyone except Wang Ziyan was killed. The death scorpion's striking appearance scares me. After all, no one can easily accept the terrifying appearance of the giant mechanical scorpion.

"Why are you going to Aoguo! You can't help us in the war here!" Rubik's Cube replied with a laugh and a smile. At the same time, he also intercepted a section of the picture here and sent it to him.

A few seconds later, the huge radio device on the top of Aoguo Mountain received all the signals. The Death Scorpions and the Rubik's Cube were not afraid of the signals being monitored. The reason was very simple. The sound transmission for thousands of miles in the Shenwu Continent used sound and spiritual power, while the mechanical life emitted They are all a bunch of complex radio waves, and they are habitually encrypted and encoded countless times. In addition, there are natural clutter effects during the transmission process. Without special decoders and filtering equipment, all you hear is noise.

Under the huge radio equipment, the four Death Scorpions received the information from the Rubik's Cube at the same time. Knowing that the Creator and themselves were in the same world immediately made the four guys extremely happy. When they saw the chaotic fighting at the airport over there, the four guys secretly regretted that they could not be there. I arrived in a short time. If I had known I would never come to the north, now I can't do anything but stare. I feel so cold when I fly over there and take pictures of cucumbers.

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